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Last active November 21, 2021 07:49
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example implementation of non-recursive convolutional code

Convolutional Code Gist

This gist includes multiple files. However, these are all just snippets taken from the main file for the sake of explanations in my medium post. To run, you only need

def __init__(self, generators: tuple):
:param generators: each element in the tuple represents a single generator polynomial. The convention
we use is: 1+D = b011 = 3 (and not 1+D=6).
self.n = len(generators)
self.k = 1
self.rate = self.k / self.n
self.constraint_length = math.floor(math.log(max(generators), 2))
self.number_of_states = 2 ** self.constraint_length
self.state_space = tuple(range(self.number_of_states))
self.generators = generators
import math
class DecodingError(Exception):
"""Raised if no path ends in the zero state"""
class TrellisPath:
def __init__(self, last_state=0):
self._path_metric = 0
self._path = [last_state]
self._last_state = last_state
self._bits_input = [None]
self._len = 1
def add_2_path(self, state, branch_metric, bits_input):
self._last_state = state
self._path_metric += branch_metric
self._len += 1
def get_path(self):
return self._path.copy()
def path_metric(self):
return self._path_metric
def last_state(self):
return self._last_state
def input_bits(self):
return self._bits_input
def __repr__(self):
return " -> ".join(map(str, self._path))
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def duplicate_path(cls, path):
if not isinstance(path, TrellisPath):
raise ValueError("must receive a valid path")
new_path = TrellisPath()
new_path._path = path._path.copy()
new_path._path_metric = path._path_metric
new_path._last_state = path._last_state
new_path._bits_input = path._bits_input.copy()
new_path._len = path._len
return new_path
class ConvolutionalCode:
"""The code assumes zero state termination, and k=1"""
def __init__(self, generators: tuple):
:param generators: each element in the tuple represents a single generator polynomial. The convention
we use is: 1+D =b011 = 3 (and not 1+D=6).
self.n = len(generators)
self.k = 1
self.rate = self.k / self.n
self.constraint_length = math.floor(math.log(max(generators), 2))
self.number_of_states = 2 ** self.constraint_length
self.state_space = tuple(range(self.number_of_states))
self.generators = generators
def _build_fsm(self, generators: tuple):
possible_inputs = tuple(range(2 ** self.k))
self.next_states = {}
self.out_bits = {}
for current_state in self.state_space:
self.next_states[current_state] = {}
self.out_bits[current_state] = {}
for current_input in possible_inputs:
new_state = (current_input << (self.constraint_length - 1)) + (current_state >> self.k)
self.next_states[current_state][current_input] = new_state
tmp = []
for fwd in generators:
bit_reversed_fwd = int('{:0{width}b}'.format(fwd, width=self.constraint_length+1)[::-1], 2)
lsr = (current_input << self.constraint_length) + current_state
generator_masked_sum_arg = bit_reversed_fwd & (lsr) # mask input and state with fwd
tmp.append(bin(generator_masked_sum_arg).count("1") % 2) # sum bit mod 2 (XOR)
self.out_bits[current_state][current_input] = tuple(tmp)
def encode(self, data: bytes) -> list[int]:
encode input data bytes
:param data: date to be encoded
:return: encoded data bits, as a list of integers of value 0 or 1
:rtype: bytes
input_bits = [0] * (self.constraint_length + len(data) * 8)
coded_bits = [0] * int(len(input_bits)/self.rate)
for byte_idx, byt in enumerate(data):
bits = '{:08b}'.format(byt)
input_bits[8*byte_idx:8*byte_idx+8] = bits
current_state = 0
for bit_idx, bit in enumerate(input_bits):
outputs = list(self.out_bits[current_state][int(bit)])
coded_bits[self.n*bit_idx: self.n*(bit_idx+1)] = outputs
current_state = self.next_states[current_state][int(bit)]
return coded_bits
def decode(self, data: list[int]) -> (bytes, int):
decode data bytes
:param data: coded data to be decoded, list of ints representing each received bit.
:return: return a tuple of decoded data, and the amount of corrected errors.
