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Created April 28, 2023 10:57
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Peacock update script
// Requires Deno runtime, because Node is trash
// Install:
// 1. Put update.ts into peacock directory.
// 2. Create an empty version.txt file (IMPORTANT).
// Usage:
// 1. Turn off server/patcher (duh)
// 2. Run `deno run -A update.ts`
// How it works:
// It fetches latest release from peacock github and checks if the release tag mismatches contents of version.txt file.
// If it mismatches - downloads the lite variant of the release, unpacks it, and copies contents into main directory.
// Then it just saves the release tag and deletes unpacked dir/zip file.
// It requires version.txt to exist because for whatever reason Deno doesn't have "exists" check.
// Frankly should be fairly easy to reimplement in node-compatible way, but I can't be assed.
import * as zip from "";
async function recursiveCopy(path: string, to: string): Promise<unknown> {
const promises: Promise<unknown>[] = [];
for (const de of Deno.readDirSync(path)) {
const fromPath = path + "/" +;
const toPath = to + "/" +;
if (de.isFile) {
promises.push(Deno.copyFile(fromPath, toPath));
} else {
await Deno.mkdir(toPath, { recursive: true });
promises.push(recursiveCopy(fromPath, toPath));
return await Promise.all(promises);
async function main() {
const data = await (await fetch("")).json();
const tag = data.tag_name;
const lastTag = await Deno.readTextFile("version.txt");
if (tag == lastTag) {
console.log("Already on latest version!");
console.log(`Upgrading ${lastTag} -> ${tag}`);
const liteAsset = data.assets.find(a =>""));
if (!liteAsset) {
console.log("ERROR: Couldn't find lite zip!");
await Deno.writeFile(, await (await fetch(liteAsset.browser_download_url)).arrayBuffer());
await zip.decompress(, ".");
const dir =,".zip"));
console.log("Copying over...");
await recursiveCopy(dir, ".");
console.log("Cleaning up...");
Deno.remove(dir, { recursive: true });
await Deno.writeTextFile("version.txt", tag);
await main();
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