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Created January 4, 2019 15:59
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const rAF = window.requestAnimationFrame || window.webkitRequestAnimationFrame || window.mozRequestAnimationFrame || (fn => setTimeout(fn, 16));
function autorun(fn) {
const derivation = new Derivation(fn);
return derivation;
function schedule(derivation) {
if (!!schedule.queue) return schedule.queue.add(derivation);
schedule.queue = new Set([ derivation ]);
rAF(() => {
schedule.queue.forEach(derivation => derivation.evaluate());
schedule.queue = null;
class Derivation {
constructor(fn) {
this.dependency = new Set();
this.evaluate = fn;
start() { this.dependency.forEach(track => track.derivations.add(this)); }
stop() { this.dependency.forEach(track => track.derivations.delete(this)); }
register() {
Derivation.current = this;
Derivation.current = null;
class Track {
constructor() {
this.derivations = new Set();
depend() {
const cur = Derivation.current
if (cur) {
update(changed = true) {
if (!changed) return;
function property(obj, key, value) {
const track = new Track();
Object.defineProperty(obj, key, {
enumarable: true,
get() { return track.depend(), value; },
set(v) { track.update(v !== value, value = v); }
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