:rtype: (bytes, int)
The function assumes initial and final state of encoder was at the zero state
received_codewords = [tuple(data[i: i+self.n]) for i in range(0, len(data), self.n)]
surviving_paths = [TrellisPath()]
for codeword in received_codewords: # iterate over time (received codewords)
# obtain branch metrics
possible_transitions = []
# find branch metrics
for path in surviving_paths:
for possible_input in range(2**self.k):
# for each path and possible input find possible output, and branch metric
last_state = path.last_state()
next_state = self.next_states[last_state][possible_input]
possible_output = self.out_bits[last_state][possible_input]
branch_metric = sum(tuple(possible_output[i]^codeword[i] for i in range(len(codeword))))
possible_transitions.append([next_state, branch_metric + path.path_metric(), branch_metric, path,
# select survivors by inspecting paths entering a state
new_paths = []
for state in self.state_space:
entering_paths = tuple(filter(lambda x: x[0] == state, possible_transitions))
# initially there may be less paths than states, since we assume initialization at zero state
if len(entering_paths):
selected = min(entering_paths, key=lambda x: x[1])
selected_path: TrellisPath = selected[3]
new_path = TrellisPath.duplicate_path(selected_path)
new_path.add_2_path(state, selected[2], selected[4])
surviving_paths = new_paths
# choose ML path
chosen_path = None
for path in surviving_paths:
if path.last_state() == 0: # as a result of zero tailing
chosen_path = path
if chosen_path is None:
raise DecodingError
decoded_bits = chosen_path.input_bits()[1:-int(self.constraint_length)]
mapped = "".join(map(str, decoded_bits))
decoded_bytes = bytes([int(mapped[i:i + 8], 2) for i in range(0, len(mapped), 8)])
return decoded_bytes, chosen_path.path_metric()
def print_generators(self):
for generator_idx, generator_p in enumerate(self.generators):
binary_rep = '{:0{width}b}'.format(generator_p, width=self.constraint_length+1)[::-1]
function_rep = ""
for bit_idx, bit in enumerate(binary_rep):
if bit == "1":
if bit_idx == 0:
function_rep = "1 + "
function_rep = function_rep + "x^" + str(bit_idx) + " + "
if len(function_rep) > 3:
function_rep = function_rep[:-3]
print("generator no. " + str(generator_idx) + ": "+ function_rep)
def print_fsm(self):
possible_inputs = tuple(range(2 ** self.k))
for state in self.state_space:
for current_input in possible_inputs:
print("current state: ", state, ", current input: ", current_input, ", new state: ",
self.next_states[state][current_input], ", encoder output:", self.out_bits[state][current_input])
if __name__ == "__main__":
# example of constructing an encoder with constraint length = 2
# and generators:
# g1(x) = 1 + x^2, represented in binary as b101 = 5
# g2(x) = 1 + x+ x^2, represented in binary as b111 = 7
conv = ConvolutionalCode((5, 7))
# encoding a byte stream
input_bytes = b"\xFE\xF0\x0A\x01"
encoded = conv.encode(input_bytes)
print(encoded == [1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 1])
# introduced five random bit flips
import random
corrupted = encoded.copy()
for _ in range(5):
idx = random.randint(0, len(encoded) - 1)
corrupted[idx] = int(not (corrupted[idx]))
decoded, corrected_errors = conv.decode(corrupted)
print(decoded == input_bytes)
# example of constructing an encoder with constraint length = 3, and rate 1/3
# and generators:
# g1(x) = 1 + x, represented in binary as b011 = 3
# g2(x) = 1 + x + x^2, represented in binary as b111 = 7
# g3(x) = 1 + x^2 + x^3, represented in binary as b1101 = 13
conv = ConvolutionalCode((3, 7, 13))
# encoding a byte stream
input_bytes = b"\x72\x01"
encoded = conv.encode(input_bytes)
print(encoded == [0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0,
0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 1])
# introduced five random bit flips
corrupted = encoded.copy()
for _ in range(5):
idx = random.randint(0, len(encoded) - 1)
corrupted[idx] = int(not (corrupted[idx]))
decoded, corrected_errors = conv.decode(corrupted)
print(decoded == input_bytes)
def decode(self, data: list[int]) -> (bytes, int):
decode data bytes
:param data: coded data to be decoded, list of ints representing each received bit.
:return: return a tuple of decoded data, and the amount of corrected errors.
