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Created July 12, 2018 19:07
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  • Save Yanrishatum/bec89c12982a4e438f874fa8f044b4d7 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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var what = requestArgument("Haxe or Hashlink? [HAXE/hl]: ");
if (what.toLowerCase() != "hl") what = "haxe";
else what = "hl";
var currFile = "haxe_ver/." + what + "_current";
var dir = sys.FileSystem.readDirectory("haxe_ver");
var current = sys.FileSystem.exists(currFile) ? : "";
var versions = [];
for (name in dir)
if (name.charAt(0) == ".") continue;
if (StringTools.startsWith(name, what))
var idx = versions.push(name);
if (name == current) name = "[" + name + "]";
Sys.println(idx + ": " + name);
Sys.print("Select version: ");
var char = Sys.stdin().readLine();
if (char != "")
char = Std.parseInt(char) - 1;
if (char >= 0 && char < versions.length)
Sys.println("Setting new version to: " + versions[char]);
if (sys.FileSystem.exists(what)) Sys.command("rm", [what]);
Sys.command("mklink", ["/d", what, "haxe_ver\\" + versions[char]]);, versions[char]);
else Sys.println("Invalid index!");
else Sys.println("No changes were made");
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