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Last active August 18, 2022 08:01
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SwiftUICollectionViewCell, SwiftUIView embed in UICollectioViewCell
import SwiftUI
import UIKit
/// Subclass for embedding a SwiftUI View inside of UICollectionViewCell
open class SwiftUICollectionViewCell: UICollectionViewCell {
static var reuseIdentifier: String {
/// Controller to host the SwiftUI View
private(set) var host: UIHostingController<AnyView>?
private(set) var onPrepareForReuse: (() ->())? = nil
// MARK: Initializers
deinit {
host?.willMove(toParent: nil)
host = nil
// MARK: Public methods
/// Add host controller to the heirarchy
/// - Parameters:
/// - parent: Parent UIViewController
/// - content: View Content
/// - viewModel: ViewModel of `ReusableSwiftUICollectionViewModelCell` for `prepareForReuse`,
/// **Note:**
/// - **In the case creation instance**: The `appear` method of `SwitfUI` is called once at the creation instance.
/// - **In the case of reuse**: The `appear` method is not called because `UIHostingController` already appeared (Reusable cell).
/// The method `onPrepareForReuse` will give you the indication of a reuse of the cell.
/// (like `PrepareForReuse` of `collectionViewCell`)
public func configure(
parent: UIViewController,
view content: AnyView,
inset: EdgeInsets = .zero,
onPrepareForReuse: (() ->())? = nil
) {
self.onPrepareForReuse = onPrepareForReuse
let contentConfigured = content.padding(inset).eraseToAnyView()
if let host = host {
host.rootView = contentConfigured
} else {
let host = UIHostingController(rootView: contentConfigured)
host.didMove(toParent: parent)
host.view.frame = contentView.bounds
host.view.backgroundColor = .clear
host.view.bindFrameToSuperviewBounds() = host
open override func prepareForReuse() {
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