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Last active November 14, 2023 10:26
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<!DOCTYPE html>
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img {
max-width: 100%;
display: block;
figure.figurefx {
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<figure class="figurefx">
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display: none;
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.douban-card--stars-1 {
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.douban-card--stars-0 {
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{{ $dbUrl := .Get 0 }}
{{ $dbType := replaceRE `https://(movie|book)*` "$1" $dbUrl }}
{{ $dbID := replaceRE `.*[0-9]+)/.*` "$1" $dbUrl }}
{{ if eq $dbType "book" }}
{{$items := getCSV "," "static/data/douban/book.csv" }}
{{range $item := $items}}
{{if eq (index $item 5) $dbUrl }}
{{ $rating := float (index $item 6) }}
<div class="douban-card douban-card-book" id="douban-card-book"+{{$dbID}} douban-id={{$dbID}}>
<div class="douban-card--middle">
<div class="douban-card--title">
<a href="{{ index $item 5 }}" class="cute" target="_blank" rel="external nofollow">{{ index $item 1 }}</a>
<div class="douban-card--stars-rating">
<span class="douban-card--logo-dou">豆</span><span class="douban-card--logo-rating">豆瓣评分</span>
<span class="douban-card--stars douban-card--stars-' + stars + '"></span>
<span class="douban-card--rating">{{$rating}}</span>
<div class="douban-card--tags">{{ index $item 12 }}</div>
<div class="douban-card--summary">{{ index $item 2}}</div>
<div class="douban-card--right">
<img src="{{ index $item 3 }}" referrerPolicy="no-referrer" />
{{ end }}
{{ if eq $dbType "movie" }}
{{$items := getCSV "," "static/data/douban/movie.csv" }}
{{range $item := $items}}
{{if eq (index $item 5) $dbUrl }}
{{ $rating := float (index $item 6) }}
<div class="douban-card douban-card-movie" id="douban-card-movie"+{{$dbID}} douban-id={{$dbID}}>
<div class="douban-card--middle">
<div class="douban-card--title">
<a href="{{ index $item 5 }}" target="_blank"> {{ index $item 1 }} </a>
<div class="douban-card--stars-rating">
<span class="douban-card--logo-dou">豆</span><span class="douban-card--logo-rating">豆瓣评分</span>
<span class="douban-card--stars douban-card--stars-' + stars + '"></span>
<span class="douban-card--rating">{{$rating}}</span>
<div class="douban-card--tags"> {{ index $item 12 }}</div>
<div class="douban-card--summary">{{ $.Get 1 }}</div>
<div class="douban-card--right">
<img src="{{ index $item 3 }}" referrerPolicy="no-referrer" />
{{ end }}


{{< card url="" discribe="图1. 通过 Hugo shortcode 插入图片,并在图片底部加入图片描述">}}

Youtube & Bibili


Podcast / Music

{{< music audio="" img="" title="Hold My Hand" author="Lady Gaga">}}


使用的本地数据 {{< douban-card type="book" id="33474750" >}} shortcodes:

最近内容 参考:




{{< terminal "yandaojiang@Daojiang-macbook-pro" >}} [ydj-macbook-pro ~ % wget --2023-01-28 16:21:18-- 正在解析主机 ( 正在连接 (||:80... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 301 Moved Permanently 位置: [跟随至新的 URL] --2023-01-28 16:21:18-- 正在解析主机 ( 正在连接 (||:80... 已连接。 已发出 HTTP 请求,正在等待回应... 200 OK 长度:未指定 [text/html] 正在保存至: “index.html”

index.html [ <=> ] 14.67K --.-KB/s 用时 0.07s

2023-01-28 16:21:19 (209 KB/s) - “index.html” 已保存 [15021] [ydj-macbook-pro ~ % {{< /terminal >}}


目前只实现了效果,没有优化shortcodes. {{< timeline >}}





This repository contains the TCMalloc C++ code.TCMalloc is Google’s customized implementation of C’s malloc() and C++’s operator new used for memory allocation within our C and C++ code. TCMalloc is a fast, multi-threaded malloc implementation.




This repository contains the TCMalloc C++ code.TCMalloc is Google’s customized implementation of C’s malloc() and C++’s operator new used for memory allocation within our C and C++ code. TCMalloc is a fast, multi-threaded malloc implementation.


