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Created October 15, 2015 09:04
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VSynth lutspa
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import numpy as np
import vapoursynth as vs
def bool_to_number(function):
def wrapped(*args):
value = function(*args)
return np.where(value, np.array(1.0), np.array(-1.0))
return wrapped
def get_limits(dtype):
info = np.iinfo(dtype)
except ValueError:
info = np.finfo(dtype)
return info.min, info.max
def bitwise_invert(a, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
return np.invert(a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type)).astype("float")
def bitwise_or(a, b, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
return np.bitwise_or(a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type),
def bitwise_and(a, b, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
return np.bitwise_and(a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type),
def bitwise_xor(a, b, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
return np.bitwise_xor(a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type),
def shift_left(a, b, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
int_a = a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type)
return np.where(b >= 0,
int_a << b.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type),
int_a >> (-b).clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type)).astype("float")
def shift_right(a, b, intermediate_type):
limits = get_limits(intermediate_type)
int_a = a.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type)
return np.where(b >= 0,
int_a >> b.clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type),
int_a << (-b).clip(*limits).astype(intermediate_type)).astype("float")
unary_functions = {
"~u": lambda a: bitwise_invert(a, "uint64"),
"~s": lambda a: bitwise_invert(a, "int64"),
"cos": np.cos,
"sin": np.sin,
"tan": np.tan,
"log": np.log,
"exp": np.exp,
"abs": np.abs,
"atan": np.arctan,
"acos": np.arccos,
"asin": np.arcsin,
"round": np.round,
"ceil": np.ceil,
"floor": np.floor,
"trunc": np.trunc,
binary_functions = {
"+": np.add,
"-": np.subtract,
"*": np.multiply,
"/": lambda a, b: a / np.where(b == 0, b + 0.0000001, b),
"max": np.maximum,
"min": np.minimum,
">": bool_to_number(np.greater),
">=": bool_to_number(np.greater_equal),
"<": bool_to_number(np.less),
"<=": bool_to_number(np.less_equal),
"=": bool_to_number(np.equal),
"==": bool_to_number(np.equal),
"!=": bool_to_number(np.not_equal),
"^": np.power,
"%": np.mod,
"&": bool_to_number(lambda a, b: np.logical_and(a > 0, b > 0)),
"|": bool_to_number(lambda a, b: np.logical_or(a > 0, b > 0)),
"&!": bool_to_number(lambda a, b: np.logical_and(a > 0, b <= 0)),
"°": bool_to_number(lambda a, b: np.logical_xor(a > 0, b > 0)),
"@": bool_to_number(lambda a, b: np.logical_xor(a > 0, b > 0)),
"&u": lambda a, b: bitwise_and(a, b, "uint64"),
"|u": lambda a, b: bitwise_or(a, b, "uint64"),
"°u": lambda a, b: bitwise_xor(a, b, "uint64"),
"@u": lambda a, b: bitwise_xor(a, b, "uint64"),
"<<": lambda a, b: shift_left(a, b, "uint64"),
"<<u": lambda a, b: shift_left(a, b, "uint64"),
">>": lambda a, b: shift_right(a, b, "uint64"),
">>u": lambda a, b: shift_right(a, b, "uint64"),
"&s": lambda a, b: bitwise_and(a, b, "int64"),
"|s": lambda a, b: bitwise_or(a, b, "int64"),
"°s": lambda a, b: bitwise_xor(a, b, "int64"),
"@s": lambda a, b: bitwise_xor(a, b, "int64"),
"<<s": lambda a, b: shift_left(a, b, "int64"),
">>s": lambda a, b: shift_right(a, b, "int64"),
ternary_functions = {
"?": lambda condition, left, right: np.where(condition > 0, left, right),
"clip": lambda value, bottom, top: np.clip(value, bottom, top)
class Context(object):
def __init__(self, ops_string):
self._tokens = []
for token in reversed(ops_string.split()):
except ValueError:
self._pos = 0
def reset(self):
self._pos = 0
def pop(self):
value = self._tokens[self._pos]
self._pos += 1
return value
def evaluate(context, x, y):
op = context.pop()
if op == 'x':
return x
elif op == 'y':
return y
elif op == 'po':
return np.array(3.1415927)
elif isinstance(op, float):
return np.array(op)
elif op in unary_functions:
arg = evaluate(context, x, y)
return unary_functions[op](arg)
elif op in binary_functions:
arg2 = evaluate(context, x, y)
arg1 = evaluate(context, x, y)
return binary_functions[op](arg1, arg2)
elif op in ternary_functions:
arg3 = evaluate(context, x, y)
arg2 = evaluate(context, x, y)
arg1 = evaluate(context, x, y)
return ternary_functions[op](arg1, arg2, arg3)
raise ValueError("Unexpected token")
def create_plane(expr_string, width, height, relative, biased, output_format):
def scale(value, maximum):
if relative:
return value * 1.0 / (maximum if biased or maximum < 2 else maximum - 1)
return value
context = Context(expr_string)
plane = np.empty((height, width), "float")
x_list = np.array([scale(x, width) for x in range(width)], dtype="float")
for y in range(height):
plane[y] = evaluate(context, x_list, np.array(scale(y, height)))
plane = plane.clip(*get_limits(output_format)).astype(output_format)
return plane
_planes_cache = {}
def lutspa(clip, mode="relative", relative=True, biased=True, expr="x",
y_expr=None, u_expr=None, v_expr=None, y=3, u=1, v=1, chroma=None):
relative, biased = {
"absolute": (False, False),
"relative inclusive": (True, False),
"relative closed": (True, False),
"relative exclusive": (True, True),
"relative opened": (True, True),
"relative": (True, True)
}.get(mode, (relative, biased))
if chroma is not None:
u, v = {
"copy": (2, 2),
"process": (3,3),
"copy first": (2, 2)
}.get(chroma) or (-int(chroma), -int(chroma))
colorspaces = {
(vs.YUV, vs.INTEGER, 1): "uint8",
(vs.YUV, vs.INTEGER, 2): "uint16",
(vs.YUV, vs.INTEGER, 4): "uint32",
(vs.YUV, vs.FLOAT, 4): "float32"
output_format = colorspaces.get((clip.format.color_family,
if not output_format:
raise ValueError("Unsupported colorspace")
modes_lookup = (y, u, v)
expressions_lookup = (y_expr, u_expr, v_expr)
def lutspa_core(n, f):
frame = f.copy()
for plane in range(frame.format.num_planes):
mode = modes_lookup[plane]
write_array = np.array(frame.get_write_array(plane), copy=False)
if mode < 0:
elif mode == 3:
expression = expressions_lookup[plane] or expr
height, width = write_array.shape
key = (expression, width, height, output_format)
if key not in _planes_cache:
_planes_cache[key] = create_plane(expression, width, height,
relative, biased, output_format)
write_array[:] = _planes_cache[key]
return frame
return vs.get_core().std.ModifyFrame(clip, clip, lutspa_core)
core = vs.get_core()
blank = core.std.BlankClip(width=848, height=480, length=250, format=vs.YUV420P8)
out = lutspa(blank, mode="relative", y_expr="x 0.5 > x 255 * y 255 * &u x y max 255 * ?",
expr="x 255 * y 255 * &u 112 max 144 min",
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