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Created October 16, 2018 10:38
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s2d -> s3d plane renderer.
package h3d.scene;
import hxd.FloatBuffer;
import h3d.col.Bounds;
import h3d.prim.Primitive;
import h3d.Buffer;
import h3d.scene.RenderContext;
import h3d.mat.Material;
import h3d.mat.Data;
import h3d.scene.Mesh;
class S2DPlane extends Mesh
public var root:S2DPlaneRoot;
public var immediateMode:Bool;
private var _dirty:Bool;
private var _bounds:h2d.col.Bounds;
private var _autoresize:Bool;
private var _texture:h3d.mat.Texture;
private var _ppu:Float;
private var _plane:DrawPrim;
public var filter(get, set):Filter;
public var ppu(get, set):Float;
private inline function get_ppu():Float { return _ppu; }
private inline function set_ppu(v:Float):Float
_dirty = true;
_plane.ppu = v;
_plane.invalid = true;
return _ppu = v;
private inline function get_filter():Filter { return _texture.filter; }
private inline function set_filter(v:Filter):Filter
_dirty = true;
return _texture.filter = v;
public function new(parent:h3d.scene.Object, immediateMode:Bool = false, textureWidth:Int = 512, textureHeight:Int = 512, ppu:Float = 1, autoresize:Bool = false)
root = new S2DPlaneRoot(this);
this.immediateMode = immediateMode;
_bounds = new h2d.col.Bounds();
// _autoresize = autoresize; // TODO
_dirty = true;
_ppu = ppu;
// TODO: Optimize by using atlas.
_texture = new h3d.mat.Texture(textureWidth, textureHeight, [TextureFlags.Target, TextureFlags.Dynamic]);
super(_plane = new DrawPrim(textureWidth, textureHeight, _texture.width, _texture.height, ppu), h3d.mat.Material.create(_texture), parent);
inline public function invalidate():Void { _dirty = true; }
override private function sync(ctx:RenderContext)
if (_dirty || immediateMode)
root.getBounds(null, _bounds);
if (_autoresize)
if (_bounds.width > _texture.width || _bounds.height > _texture.height)
var newW = _texture.width;
var newH = _texture.height;
if (_bounds.width > _texture.width) newW <<= 1;
if (_bounds.height > _texture.height) newH <<= 1;
_texture.resize(newW, newH);
_plane.resize(_bounds.width, _bounds.height, _texture.width, _texture.height);
_texture.clear(0, 0);
_dirty = false;
override public function dispose()
_texture = null;
root.plane = null;
root = null;
class S2DPlaneRoot extends h2d.Object
private var plane:S2DPlane;
function new(plane:S2DPlane)
this.plane = plane;
parentContainer = this;
override private function contentChanged(s:h2d.Object)
this.plane._dirty = true;
override private function drawRec(ctx:h2d.RenderContext)
private class DrawPrim extends Primitive
private var _b:Bounds;
private var _w:Float;
private var _h:Float;
private var _tx:Int;
private var _ty:Int;
private var _buf:FloatBuffer;
public var ppu:Float;
public var invalid:Bool;
public function new(w:Float, h:Float, tx:Int, ty:Int, ppu:Float)
this.ppu = ppu;
resize(w, h, tx, ty);
public function resize(w:Float, h:Float, tx:Int, ty:Int):Void
if (_w == w && _h == h && !invalid) return;
invalid = false;
_w = w;
_h = h;
_tx = tx;
_ty = ty;
var hw:Float = (w/ppu)/2;
var hh:Float = (w/ppu)/2;
_b = new Bounds();
_b.addPoint(new h3d.col.Point(-hw, -hh, 0));
_b.addPoint(new h3d.col.Point( hw, -hh, 0));
_b.addPoint(new h3d.col.Point(-hw, hh, 0));
_b.addPoint(new h3d.col.Point( hw, hh, 0));
if (_buf != null)
buffer.uploadVector(_buf, 0, 4);
override function triCount() {
return 2;
override function vertexCount() {
return 4;
override function alloc( engine : h3d.Engine ) {
_buf = new hxd.FloatBuffer();
buffer = h3d.Buffer.ofFloats(_buf, 8, [Quads, Dynamic]);
inline function refill():Void
var v = _buf;
var ww = (_w/ppu) / 2;
var hh = (_h/ppu) / 2;
var i = 0;
var U = _w / _tx;
var V = _h / _ty;
// Top-left
v[i++] = ( -ww); // x
v[i++] = ( -hh); // y
v[i++] = ( 0); // z
v[i++] = ( 0); // nx
v[i++] = ( 0); // ny
v[i++] = ( 1); // nz
v[i++] = ( 0); // U
v[i++] = ( 0); // V
// Top-right
v[i++] = ( ww); // x
v[i++] = ( -hh); // y
v[i++] = ( 0); // z
v[i++] = ( 0); // nx
v[i++] = ( 0); // ny
v[i++] = ( 1); // nz
v[i++] = ( U); // U
v[i++] = ( 0); // V
// Bottom-left
v[i++] = ( -ww); // x
v[i++] = ( hh); // y
v[i++] = ( 0); // z
v[i++] = ( 0); // nx
v[i++] = ( 0); // ny
v[i++] = ( 1); // nz
v[i++] = ( 0); // U
v[i++] = ( V); // V
// Bottom-right
v[i++] = ( ww); // x
v[i++] = ( hh); // y
v[i++] = ( 0); // z
v[i++] = ( 0); // nx
v[i++] = ( 0); // ny
v[i++] = ( 1); // nz
v[i++] = ( U); // U
v[i++] = ( V); // V
override function render(engine:h3d.Engine) {
if( buffer == null || buffer.isDisposed() ) alloc(engine);
override public function getBounds():Bounds
var b = new h3d.col.Bounds();
return b;
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