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Last active April 4, 2019 12:58
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Playground that shows propertyLevel encryption for Blockstack (Byte option not included yet)
import Cocoa
protocol Identifiable {
var uuid: String { get set }
protocol Encryptable {
var encrypted: Bool { get }
func encrypt()
func decrypt()
public class EncryptableProperty<T: LosslessStringConvertible>: Encryptable {
var value: T
var encryptedValue: String
var encrypted: Bool
init(value: T, encrypted: Bool) {
self.value = value
self.encrypted = encrypted
self.encryptedValue = ""
func encrypt() {
self.encryptedValue = value.description
func decrypt() {
guard let convertedValue = T(self.encryptedValue) else {
self.value = convertedValue
protocol EncryptableObject {
func encryptObject()
func decryptObject()
struct Test: EncryptableObject, Identifiable {
public let testString: EncryptableProperty<String>
public let testInt: EncryptableProperty<Int>
var uuid: String
init(uuid: String = UUID().uuidString) {
self.testString = EncryptableProperty<String>(value: "Blockstack", encrypted: true)
self.testInt = EncryptableProperty<Int>(value: 5, encrypted: true)
self.uuid = uuid
func encryptObject() {
print("\nEncryption happens")
Mirror(reflecting: self)
.forEach { (property) in
if let encryptableValue = property.value as? Encryptable {
func decryptObject() {
print("\nDecryption happens")
Mirror(reflecting: self)
.forEach { (property) in
if let encryptableValue = property.value as? Encryptable {
let test = Test()
print("Value= \(test.testInt.value) EncryptedValue= \(test.testInt.encryptedValue)")
print("Value= \(test.testInt.value) EncryptedValue= \(test.testInt.encryptedValue)")
print("\nDecrypted value gets updated")
test.testInt.encryptedValue = "6"
print("Value= \(test.testInt.value) EncryptedValue= \(test.testInt.encryptedValue)")
print("Value= \(test.testInt.value) EncryptedValue= \(test.testInt.encryptedValue)")
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