:rtype: (bytes, int)
The function assumes initial and final state of encoder was at the zero state
received_codewords = [tuple(data[i: i+self.n]) for i in range(0, len(data), self.n)]
surviving_paths = [TrellisPath()]
for codeword in received_codewords: # iterate over time (received codewords)
# obtain branch metrics
possible_transitions = []
# find branch metrics
for path in surviving_paths:
for possible_input in range(2**self.k):
# for each path and possible input find possible output, and branch metric
last_state = path.last_state()
next_state = self.next_states[last_state][possible_input]
possible_output = self.out_bits[last_state][possible_input]
branch_metric = sum(tuple(possible_output[i]^codeword[i] for i in range(len(codeword))))
possible_transitions.append([next_state, branch_metric + path.path_metric(), branch_metric, path,
# select survivors by inspecting paths entering a state
new_paths = []
for state in self.state_space:
entering_paths = tuple(filter(lambda x: x[0] == state, possible_transitions))
# initially there may be less paths than states, since we assume initialization at zero state
if len(entering_paths):
selected = min(entering_paths, key=lambda x: x[1])
selected_path: TrellisPath = selected[3]
new_path = TrellisPath.duplicate_path(selected_path)
new_path.add_2_path(state, selected[2], selected[4])
surviving_paths = new_paths
# choose ML path
chosen_path = None
for path in surviving_paths:
if path.last_state() == 0: # as a result of zero tailing
chosen_path = path
if chosen_path is None:
raise DecodingError
decoded_bits = chosen_path.input_bits()[1:-int(self.constraint_length)]
mapped = "".join(map(str, decoded_bits))
decoded_bytes = bytes([int(mapped[i:i + 8], 2) for i in range(0, len(mapped), 8)])
return decoded_bytes, chosen_path.path_metric()
def encode(self, data: bytes) -> list[int]:
encode input data bytes
:param data: date to be encoded
:return: encoded data bits, as a list of integers of value 0 or 1
:rtype: bytes
input_bits = [0] * (self.constraint_length + len(data) * 8)
coded_bits = [0] * int(len(input_bits)/self.rate)
for byte_idx, byt in enumerate(data):
bits = '{:08b}'.format(byt)
input_bits[8*byte_idx:8*byte_idx+8] = bits
current_state = 0
for bit_idx, bit in enumerate(input_bits):
outputs = list(self.out_bits[current_state][int(bit)])
coded_bits[self.n*bit_idx: self.n*(bit_idx+1)] = outputs
current_state = self.next_states[current_state][int(bit)]
return coded_bits
def _build_fsm(self, generators: tuple):
possible_inputs = tuple(range(2 ** self.k))
self.next_states = {}
self.out_bits = {}
for current_state in self.state_space:
self.next_states[current_state] = {}
self.out_bits[current_state] = {}
for current_input in possible_inputs:
new_state = (current_input << (self.constraint_length - 1)) + (current_state >> self.k)
self.next_states[current_state][current_input] = new_state
tmp = []
for fwd in generators:
bit_reversed_fwd = int('{:0{width}b}'.format(fwd, width=self.constraint_length+1)[::-1], 2)
lsr = (current_input << self.constraint_length) + current_state
generator_masked_sum_arg = bit_reversed_fwd & (lsr) # mask input and state with fwd
tmp.append(bin(generator_masked_sum_arg).count("1") % 2) # sum bit mod 2 (XOR)
self.out_bits[current_state][current_input] = tuple(tmp)
class TrellisPath:
def __init__(self, last_state=0):
self._path_metric = 0
self._path = [last_state]
self._last_state = last_state
self._bits_input = [None]
self._len = 1
def add_2_path(self, state, branch_metric, bits_input):
self._last_state = state
self._path_metric += branch_metric
self._len += 1
def get_path(self):
return self._path.copy()
def path_metric(self):
return self._path_metric
def last_state(self):
return self._last_state
def input_bits(self):
return self._bits_input
def __repr__(self):
return " -> ".join(map(str, self._path))
def __len__(self):
return self._len
def duplicate_path(cls, path):
if not isinstance(path, TrellisPath):
raise ValueError("must receive a valid path")
new_path = TrellisPath()
new_path._path = path._path.copy()
new_path._path_metric = path._path_metric
new_path._last_state = path._last_state
new_path._bits_input = path._bits_input.copy()
new_path._len = path._len
return new_path
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