{{< /timeline >}}




{{< gallery-slider cos="" dir="/posts_images/posts/tech/others/hugo_shortcodes示例/slider-examples" auto-slide="2000">}}


{{< images group_name="gg" mainImg="示例/gallery/0.jpg" cos="" dir="posts_images/posts/tech/others/hugo_shortcodes示例/gallery/in-gallery/" >}}

<!DOCTYPE html>
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{{- $group_name := print ($.Get "group_name")}}
{{- $temp := print "?ixlib=rb-0.3.5&amp;ixid=eyJhcHBfaWQiOjEyMDd9&amp;s=4c747db3353a34b312d05786f47930d3&amp;auto=format&amp;fit=crop&amp;w=600&amp;q=60"}}
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{{- with (.Get "dir") -}}
{{- $files := readDir (print "/static/" .) }}
{{- range $files -}}
{{- $cosurl := print ($.Get "cos")}}
{{- $absoluteUrl := print $cosurl ($.Get "dir") "/" .Name $temp}}
<input type="radio" id={{ $absoluteUrl }} name={{ $group_name}} />
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{{- end }}
{{- end }}
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content: "";
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.audio-player .controls .toggle-play.pause:hover {
transform: scale(1.1);
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display: flex;
.audio-player .controls .time > * {
padding: 2px;
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z-index: 2;
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height: 26px;
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transform: scale(0.6);
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position: absolute;
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z-index: -1;
width: 0;
height: 15px;
background: white;
box-shadow: 0 0 20px #000a;
transition: 0.25s;
.audio-player .controls .volume-container .volume-slider .volume-percentage {
background: coral;
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<!-- partial:index.partial.html -->
<div class="audio-player">
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<div class="progress"></div>
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<div class="play-container">
<div class="toggle-play play">
<div class="time">
<div class="current">0:00</div>
<div class="divider">/</div>
<div class="length"></div>
<div class="name">{{ .Get "name"}}</div>
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<div class="volume-button">
<div class="volume icono-volumeHigh"></div>
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<!-- partial -->
const audioPlayer = document.querySelector(".audio-player");
const audio = new Audio(
{{ .Get "url"}}
() => {
audioPlayer.querySelector(".time .length").textContent = getTimeCodeFromNum(
audio.volume = .75;
//click on timeline to skip around
const timeline = audioPlayer.querySelector(".timeline");
timeline.addEventListener("click", e => {
const timelineWidth = window.getComputedStyle(timeline).width;
const timeToSeek = e.offsetX / parseInt(timelineWidth) * audio.duration;
audio.currentTime = timeToSeek;
}, false);
//click volume slider to change volume
const volumeSlider = audioPlayer.querySelector(".controls .volume-slider");
volumeSlider.addEventListener('click', e => {
const sliderWidth = window.getComputedStyle(volumeSlider).width;
const newVolume = e.offsetX / parseInt(sliderWidth);
audio.volume = newVolume;
audioPlayer.querySelector(".controls .volume-percentage").style.width = newVolume * 100 + '%';
}, false)
//check audio percentage and update time accordingly
setInterval(() => {
const progressBar = audioPlayer.querySelector(".progress"); = audio.currentTime / audio.duration * 100 + "%";
audioPlayer.querySelector(".time .current").textContent = getTimeCodeFromNum(
}, 500);
//toggle between playing and pausing on button click
const playBtn = audioPlayer.querySelector(".controls .toggle-play");
() => {
if (audio.paused) {
} else {
audioPlayer.querySelector(".volume-button").addEventListener("click", () => {
const volumeEl = audioPlayer.querySelector(".volume-container .volume");
audio.muted = !audio.muted;
if (audio.muted) {
} else {
//turn 128 seconds into 2:08
function getTimeCodeFromNum(num) {
let seconds = parseInt(num);
let minutes = parseInt(seconds / 60);
seconds -= minutes * 60;
const hours = parseInt(minutes / 60);
minutes -= hours * 60;
if (hours === 0) return `${minutes}:${String(seconds % 60).padStart(2, 0)}`;
return `${String(hours).padStart(2, 0)}:${minutes}:${String(
seconds % 60
).padStart(2, 0)}`;
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{{ .Get 0 }}: {{ .Get 1 }}
<div class="terminal">
{{ range split .Inner "\n" }}
{{ $line := replace . " " "&nbsp;" }}
<li>{{ printf "%s" $line | safeHTML }}</li>
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{{ .Get 0 }}
{{ range split .Inner "\n" }}
{{ $line := replace . " " " " }}
{{ printf "%s" $line | safeHTML }}
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