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Last active June 20, 2024 15:17
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  • Save YanzhaoW/227c98d9de66c554c05b67ca5c6b6c6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YanzhaoW/227c98d9de66c554c05b67ca5c6b6c6d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
ROOT macro script for the event stitching of neuland and sofia data.
#include "EventStitchingUtils.hpp"
void event_stitching()
// Input set with neuland with a tree name
auto neuland_files = InputRootFiles{ "evt" };
// Add filenames one by one. To make sure the algorithm work, always add the root file with smaller event IDs first
// neuland_files.add_filename("/lustre/land/desha/s455/hit_plus_cluster0360_GTO_1.root");
// Input set for sofia with a tree name
auto sofia_files = InputRootFiles{ "ZcalIt7" };
// Same above
// Output with a tree name and a file name
auto output_file = OutputRootFile{ "evt", "test.root" };
// Setup printing per certain number of events.
// Output will write EventHeader branch from neuland file
output_file.record_branch("EventHeader.", neuland_files);
// Output will write NeulandHits branch from neuland file. The last value is the minimum size. The event will not be
// written if the size of hits is below the value.
output_file.record_tca_branch("NeulandHits", neuland_files, 3);
// Output will write NeulandClusters branch from neuland file. Same above.
output_file.record_tca_branch("NeulandClusters", neuland_files, 2);
// Output will write everything from sofia files
// Begin stitching the events from neuland and sofia
stitch_event(sofia_files, neuland_files, output_file);
// Write the output to a root file
namespace ROOT::Internal::RDF
std::string GetBranchOrLeafTypeName(TTree& t, const std::string& colName);
class InputRootFiles
InputRootFiles(std::string_view tree_name) { data_ = std::make_unique<TChain>(; }
void add_filename(std::string_view filename)
data_->AddFile(, TTree::kMaxEntries);
data_->LoadTree(TTree::kMaxEntries - 1);
auto init() -> TTreeReader&
return data_reader_;
template <typename BranchType>
auto get_value_branch(std::string_view branch_name)
return TTreeReaderValue<BranchType>{ data_reader_, };
template <typename BranchType>
auto get_array_branch(std::string_view branch_name)
return TTreeReaderArray<BranchType>{ data_reader_, };
auto get_reader() -> TTreeReader& { return data_reader_; }
auto get_tree() -> TTree* { return data_.get(); }
std::unique_ptr<TChain> data_;
TTreeReader data_reader_;
class OutputRootFile
OutputRootFile(std::string_view tree_name, std::string_view filename)
: output_{ std::make_unique<TFile>(, "recreate") }
, data_tree_{, "merged tree" }
template <typename BranchType = TObject>
void record_branch(std::string_view branch_name, InputRootFiles& input)
auto branch = std::make_unique<TTreeReaderValue<BranchType>>(input.get_reader(),;
branch_setters_.push_back([this, &input, branch_name, branch = branch.get()]() mutable
{ data_tree_.Branch(, branch->Get()); });
[this, branch = branch.get()]()
if (branch->Get() != nullptr and branch->IsValid())
return true;
std::cerr << "Branch " << branch->GetBranchName() << " cannot be read!\n";
return false;
void record_tca_branch(std::string_view branch_name, InputRootFiles& input, int min_size = 0)
auto branch = std::make_unique<TTreeReaderValue<TClonesArray>>(input.get_reader(),;
branch_setters_.push_back([this, &input, branch_name, branch = branch.get()]() mutable
{ data_tree_.Branch(, "TClonesArray", branch->Get()); });
branch_checkers_.push_back([this, branch = branch.get(), min_size]() mutable
{ return branch->Get()->GetEntries() > min_size; });
void record_all_branches(InputRootFiles& input)
auto* tree_data = input.get_tree();
auto* list_of_branches = tree_data->GetListOfBranches();
for (auto* branch : TRangeDynCast<TBranch>(list_of_branches))
const auto* branch_name = branch->GetName();
auto branch_type_name = ROOT::Internal::RDF::GetBranchOrLeafTypeName(*tree_data, branch_name);
if (branch_type_name.empty())
std::cerr << "Edwin: Cannot resolve the type of the branch " << branch_name << "\n";
if (branch_type_name == "TClonesArray")
record_tca_branch(branch_name, input);
else if (is_inherited_from_TObject(branch_type_name))
record_branch<TObject>(branch_name, input);
else if (branch_type_name == "Double_t")
record_branch<double>(branch_name, input);
else if (branch_type_name == "Float_t")
record_branch<float>(branch_name, input);
else if (branch_type_name == "UShort_t")
record_branch<unsigned short>(branch_name, input);
else if (branch_type_name == "Short_t")
record_branch<short>(branch_name, input);
std::cerr << "Edwin: Type name " << branch_type_name << " is not supported!\n";
auto fill() -> bool
auto is_passed = true;
for (const auto& checker : branch_checkers_)
is_passed &= checker();
if (is_passed and data_tree_.Fill())
if (entry_count % event_print_number == 0)
std::cout << "Total number of the output events: " << entry_count << "\n";
return is_passed;
void init()
for (const auto& setter : branch_setters_)
void write()
std::cout << "Writing output file ... \n";
output_->WriteObject<TTree>(&data_tree_, data_tree_.GetName());
std::cout << "Output file has been written \n";
void set_print_event_number(unsigned int num) { event_print_number = num; }
unsigned int event_print_number = 100;
std::unique_ptr<TFile> output_;
std::vector<std::unique_ptr<ROOT::Internal::TTreeReaderValueBase>> readers_;
std::vector<std::function<void()>> branch_setters_;
std::vector<std::function<bool()>> branch_checkers_;
TTree data_tree_;
uint64_t entry_count = 0;
auto is_inherited_from_TObject(std::string_view type_name) -> bool
auto* type_class = TClass::GetClass(;
return type_class != nullptr and type_class->InheritsFrom("TObject");
void stitch_event(InputRootFiles& sofia_files, InputRootFiles& r3b_files, OutputRootFile& output)
std::cout << "Start Event stitching ...\n";
auto& r3b_reader = r3b_files.get_reader();
auto& sofia_reader = sofia_files.get_reader();
auto event_header = r3b_files.get_value_branch<R3BEventHeader>("EventHeader.");
auto sofia_event_id = sofia_files.get_value_branch<UShort_t>("fEventno");
auto is_not_finished = true;
is_not_finished &= sofia_reader.Next();
is_not_finished &= r3b_reader.Next();
std::cout << "Starting to loop through events...\n";
while (is_not_finished)
const auto r3b_event_number = static_cast<UShort_t>(event_header->GetEventno());
const auto sofia_event_number = *sofia_event_id;
if (r3b_event_number == sofia_event_number)
if (r3b_event_number >= sofia_event_number)
is_not_finished &= sofia_reader.Next();
if (r3b_event_number <= sofia_event_number)
is_not_finished &= r3b_reader.Next();
std::cout << "Event stitching finished\n";
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YanzhaoW commented Jun 19, 2024

How to use

Download these two files into the same folder. In event_stitching.cpp, change the input file names and other information according to your needs.

To run the program:

root -b -q event_stitching.cpp

Contact me if you have any problems or suggestions.

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