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bevy_editor_pls and kayak_ui_integration
use bevy_editor_pls::EditorPlugin;
use bevy::{
math::{Vec3Swizzles, Vec4Swizzles},
use kayak_ui::prelude::{widgets::*, *};
const TILE_SIZE: Vec2 = Vec2::from_array([50.0, 50.0]);
const COLORS: &[Color] = &[Color::TEAL, Color::MAROON, Color::INDIGO];
// ! === Unnecessary Details Below === ! //
// Below this point are mainly implementation details. The main purpose of this example is to show how to know
// when to allow or disallow world interaction through `BevyContext` (see the `set_active_tile_target` function)
/// A resource used to control the color of the tiles
struct ActiveColor {
index: usize,
/// A component used to control the "Active Tile" that moves to the clicked positions
#[derive(Default, Component)]
struct ActiveTile {
target: Vec2,
/// A component used to control the "Ghost Tile" that follows the user's cursor
struct GhostTile;
/// A component used to mark the "world camera" (differentiating it from other cameras possibly in the scene)
struct WorldCamera;
/// This is the system that sets the active tile's target position
/// To prevent the tile from being moved to a position under our UI, we can use the `BevyContext` resource
/// to filter out clicks that occur over the UI
fn set_active_tile_target(
mut tile: Query<&mut ActiveTile>,
cursor: Res<Input<MouseButton>>,
event_context: Query<&EventDispatcher, With<GameUI>>,
camera_transform: Query<&GlobalTransform, With<WorldCamera>>,
window: Query<&Window, With<PrimaryWindow>>,
) {
if !cursor.just_pressed(MouseButton::Left) {
// Only run this system when the mouse button is clicked
if event_context.single().contains_cursor() {
// This is the important bit:
// If the cursor is over a part of the UI, then we should not allow clicks to pass through to the world
// If you wanted to allow clicks through the UI as long as the cursor is not on a focusable widget (such as Buttons),
// you could use `context.wants_cursor()` instead:
// ```
// if context.wants_cursor() {
// return;
// }
// ```
let world_pos = cursor_to_world(window.single(), camera_transform.single());
let tile_pos = world_to_tile(world_pos);
let mut tile = tile.single_mut(); = tile_pos;
/// A system that moves the active tile to its target position
fn move_active_tile(mut tile: Query<(&mut Transform, &ActiveTile)>) {
let (mut transform, tile) = tile.single_mut();
let curr_pos = transform.translation.xy();
let next_pos = curr_pos.lerp(, 0.1);
transform.translation.x = next_pos.x;
transform.translation.y = next_pos.y;
/// A system that moves the ghost tile to the cursor's position
fn move_ghost_tile(
event_context: Query<&EventDispatcher, With<GameUI>>,
mut tile: Query<&mut Transform, With<GhostTile>>,
mut cursor_moved: EventReader<CursorMoved>,
camera_transform: Query<&GlobalTransform, With<WorldCamera>>,
window: Query<&Window, With<PrimaryWindow>>,
) {
for _ in cursor_moved.iter() {
if !event_context.single().contains_cursor() {
let world_pos = cursor_to_world(window.single(), camera_transform.single());
let tile_pos = world_to_tile(world_pos);
let mut ghost = tile.single_mut();
ghost.translation.x = tile_pos.x;
ghost.translation.y = tile_pos.y;
/// A system that updates the tiles' color
fn on_color_change(
mut active_tile: Query<&mut Sprite, (With<ActiveTile>, Without<GhostTile>)>,
mut ghost_tile: Query<&mut Sprite, (With<GhostTile>, Without<ActiveTile>)>,
active_color: Res<ActiveColor>,
) {
if !active_color.is_changed() {
let mut active_tile = active_tile.single_mut();
active_tile.color = COLORS[active_color.index];
let mut ghost_tile = ghost_tile.single_mut();
ghost_tile.color = ghost_color(COLORS[active_color.index]);
/// A system that sets up the world
fn world_setup(mut commands: Commands, active_color: Res<ActiveColor>) {
.spawn(SpriteBundle {
sprite: Sprite {
color: COLORS[active_color.index],
custom_size: Some(TILE_SIZE),
.spawn(SpriteBundle {
sprite: Sprite {
color: ghost_color(COLORS[active_color.index]),
custom_size: Some(TILE_SIZE),
/// Get the world position of the cursor in 2D space
fn cursor_to_world(window: &Window, camera_transform: &GlobalTransform) -> Vec2 {
let size = Vec2::new(window.width(), window.height());
let mut pos = window.cursor_position().unwrap_or_default();
pos -= size / 2.0;
let point = camera_transform.compute_matrix() * pos.extend(0.0).extend(1.0);
/// Converts a world coordinate to a rounded tile coordinate
fn world_to_tile(world_pos: Vec2) -> Vec2 {
let extents = TILE_SIZE / 2.0;
let world_pos = world_pos - extents;
(world_pos / TILE_SIZE).ceil() * TILE_SIZE
/// Get the ghost tile color for a given color
fn ghost_color(color: Color) -> Color {
let mut c = color;
pub struct GameUI;
fn startup(
mut commands: Commands,
mut font_mapping: ResMut<FontMapping>,
asset_server: Res<AssetServer>,
) {
// The UI Camera and the world camera are the same.
// CameraUIKayak is used to tell kayak which camera should render UI.
let camera_entity = commands
.spawn((Camera2dBundle::default(), CameraUIKayak, WorldCamera))
let mut widget_context = KayakRootContext::new(camera_entity);
let handle_change_color = OnEvent::new(
move |In(_entity): In<Entity>,
event: Res<KEvent>,
mut active_color: ResMut<ActiveColor>| {
if let EventType::Click(..) = event.event_type {
active_color.index = (active_color.index + 1) % COLORS.len();
let text_styles = KStyle {
left: StyleProp::Value(Units::Stretch(1.0)),
right: StyleProp::Value(Units::Stretch(1.0)),
let button_styles = KStyle {
min_width: StyleProp::Value(Units::Pixels(150.0)),
width: StyleProp::Value(Units::Auto),
height: StyleProp::Value(Units::Auto),
left: StyleProp::Value(Units::Stretch(1.0)),
right: StyleProp::Value(Units::Stretch(1.0)),
top: StyleProp::Value(Units::Pixels(16.0)),
bottom: StyleProp::Value(Units::Pixels(8.0)),
padding: StyleProp::Value(Edge::axis(Units::Pixels(8.0), Units::Pixels(48.0))),
let parent_id = None;
rsx! {
window={KWindow {
draggable: true,
initial_position: Vec2::new(50.0, 50.0),
size: Vec2::new(300.0, 200.0),
title: "Square Mover: The Game".to_string(),
text={TextProps {
size: 13.0,
content: "You can check if the cursor is over the UI or on a focusable widget using the BevyContext resource.".to_string(),
button={KButton {
text: "Change Tile Color".into(),
styles={KStyle {
top: Units::Pixels(10.0).into(),
text={TextProps {
size: 11.0,
content: "Go ahead and click the button! The tile won't move.".to_string(),
commands.spawn((widget_context, EventDispatcher::default(), GameUI));
fn main() {
.insert_resource(ClearColor(Color::rgb(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)))
.insert_resource(ActiveColor { index: 0 })
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