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Created May 17, 2018 20:45
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Double Linked List : C++ Implementation
// By your BOI : Yahia B
// feel free to take whatever you would like
#ifndef DLL_H
#define DLL_H
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
template <class T>
struct Node {
T key;
Node<T>* next;
Node<T>* prev;
Node(const T& key) {
this->key = key;
this->next = nullptr;
this->prev = nullptr;
void printData() { cout << key << " "; };
void print() {
cout << " * " << key << ": [addr: " << this << " next: " << this->next
<< " prev: " << this->prev << "] ";
template <class T>
class DoubleLinkedList {
// Constructor for Doubly Linked List
// Destructor for Doubly Linked List
// Searches for a node starting at a location and returns node if found, Else:
// Returns location of where it should be to ensure ascending order
Node<T>* search(Node<T>* location, T key);
// Inserts a node at a specific location
Node<T>* insert(Node<T>* location, T key);
// Insert Nodes into ordered LL from a vector
void insert_from_vector(vector<T> v);
// Insert Node with key N to maintain Ordered Linked List
void insert(T N);
// Print all of Linked List Data
void printData();
// Delete Node with key N
void Delete(T N);
// Returns total number of nodes currently in linked list
int Count_Nodes();
Node<T>* head; // Head of Linked List
int Totalnumberofnodes; // Total number of nodes currently in linked list
// Constructor for linked list
template <class T>
DoubleLinkedList<T>::DoubleLinkedList() {
Totalnumberofnodes = 0;
head = nullptr; // construct a linked list with a null head
// destructor for linked list
template <class T>
DoubleLinkedList<T>::~DoubleLinkedList() {
Node<T>* temp = head;
while (temp != nullptr) { // keep iterating until head is null
temp = head->next;
delete head;
head = temp;
delete head; // delete head
template <class T>
void DoubleLinkedList<T>::insert_from_vector(vector<T> v) {
for (int i = 0; i != v.size(); i++) {
cout << "V [i] is : " << v[i] << endl;
template <class T>
int DoubleLinkedList<T>::Count_Nodes() {
return Totalnumberofnodes;
template <class T>
void DoubleLinkedList<T>::insert(T data) {
Node<T>* N = new Node<T>(data);
Node<T>* pt = new Node<T>(data);
N->next = nullptr;
N->prev == nullptr;
pt = head;
// Case 1 : Empty LL
if (head == nullptr) {
head = N;
// Case 2 : Insert to Head
if (N->key < head->key) {
N->next = head;
head->prev = N;
head = N;
while (pt->next != nullptr && N->key >= pt->next->key) {
pt = pt->next;
// Case 2 : Insert to tail
if (pt->next == nullptr) {
pt->next = N;
N->prev = pt;
N->next = nullptr;
// Case 3 : Insert to somewhere in the middle
else {
N->prev = pt;
N->next = pt->next;
pt->next = N;
N->next->prev = N;
// Delete Node From LL
template <class T>
void DoubleLinkedList<T>::Delete(T key) {
Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>(key);
temp = head;
// Case 1:Node key is Head
if (key == head->key) {
Node<T>* NewHead = head->next;
NewHead->prev = nullptr;
delete (head);
head = NewHead;
while (temp != nullptr && temp->key != key) {
temp = temp->next;
// Case 2:Node doesn't exist
if (temp == nullptr) {
cout << " Error: Node " << key << " Does Not Exist, Cannot Be Deleted"
<< endl;
Node<T>* Next = temp->next;
Node<T>* Prev = temp->prev;
// Case 3: Node is Tail
if (Next == nullptr) {
Node<T>* NewTail = Prev;
delete (Prev->next);
Prev->next = nullptr;
// Case 4: Node is somewhere in between
else {
Prev->next = Next;
delete (Next->prev);
Next->prev = Prev;
bool insertright = false; // bool to tell whether you have reached end of list
// and need to insert right or left
template <class T>
Node<T>* DoubleLinkedList<T>::search(Node<T>* location,
T key) { // Search for node or correct
// spot to put node by checking
// the location, location prev,
// location next
Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>(key);
bool found = false; // bool to say whether you found right spot or not
if (location == nullptr) {
return location;
} // if list is empty then return location
if (location->prev == nullptr && key < location->key) {
return location;
} // if starting at beggining of list and need to append to start return
// location.
