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rough draft idea for a crypto weapon that uses game theory to overthrow Putin.
Assuming Putin doesn’t want to negotiate - the next least catastrophic solution to ending the war would arguably be an internal majority uprising. Why this isn’t already happening could be modeled in the following game theory game:
Take a game of 101 participants that models an autocracy. Let’s say these are the rules:
* You have two actor types: 1) a king 2) the subjects
* The game goes in rounds - first the subjects act, then the king acts.
* The subjects are allowed to object, but cannot coordinate in advance. If 50 or more of the subjects object the king “loses”, and the subjects “win”, and the game is over.
* The subjects have to write their choice on a private card, and then show their cards all at once. The collective utility points gained from the objecting subjects is (n^2), where n is the number of objecting subjects. Each individual experience the collective utility points. So if 50 subjects object, they all experienc
My criticisms of crypto as it is today, Nov 2022:
1) There isn't much product market fit to date - aside from price speculation and fascination with the tech itself, ask yourself, do I actually use this tech for a daily need? To get coffee, to pay a friend, for social media, for streaming services
2) The UX is, generally speaking, terrible - I think we can all agree that the most common products (i.e. Metamask) are terrible to use
3) The space has many centralization vectors - proof of stake (look at the largest staking services and the % of the network they represent), wallet services, RPC services (the degree of which they are hosting nodes on Amazon cloud), NFTs largely pointing to centralized servers, centralized UI's, stable coin companies being centralized and being vectors for fraud/government freezes. Even DAI's collateral is heavily backed by centralized stables.
4) The space feels incredibly circular - i.e. Defi is the act of trading one speculative token for another speculative token.
5) The space
Want to preface this with some info - I have been a big fan of Ethereum since I deep dove into it in Jan 2021. I became captivated by al of the beautiful concepts proposed by the new tech:
1) smart contracts (integrity by auditable code),
2)stable coins (so that transactions could happen stably),
3) transparent transactions ("cant be evil > dont be evil"),
4) ability to own one's own data
5) the breaking of siloed databases
6) digital identity backpacks to potentially remove friction such as constantly filling out forms with the same information each time we go to the doctor's office or sign up for a new platform by housing it on a
7) credibly neutral substrate (with presumable privacy components when armed with ZKP's),
8) true provenance in the form of NFTs, and a potential world of building true online identities via attestations.
That said, this past year has shown me some painful realities of the landscape as it is: