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import math
from math import cos, sin, ceil, floor
import numpy as np
from numpy import arcsin
from numpy.linalg import norm
from .graph_utils import plot_duo, plot_multiple, plot_xy
class FlightModel:
def __init__(self):
Constants used throughout the model
self.g = 9.81 # gravity vector in m.s-2
self.m = 73500 # mass in kg
self.RHO = 1.225 # air density in kg.m-3
self.S_front = 12.6 # Frontal surface in m2
self.S_wings = 122.6 # Wings surface in m2
self.C_x_min = 0.095 # Drag coefficient
self.C_z_max = 0.9 # Lift coefficient
self.THRUST_MAX = 120000 * 2 # Max thrust in Newtons
self.DELTA_T = 1 # Timestep size in seconds
self.V_R = 77 # VR for takeoff (R is for Rotate)
self.MAX_SPEED = 250 # Max speed bearable by the plane
self.flaps_factor = 1.5 # Lift improvement due to flaps
self.SFC = 17.5 / 1000 # Specific Fuel Consumption in kg/(N.s)
self.fuel_mass = 23860 / 1.25 # Fuel mass at take-off in kg
self.M_critic = 0.78 # Critical Mach Number
self.critical_energy = 1323000 # Maximal acceptable kinetic energy at landing in Joules
self.V_R_ok = False # Has VR been reached
self.crashed = False
Acceleration, speed, position, theta and misc variable that will evolve at every timestep.
self.A = [(0), (0)] # Acceleration vector
self.V = [(0), (0)] # Speed Vector
self.Pos = [(0), (0)] # Position vector
self.theta = 0 # Angle between the plane's axis and the ground
self.thrust_modified = 0 # Thrust after the influence of altitude factor
self.M = 0 # Mach number
Lists initialization to store values in order to monitor them through graphs
self.lift_vec = [[], []] # Store lift values for each axis
self.P_vec = [] # Store P values
self.T_vec = [[], []] # Store thrust values for both axis
self.drag_vec = [[], []] # Store drag values
self.A_vec = [[], []] # Store Acceleration values
self.V_vec = [[], []] # Store Speed values
self.Pos_vec = [[], []] # Store position values
self.alt_factor_vec = [] # Store altitude factor values
self.C_vec = [[], []] # Store the coefficient values
self.S_vec = [[], []] # Store the reference surface values
self.Fuel_vec = []
self.thrust_vec = []
# Store angle alpha values (angle between the speed vector and the plane)
self.alpha_vec = []
# Store angla gamma values (angle bweteen the ground and speed vector)
self.gamma_vec = []
# Store angle theta values (angle between the plane's axis and the ground)
self.theta_vec = []
Useful information to print at the end of an episode
self.max_alt = 0 # Record maximal altitude reached
self.max_A = 0 # Record maximal acceleration
self.min_A = 0 # Record minimal acceleration
self.max_V = 0 # Record maximal speed
self.min_V = 0 # Record minimal speed
Action vec for RL stocking thrust and theta values
self.timestep = 0 # init timestep
self.timestep_max = 1000 # Max number of timestep per episode
# Represent the actions : couples of thrust and theta.
self.action_vec = [
[thrust, theta] for thrust in range(5, 11) for theta in range(0, 15)
self.thrust_act_vec = [thrust for thrust in range(5,11)]
self.theta_act_vec = [theta for theta in range(0,15)]
States vec for RL stocking position and velocity
self.obs = [self.Pos[0], self.Pos[1], self.V[0], self.V[1]]
def fuel_consumption(self):
Compute the fuel mass variation at each timestep based on the thrust.
Update the remaining fuell mass and plane mass accordingly
fuel_variation = self.SFC * self.DELTA_T * self.thrust_modified / 1000
self.fuel_mass += -fuel_variation
self.m += -fuel_variation
def drag(self, S, V, C):
Compute the drag using:
S : Surface peripendicular to the drag direction
V : Speed colinear with the drag direction
C : Coefficient of drag/lift regarding the drag direction
RHO : air density
F = 1/2 * S * C * V^2
return 0.5 * self.RHO * self.altitude_factor() * S * C * np.power(V, 2)
def Mach_Cx(self, Cx):
Compute the drag coefficient based on Mach Number and drag coefficient at M =0
if self.M < self.M_critic:
return Cx / math.sqrt(1 - (self.M ** 2))
return Cx * 15 * (self.M - self.M_critic) + Cx / math.sqrt(
1 - (self.M_critic ** 2)
def Mach_Cz(self, Cz):
Compute the lift coefficient based on Mach Number and lift coefficient at M =0
M_d = self.M_critic + (1 - self.M_critic) / 4
if self.M <= self.M_critic:
return Cz
elif self.M <= M_d:
return Cz + 0.1 * (self.M - self.M_critic)
maximal = Cz + 0.1 * (M_d - self.M_critic)
return maximal - 0.8 * (self.M - M_d)
def C_x(self, alpha):
Compute the drag coefficient at M = 0 depending on alpha (the higher alpha the higher the drag)
alpha = alpha + np.radians(0)
C_x = (np.degrees(alpha) * 0.02) ** 2 + self.C_x_min
return self.Mach_Cx(C_x)
def C_z(self, alpha):
Compute the lift coefficient at M=0 depending on alpha (the higher the alpha, the higher the lift until stall)
alpha = alpha + np.radians(5)
# return self.C_z_max
sign = np.sign(np.degrees(alpha))
if abs(np.degrees(alpha)) < 15:
# Quadratic evolution from C_z = 0 for 0 degrees and reaching a max value of C_z = 1.5 for 15 degrees
C_z = sign * abs((np.degrees(alpha) / 15) * self.C_z_max)
elif abs(np.degrees(alpha)) < 20:
# Quadratic evolution from C_z = 1.5 for 15 degrees to C_2 ~ 1.2 for 20 degrees.
C_z = sign * abs((1 - ((abs(np.degrees(alpha)) - 15) / 15)) * self.C_z_max)
##if alpha > 20 degrees : Stall => C_z = 0
C_z = 0
C_z = self.Mach_Cz(C_z)
return C_z
def gamma(self):
Compute gamma (the angle between ground and the speed vector) using trigonometry.
sin(gamma) = V_z / V -> gamma = arcsin(V_z/V)
if norm(self.V) > 0:
gamma = arcsin(self.V[1] / norm(self.V))
return gamma
return 0
def alpha(self, gamma):
Compute alpha (the angle between the plane's axis and the speed vector).
alpha = theta - gamma
alpha = self.theta - gamma
return alpha
def S_x(self, alpha):
update the value of the surface orthogonal to the speed vector depending on alpha by projecting the x and z surface.
S_x = cos(alpha)*S_front + sin(alpha) * S_wings
alpha = abs(alpha)
return cos(alpha) * self.S_front + sin(alpha) * self.S_wings
def S_z(self, alpha):
update the value of the surface colinear to the speed vector depending on alpha by projecting the x and z surface.
S_x = sin(alpha)*S_front + cos(alpha) * S_wings
The min allows the function to be stable, I don't understand why yet.
alpha = abs(alpha)
return (sin(alpha) * self.S_front) + (cos(alpha) * self.S_wings)
def check_colisions(self):
Check if the plane is touching the ground
return self.Pos[1] <= 0
def compute_acceleration(self, thrust):
Compute the acceleration for a timestep based on the thrust by using Newton's second law : F = m.a <=> a = F/m with F the resultant of all forces
applied on the oject, m its mass and a the acceleration o fthe object.
Variables used:
- P [Weight] in kg
- V in m/s
- gamma in rad
- alpha in rad
- S_x in m^2
- S_y in m^2
- C_x (no units)
- C_z (no units)
On the vertical axis (z):
F_z = Lift_z(alpha) * cos(theta) + Thrust * sin(theta) - Drag_z(alpha) * sin(gamma) - P
On the horizontal axis(x):
F_x = Thrust_x * cos(theta) - Drag_x(alpha) * cos(gamma) - Lift_x(alpha) * sin(theta)
# Compute the magnitude of the speed vector
V = norm(self.V)
# Compute gamma based on speed
gamma = self.gamma()
# Compute alpha based on gamma and theta
alpha = self.alpha(gamma)
# Compute P
P = self.m * self.g
# Compute Drag magnitude
S_x = self.S_x(alpha)
S_z = self.S_z(alpha)
C_x = self.C_x(alpha)
C_z = self.C_z(alpha)
if self.Pos[1] > 122:
self.flaps_factor = 1
self.flaps_factor = 1.7
drag = self.drag(S_x, V, C_x) * self.flaps_factor
# Compute lift magnitude
lift = self.drag(S_z, V, C_z) * self.flaps_factor
# Newton's second law
# Z-Axis
# Project onto Z-axis
lift_z = cos(self.theta) * lift
drag_z = -sin(gamma) * drag
thrust_z = sin(self.theta) * thrust
# Compute the sum
F_z = lift_z + drag_z + thrust_z - P
# X-Axis
# Project on X-axis
lift_x = -sin(self.theta) * lift
drag_x = -abs(cos(gamma) * drag)
thrust_x = cos(self.theta) * thrust
# Compute the sum
F_x = lift_x + drag_x + thrust_x
# Check if we are on the ground, if so prevent from going underground by setting vertical position and vertical speed to 0.
if self.check_colisions() and F_z <= 0:
F_z = 0
energy = 0.5 * self.m * self.V[1] ** 2
if energy > self.critical_energy:
self.crashed = True
self.V[1] = 0
self.Pos[1] = 0
# Compute Acceleration using a = F/m
A = [F_x / self.m, F_z / self.m]
# Append all the interesting values to their respective lists for monitoring
return A
def compute_dyna(self, thrust):
Compute the dynamcis : Acceleration, Speed and Position
Speed(t+1) = Speed(t) + Acceleration(t) * Delta_t
Position(t+1) = Position(t) + Speed(t) * Delta_t
# Update acceleration, speed and position
self.A = self.compute_acceleration(thrust)
self.V = [self.V[i] + self.A[i] * self.DELTA_T for i in range(2)]
self.M = self.V[0] / 343
# self.V[0] = 240
self.Pos = [self.Pos[i] + self.V[i] * self.DELTA_T for i in range(2)]
# if self.V[0] > self.MAX_SPEED:
# self.V[0] = self.MAX_SPEED
# Update plot lists
def altitude_factor(self):
Compute the reducting in reactor's power with rising altitude.
alt = self.Pos[1]
a = 1 / (math.exp(alt / 7500))
return max(0, min(1, a ** (0.7)))
def print_kpis(self):
Print interesting values : max alt, max and min acceleration, max and min speed.
print("max alt", self.max_alt)
print("max A", self.max_A)
print("min A", self.min_A)
print("max V", self.max_V)
print("min V", self.min_V)
print("max x", max(self.Pos_vec[0]))
def compute_episode(
Compute the dynamics of the the plane over a given numbero f episodes based on thrust and theta values
Variables : Thrust is a %, theta in degrees, number of episodes (no unit)
This is made for plotting, testing and debugging purposes and will not be used by RL agent.
# switch theta from degrees to radians and store it in the class
self.theta = np.radians(theta)
# Change alpha from rad to deg
counter_cruise = 0
counter_to = 0
thrust_cruise_variation = thrust_cruise-thrust
theta_cruise_variation = np.radians(theta_cruise-theta_takeoff)
theta_takeoff_variation = theta_takeoff-self.theta
for i in range(number_timesteps):
# To be used for autopilot, removed while debugging
# Apply the atitude factor to the thrust
if self.Pos[1] > 3000:
if counter_cruise < 600:
counter_cruise += 1
thrust += thrust_cruise_variation/600
self.theta += theta_cruise_variation/600
elif self.V[0] > self.V_R:
if counter_to < 100:
counter_to += 1
self.theta += theta_takeoff_variation/100
self.theta = np.radians(theta_takeoff)
if self.fuel_mass <= 0:
thrust = 0
self.thrust_modified = thrust * self.altitude_factor() * self.THRUST_MAX
self.thrust_vec.append(thrust * self.THRUST_MAX)
# Compute the dynamics for the episode
if self.Pos[1] > 122:
self.flaps_factor = 1
self.flaps_factor = 1.7
# if self.Pos[1] > 25:
# break
# print("step:", i, " Pos ", self.Pos)
# Plot interesting graphs after all episodes have ended.
if graphs:
self.max_alt = max(self.Pos_vec[1])
self.max_A = [max(self.A_vec[0]), max(self.A_vec[1])]
self.min_A = [min(self.A_vec[0]), min(self.A_vec[1])]
self.max_V = [max(self.V_vec[0]), max(self.V_vec[1])]
self.min_V = [min(self.V_vec[0]), min(self.V_vec[1])]
if kpis:
def compute_timestep(self, action):
Compute the dynamics of the the plane over a given numbero f episodes based on thrust and theta values
Variables : Thrust in N, theta in degrees, number of episodes (no unit)
This will be used by the RL environment.
# switch theta from degrees to radians and store it in the class
# self.theta = np.radians(5)
# action_vec = self.action_vec[action]
# thrust_factor = action_vec[0] / 10
# self.theta = np.radians(action_vec[1])
thrust_factor = (action["thrust"]+5)/10
self.theta = np.radians(action["theta"])
# print('timestep',self.timestep)
self.timestep += 1
# Apply the atitude factor to the thrust
thrust_modified = thrust_factor * self.altitude_factor() * self.THRUST_MAX
# Compute the dynamics for the episode
self.obs = [
self.obs = [
return self.obs
def plot_graphs(self,save_figs=False,path=None):
Plot interesting graphs over timesteps :
-Vertical drag against Vertical speed
-Alpha, Gamma and Theta
-Vertical forces
-Horizontal forces
-Acceleration (x and z)
-Speed (x and z)
-Position (x and z)
-Altitude factor vs Altitude
# Cz = [self.C_z(np.radians(alpha)) for alpha in range(-5,15)]
# alpha = [alpha for alpha in range(-5,15)]
# Series = [alpha, Cz]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Lift coefficient"
# title = "Lift coefficient vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# Cx = [self.C_x(np.radians(alpha)) for alpha in range(-5,15)]
# alpha = [alpha for alpha in range(-5,15)]
# Series = [alpha, Cx]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Drag coefficient"
# title = "Drag coefficient vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Series = [self.Fuel_vec]
labels = ["Remaining fuel (kg)"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Remaining fuel (kg)"
title = "Remaining fuel vs time"
plot_multiple(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# Series = [self.alpha_vec, self.C_vec[0]]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Drag coefficient"
# title = "Drag coefficient vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs)
# Series = [self.alpha_vec, self.C_vec[1]]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Lift coefficient"
# title = "Lift coefficient vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs)
# Series = [self.alpha_vec, self.S_vec[1]]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Vertical reference surface (m2)"
# title = "Vertical reference surface vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# Series = [self.alpha_vec, self.S_vec[0]]
# xlabel = "Angle of attack (°)"
# ylabel = "Horizontal reference surface (m2)"
# title = "Horizontal reference surface vs angle of attack"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# Series = [self.V_vec[1], self.drag_vec[1]]
# xlabel = "Vertical velocity (m/s)"
# ylabel = "Vertical drag intensity (N)"
# title = "Vertical velocity vs Vertical drag intensity"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Force_vec_z = [element * self.m for element in self.A_vec[1]]
Series = [self.alpha_vec, self.gamma_vec, self.theta_vec]
labels = ["Alpha", "Gamma", "Theta"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Angle values (°)"
title = "Angles vs time"
plot_multiple(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Force_vec_z = [element * self.m for element in self.A_vec[1]]
Series = [self.lift_vec[1],self.P_vec, self.T_vec[1], self.drag_vec[1], Force_vec_z]
labels = ["Lift z", "P", "Thrust z", "Drag z", "Total z"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Force intensity (N)"
title = "Vertical forces vs time"
plot_multiple(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# X-axis
Force_vec_x = [element * self.m for element in self.A_vec[0]]
Series = [self.T_vec[0],self.drag_vec[0],self.lift_vec[0],Force_vec_x]
labels = ["Thrust x", "Drag x","Lift x","Total x"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Force intensity (N)"
title = "Horizontal forces vs time"
plot_multiple(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Series = [self.A_vec[0],self.A_vec[1]]
labels = ["Horizontal acceleration", "Vertical acceleration"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Acceleration (m.s-2)"
title = "Acceleration vs time"
plot_duo(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Series = [self.V_vec[0],self.V_vec[1]]
labels = ["Horizontal velocity", "Vertical velocity"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Velociy (m.s-1)"
title = "Velocity vs time"
plot_duo(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Series = [self.Pos_vec[0],self.Pos_vec[1]]
labels = ["Horizontal position", "Vertical position"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Distance from origin (m)"
title = "Position vs time"
plot_duo(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
# Series = [self.Pos_vec[1], self.alt_factor_vec]
# xlabel = "Altitude (m)"
# ylabel = "Altitude factor"
# title = "Altitude factor vs altitude"
# plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
Series = [self.C_vec[0],self.C_vec[1]]
labels = ["Drag coefficient", "Lift coefficient"]
xlabel = "time (s)"
ylabel = "Coefficient (no unit)"
title = "Drag and lift coefficients vs time"
plot_multiple(Series, labels, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=save_figs,path=path)
if __name__ == "__main__":
# Create Model
# Run simulation over number of episodes, with thrust and theta
def max_speed_study():
thrust = 1 # 100% power
theta = 0
number_timesteps = 50000
theta_takeoff = 10
theta_cruise = 2.5
range_vec = []
for i in range(10, 11):
thrust_cruise = 0.65
model = FlightModel()
def TO_angle_vs_TO_dist_study():
thrust = 1 # 100% power
theta = 0
number_timesteps = 1000
dic_results = {}
dic_results_2 = {}
theta_takeoff = 5
thrust_cruise = 1
theta_cruise = 3
TO_length = 5000
for theta_takeoff in range(0, 16):
dic_x = {}
for thrust_val in range(10, 11):
model = FlightModel()
thrust = thrust_val / 10
dic_x[thrust] = int(max(model.Pos_vec[0]))
if min(dic_x.values()) < TO_length:
dic_results[theta] = dic_x
dic_results_2[theta_takeoff] = min(dic_x.values())
distances = list(dic_results_2.values())
angle_values = list(dic_results_2.keys())
angle_values = [angle-0 for angle in angle_values]
Series = [angle_values, distances ]
xlabel = "Take-off pitch (°)"
ylabel = "Take-off distance (m)"
title = "Take-off distance vs take-off pitch"
plot_xy(Series, xlabel, ylabel, title, save_fig=True)
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