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Last active May 10, 2018 23:15
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# basic IoT-Chat app on Pubnub with latest Python SDK #
# import function from standard librairy section: PubNub #
from pubnub.callbacks import SubscribeCallback
from pubnub.enums import PNStatusCategory
from pubnub.pnconfiguration import PNConfiguration
from pubnub.pubnub import PubNub
from threading import Thread
# initialize the client #
# create pubnub configuration object
pnconfig = PNConfiguration()
# set pubnub publish and subscribe keys
pnconfig.subscribe_key = 'demo'
pnconfig.publish_key = 'demo'
# assugn pubnub channel name
my_channel = 'awesomeChannel'
pnconfig.ssl = False
# let assign each user a basic user id for the basic chat app
pnconfig.uuid = 'Yann'
# create pubnub object with pubnub configuration object
pubnub = PubNub(pnconfig)
# adding listenner and publisher and function #
def my_publish_callback(envelope, status):
# Check whether request successfully completed or not
if not status.is_error():
pass # Message successfully published to specified channel.
pass # Handle message publish error. Check 'category' property to find out possible issue
# because of which request did fail.
# Request can be resent using: [status retry];
# create listner object to read the msg from the Broker/Server
class MySubscribeCallback(SubscribeCallback):
def presence(self, pubnub, presence):
pass # handle incoming presence data
def status(self, pubnub, status):
if status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNUnexpectedDisconnectCategory:
pass # This event happens when radio / connectivity is lost
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNConnectedCategory:
# Connect event. You can do stuff like publish, and know you'll get it.
# Or just use the connected event to confirm you are subscribed for
# UI / internal notifications, etc
"hello World! I'm " + pnconfig.uuid + "!!").async(my_publish_callback)
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNReconnectedCategory:
# Happens as part of our regular operation. This event happens when
# radio / connectivity is lost, then regained.
elif status.category == PNStatusCategory.PNDecryptionErrorCategory:
# Handle message decryption error. Probably client configured to
# encrypt messages and on live data feed it received plain text.
def message(self, pubnub, message):
msg = message.message
if type(msg) == dict:
if msg.get('from') != pubnub.uuid:
pass # Handle new message stored in message.message
# let create a function to send the message
def sendMessage():
message = input("Enter:")
# publish the data to the mentioned channel
# message({"from": pubnub.uuid, "Message": message})
{"from": pubnub.uuid, "Message": message}).async(my_publish_callback)
# let call sendMessage function from the thread
T = Thread(target=sendMessage)
# add listner object to pubnub object to subscribe it
my_listener = MySubscribeCallback()
# subscribe the channel (Runs in background)
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