while (found == false) { // while not found
if (location->prev == nullptr && location->next != nullptr &&
key > location->key) { // if the previous node is a null and key is
// larger than first element, iterate one
// element
location = location->next;
} else if (location->next == nullptr &&
key > location->key) { // if the previous node is a null and key
// is larger than first element, iterate
// one element
insertright = true;
return location;
} // iterate one element
else if (key < (location->key) && key < (location->prev->key) &&
(location->prev) != nullptr) { // if key is less than the location
// and prev location then iterate
// back
location = location->prev;
} else if (key > location->key && key > location->prev->key &&
location->prev != nullptr &&
location->next != nullptr) { // if key is greater than location
// and key is greater than
// location->prev iterate right
location = location->next;
} else if (key > location->key && key > location->prev->key &&
location->prev != nullptr &&
location->next == nullptr) { // if key is greater than location
// and key is greater than
// location-> but we are at end of
// list, return location and set
// insertright bool as true
insertright = true;
return location;
} else if (key > location->prev->key && key <= location->key &&
location->prev != nullptr) { // if key is greater than
// location-> prev and key is less
// than location key then its in
// the right spot
found = true;
return location;
// insert function
template <class T>
Node<T>* DoubleLinkedList<T>::insert(Node<T>* location, T key) {
Node<T>* temp = new Node<T>(key); // make new node with key
temp->key = key;
temp->next = nullptr;
temp->prev = nullptr;
if (location == nullptr) { // if location is null, its an empty list and
// youre going to create the list with the new
// node
head = temp;
head->prev = nullptr;
head->next = nullptr;
return location;
} else if (location != nullptr && location->prev != nullptr &&
insertright == false) // if its in the middle/end of the list and
// yo dont need to insert right, insert left
temp->next = location;
location->prev->next = temp;
temp->prev = location->prev;
location->prev = temp;
return (location);
} else if (location != nullptr && location->prev != nullptr &&
insertright == true) // if its at the end of the list and you need
// to insert right, insert right
insertright = false;
temp->next = nullptr;
temp->prev = location;
location->next = temp;
return (location);
} else if (location != nullptr && location->prev == nullptr &&
insertright == false) // if the node you start at exists and the
// previous node is a null then you are at
// the beggining and inserting at the
// beginning
temp->prev = nullptr;
temp->next = location;
location->prev = temp;
head = temp;
return location;
} else if (location != nullptr && location->prev == nullptr &&
insertright == true) // if the node you start at exists and the
// previous node is a null then you are at
// the beggining and inserting at the
// beginning
insertright = false;
temp->next = nullptr;
temp->prev = location;
location->next = temp;
return location;
// Print linked list key
template <class T>
void DoubleLinkedList<T>::printData() {
cout << "Current Number of Nodes : " << Count_Nodes() << endl;
if (head == nullptr) {
cout << "Linked list is empty" << endl;
if (head->next == nullptr) {
cout << endl;
Node<T>* currNode = head->next;
Node<T>* prevNode = head;
while (currNode->next != nullptr) {
prevNode = currNode;
currNode = currNode->next;
cout << endl;
#include <iostream>
#include <limits>
#include "DLL.h"
int main() {
DoubleLinkedList<double> *myLL = new DoubleLinkedList<double>();
DoubleLinkedList<int> *myLL2 = new DoubleLinkedList<int>();
DoubleLinkedList<char> *myLL3 = new DoubleLinkedList<char>();
// Insert method 1
// Insert method 2
vector<int> v{0, 4, 1, 2, 5, 6, 3, 200, 34, 54, -2, -5, -6};
// Insert method 3
Node<char> *NewLocation;
NewLocation = myLL3->search(myLL3->head, 'c');
myLL3->insert(NewLocation, 'c');
NewLocation = myLL3->search(myLL3->head, 'b');
myLL3->insert(NewLocation, 'b');
NewLocation = myLL3->search(myLL3->head, 'a');
myLL3->insert(NewLocation, 'a');
NewLocation = myLL3->search(myLL3->head, 'd');
myLL3->insert(NewLocation, 'd');
// Print Stuff
cout << "Linked list data: \n";
cout << "LINKED LIST 1 : " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "LINKED LIST 2 : " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "LINKED LIST 3 : " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "After Deletion of Stuff : \n" << endl;
cout << "LINKED LIST 1 after deleting 0.1: " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "LINKED LIST 2 after deleting 4: " << endl;
cout << endl;
cout << "LINKED LIST 3 after deleting a: " << endl;
cout << endl;
return 0;
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