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Created October 16, 2017 23:11
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import macros, strutils, sequtils, future
type ForComprehension = distinct object
type ForComprehensionYield = distinct object
var fc*: ForComprehension
proc forCompImpl(yieldResult: bool, comp: NimNode): NimNode {.compileTime.} =
expectLen(comp, 3)
expectKind(comp, nnkInfix)
expectKind(comp[0], nnkIdent)
assert($comp[0].ident == "|")
result = comp[1]
var yieldNow = yieldResult
for i in countdown(comp[2].len-1, 0):
var x = comp[2][i]
if x.kind != nnkInfix or $x[0] != "<-":
x = newNimNode(nnkInfix).add(ident"<-").add(ident"_").add(x)
expectLen(x, 3)
var iDef: NimNode
var iType: NimNode
if x[1].kind == nnkIdent:
iDef = x[1]
iType = newCall(ident"elemType", x[2])
expectLen(x[1], 1)
expectMinLen(x[1][0], 2)
expectKind(x[1][0][0], nnkIdent)
iDef = x[1][0][0]
iType = x[1][0][1]
let cont = x[2]
let lmb = newProc(params = @[ident"auto", newIdentDefs(iDef, iType)], body = result, procType = nnkLambda)
let p = newNimNode(nnkPragma)
lmb[4] = p
if yieldNow:
yieldNow = false
result = quote do:
result = quote do:
macro `[]`*(fc: ForComprehension, comp: untyped): untyped =
## For comprehension with list comprehension like syntax.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let res = fc[(y*100).some | (
## (x: int) <- 1.some,
## (y: int) <- (x + 3).some
## )]
## assert(res == 400.some)
## The only requirement for the user is to implement `foldMap`` function for the type
forCompImpl(false, comp)
macro act*(comp: untyped): untyped =
## For comprehension with Haskell ``do notation`` like syntax.
## Example:
## .. code-block:: nim
## let res = act do:
## (x: int) <- 1.some,
## (y: int) <- (x + 3).some
## (y*100).some
## assert(res == 400.some)
## The only requirement for the user is to implement `foldMap`` function for the type
expectKind comp, {nnkStmtList, nnkDo}
let stmts = if comp.kind == nnkStmtList: comp else: comp.findChild(it.kind == nnkStmtList)
expectMinLen(stmts, 2)
let op = newNimNode(nnkInfix)
let res = stmts[stmts.len-1]
var yieldResult = false
if res.kind == nnkYieldStmt:
yieldResult = true
let par = newNimNode(nnkPar)
for i in 0..<(stmts.len-1):
forCompImpl(yieldResult, op)
proc flatMap[T](s: seq[T], f: T -> seq[T]): seq[T] =
result = newSeq[T]()
for v in s:
template elemType(s: seq): typedesc =
let res = act do:
x <- @[1, 2, 3]
y <- @[100, 200, 300]
z <- @[5, 7]
@[x * y + z]
echo res
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