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Created May 14, 2020 17:51
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//#define run
using BenchmarkDotNet.Attributes;
using BenchmarkDotNet.Running;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Diagnostics;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
namespace SwitchGenerator
internal class Program
private static void Main(string[] args)
#if run
#if run
private static void Test()
foreach (var val in Resource.AllTypeNames)
Debug.Assert(HashSwitch.Switch(val) == TrieSwitch.SafeSwitch(val));
Debug.Assert(HashSwitch.Switch(val) == TrieSwitch.UnsafeSwitch(val));
private static void BenchmarkSwitches()
var summary = BenchmarkRunner.Run<Benchmarks>();
private static void GenerateSwitches()
private static void GenerateTrieSwitch()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("using System;");
sb.AppendLine("public class TrieSwitch");
sb.AppendLine(" public unsafe static int UnsafeSwitch(string val)");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
GenerateTrieSwitch(sb, unzafe: true);
sb.AppendLine(" }");
sb.AppendLine(" public static int SafeSwitch(string val)");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
GenerateTrieSwitch(sb, unzafe: false);
sb.AppendLine(" }");
var result = sb.ToString();
File.WriteAllText(@"../../../TrieSwitch.cs", sb.ToString());
private static void GenerateTrieSwitch(StringBuilder sb, bool unzafe)
var minLength = Resource.AllTypeNames.Min(t => t.Length);
var maxLength = Resource.AllTypeNames.Max(t => t.Length);
var caseToLookup = new Dictionary<string, int>();
for (var i = 0; i < Resource.AllTypeNames.Length; i++)
caseToLookup[Resource.AllTypeNames[i]] = i + 1;
sb.AppendLine(" var length = val.Length;");
if (unzafe)
sb.AppendLine($" fixed (char* chars = val)");
sb.AppendLine(" switch (length)");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
var orderedGroups = Resource.AllTypeNames.GroupBy(t => t.Length).OrderBy(t => t.Key);
foreach (var group in orderedGroups)
sb.AppendLine($" case {group.Key}:");
GenerateTrie(sb, unzafe, group.ToArray(), caseToLookup, charIndex: 0, indent: 3);
sb.AppendLine(" return 0;");
sb.AppendLine(" }");
sb.AppendLine(" return 0;");
private static void GenerateTrie(
StringBuilder sb, bool unzafe, string[] cases,
Dictionary<string, int> caseToRetVal,
int charIndex, int indent)
var lookup = cases.ToLookup(t => t[charIndex]);
var variable = unzafe ? "chars" : "val";
Debug.Assert(lookup.Count > 0);
if (lookup.Count == 1)
var grouping = lookup.First();
var childCases = grouping.ToArray();
var first = childCases[0];
int matchingChars = 1;
while (matchingChars + charIndex < first.Length)
if (childCases.All(x => x[charIndex + matchingChars] == first[charIndex + matchingChars]))
if (matchingChars >= 16 && !unzafe)
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, $"if ({variable}.AsSpan({charIndex}, {matchingChars}).SequenceEqual(\"{first[charIndex..(charIndex + matchingChars)]}\"))");
Recurse(sb, unzafe, caseToRetVal, charIndex + matchingChars - 1, indent, childCases);
if (childCases.Length == 1)
var singleCase = childCases[0];
WriteIndented(sb, indent, $"if ({variable}[{charIndex}] == '{grouping.Key}'");
for (var i = charIndex + 1; i < singleCase.Length; i++)
sb.Append($" && {variable}[{i}] == '{singleCase[i]}'");
Recurse(sb, unzafe, caseToRetVal, singleCase.Length - 1, indent, childCases);
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, $"if ({variable}[{charIndex}] == '{grouping.Key}')");
Recurse(sb, unzafe, caseToRetVal, charIndex, indent, childCases);
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, $"switch ({variable}[{charIndex}])");
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, "{");
var atEnd = charIndex == cases[0].Length - 1;
foreach (var grouping in lookup)
if (atEnd)
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, $"case '{grouping.Key}':");
Recurse(sb, unzafe, caseToRetVal, charIndex, indent, grouping.ToArray());
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, $"case '{grouping.Key}':");
Recurse(sb, unzafe, caseToRetVal, charIndex, indent, grouping.ToArray());
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent + 1, "return 0;");
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent, "}");
private static void Recurse(
StringBuilder sb, bool unzafe,
Dictionary<string, int> caseToRetVal,
int charIndex, int indent, string[] cases)
var match = cases.SingleOrDefault(t => t.Length == charIndex + 1);
var rest = cases.Where(t => t != match).ToArray();
if (match != null)
Debug.Assert(rest.Length == 0);
WriteIndentedLine(sb, indent + 1, $"return {caseToRetVal[match]};");
if (rest.Length > 0)
GenerateTrie(sb, unzafe, rest, caseToRetVal, charIndex + 1, indent + 1);
private static void WriteIndentedLine(StringBuilder sb, int indent, string v)
WriteIndented(sb, indent, v);
private static void WriteIndented(StringBuilder sb, int indent, string v)
private static string WriteIndent(int indent)
return string.Join("", Enumerable.Repeat(" ", indent));
private static void GenerateHashSwitch()
var sb = new StringBuilder();
sb.AppendLine("public class HashSwitch");
sb.AppendLine(" public static int Switch(string val)");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
sb.AppendLine(" switch (val)");
sb.AppendLine(" {");
sb.AppendLine(" default: return 0;");
for (var i = 0; i < Resource.AllTypeNames.Length; i++)
sb.AppendLine($" case \"{Resource.AllTypeNames[i]}\": return {i + 1};");
sb.AppendLine(" }");
sb.AppendLine(" }");
File.WriteAllText(@"../../../HashSwitch.cs", sb.ToString());
#if run
public class Benchmarks
public void HashSwitch()
foreach (var value in Resource.AllTypeNames)
public void SafeTrieSwitch()
foreach (var value in Resource.AllTypeNames)
public void UnsafeTrieSwitch()
foreach (var value in Resource.AllTypeNames)
internal static class Resource
public static string[] AllTypeNames = new[]
public static string[] TenPercentTypeNames = AllTypeNames.Select((x, i) => (x, i)).Where(_ => _.i % 10 == 0).Select(x => x.x).ToArray();
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