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Created July 1, 2020 06:36
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import astar, unittest, sets, sequtils, strutils, ropes, sets, options, math, hashes
Grid = seq[seq[int]]
XY = tuple[x, y: int]
template defineGrid(name: untyped, body: untyped) =
## Creates a distinct phantom grid type for using a custom heuristic
type name = distinct Grid
converter toGrid(g: name): Grid = Grid(g)
proc `[]`( grid: name, index: int ): seq[int] = Grid(grid)[index]
## A grid that uses 'asTheCrowFlies' for the heuristic
proc heuristic( grid: CrowGrid, a, b: XY ): float = asTheCrowFlies(a, b)
## A grid that uses 'manhattan' for the heuristic
proc heuristic( grid: ManhattanGrid, a, b: XY ): int =
manhattan[XY, int](a, b)
## A grid that uses 'chebyshev' for the heuristic
proc heuristic( grid: ChebyshevGrid, a, b: XY ): int =
chebyshev[XY, int](a, b)
## A grid that prioritizes nodes on the line to the goal
proc heuristic(
grid: LineToGoalGrid, node, start, goal, cameFrom: XY
): float =
return 1.5 * onLineToGoal[XY, float](node, start, goal) +
asTheCrowFlies(node, goal)
## A grid that prioritizes paths that don't have any turns
proc heuristic(
grid: StraightLineGrid,
node, start, goal, cameFrom: XY,
grandparent: Option[XY]
): float =
straightLine[XY, float](1.2, node, grandparent) *
manhattan[XY, float](node, goal)
type AnyGrid = ## A unified type for all known test grids
proc cost( grid: AnyGrid, a, b: XY ): int =
## Returns the cost associated with moving to a point
return int( grid[b.y][b.x] )
proc grid( ascii: varargs[string] ): Grid =
## Creates a Grid from ascii art strings
result = @[]
for asciiRow in ascii:
var row: seq[int] = @[]
for point in asciiRow:
case point
of ' ': discard
of '.': row.add(0)
of '`': row.add(1)
of '-': row.add(2)
of '*': row.add(5)
of '0'..'9': row.add(parseInt($point))
else: row.add(-1)
template yieldIfExists( grid: AnyGrid, point: XY ) =
## Checks if a point exists within a grid, then yields it if it does
let isValid =
point.y >= 0 and point.y < grid.len and
point.x >= 0 and point.x < grid[point.y].len and
grid[point.y][point.x] >= 0
if isValid:
yield point
iterator neighbors*( grid: AnyGrid, point: XY ): XY =
## Yields the connected neighbors of a point
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x - 1, y: point.y) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x + 1, y: point.y) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x, y: point.y - 1) )
yieldIfExists( grid, (x: point.x, y: point.y + 1) )
proc `$`( point: XY ): string =
## Converts a point to a readable string
return "(" & $point.x & ", " & $point.y & ")"
proc str( title: string, grid: Grid|AnyGrid, path: openArray[XY] ): string =
## Converts a grid to a string
let pathPoints = toSet(path)
var str = rope(title)
for y in countup(0, grid.len - 1):
for x in countup(0, grid[y].len - 1):
if pathPoints.contains( (x: x, y: y) ):
elif grid[y][x] < 0:
case grid[y][x]
of 0: str.add(".")
of 1: str.add("`")
of 2: str.add("-")
of 5: str.add("*")
else: str.add($grid[y][x])
for row in countup(0, int(floor(path.len / 5))):
str.add("\n ")
for i in countup(row * 5, min(path.len - 1, row * 5 + 4)):
str.add(" -> ")
return $str
template assert(
gridType: typedesc, within: Grid, starting: XY, to: XY,
equals: openArray[XY], distance: typedesc
) =
## Asserts a path is created across the given grid
let route = toSeq(
path[gridType, XY, distance](gridType(within), starting, to))
checkpoint( str("Expected", within, equals) )
checkpoint( str("Actual", within, route) )
assert( route == @equals )
proc walk( start: XY, directions: string ): seq[XY] =
## Creates a sequence of points from a string of movements
result = @[ start ]
var current = start
for movement in directions:
case movement
of '<': current = (current.x - 1, current.y)
of '>': current = (current.x + 1, current.y)
of '^': current = (current.x, current.y - 1)
of 'v': current = (current.x, current.y + 1)
else: discard
if current != result[result.len - 1]:
template assert(
gridType: typedesc,
within: Grid, starting: XY, to: XY, equals: string,
distance: typedesc
) =
assert(gridType, within, starting, to, walk(starting, equals), distance)
suite "A* should":
test "Yield a single point when goal == start":
gridType = CrowGrid,
grid(". . .",
". . .",
". . ."),
starting = (0, 0), to = (0, 0),
equals = [(0, 0)],
distance = float )
test "Yield two points for connected points":
gridType = CrowGrid,
grid(". . .",
". . .",
". . ."),
starting = (0, 0), to = (1, 0),
equals = [ (0, 0), (1, 0) ],
distance = float )
test "Yield nothing if the goal is unreachable":
gridType = CrowGrid,
grid(". . .",
". . #",
". . ."),
starting = (0, 0), to = (2, 1),
equals = [],
distance = float )
gridType = CrowGrid,
grid(". # .",
"# # .",
". . ."),
starting = (0, 0), to = (2, 2),
equals = [],
distance = float )
test "Short example":
gridType = CrowGrid,
grid(". * .",
". # .",
". . ."),
starting = (0, 0), to = (2, 2),
equals = "v v > >",
distance = float )
let complexGrid: Grid = grid(
". . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . * * . . . .",
". . . . * * * . . .",
". . . . * * * * . .",
". . . * * * * * . .",
". . . * * * * * . .",
". . . . * * * . . .",
". # # # * * * . . .",
". # # # * * . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . .")
test "Complex example":
gridType = CrowGrid,
within = complexGrid,
starting = (1, 4), to = (8, 5),
equals = "> ^ > ^ ^ ^ > > > v > v > v v v",
distance = float )
test "Using a manhattan distance":
gridType = ManhattanGrid,
within = complexGrid,
starting = (1, 4), to = (8, 5),
equals = "> ^ > ^ ^ ^ > > > > > v v v v v",
distance = int)
test "Using a chebyshev distance":
gridType = ChebyshevGrid,
". . . . . . . ",
". . . . * * . ",
". . . . * * * ",
". . . . 2 2 * ",
"# # # * 2 2 * ",
". . . * * * * ",
". . . . . . . "),
starting = (1, 1), to = (3, 6),
equals = "v v > > > v v v <",
distance = int)
test "onLineToGoal":
gridType = LineToGoalGrid,
within = grid(
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . .",
". . . . . . . . . . . . . ."),
starting = (1, 1), to = (12, 5),
equals = "> v > > > v > > > v > > > v >",
distance = float )
test "straightLine":
gridType = StraightLineGrid,
within = complexGrid,
starting = (1, 4), to = (8, 2),
equals = "^ ^ > > ^ ^ > > > > > v v",
distance = float )
test "Usage as an iterator":
let start: XY = (3, 3)
let goal: XY = (3, 6)
var result: seq[XY] = @[]
for point in path[CrowGrid, XY, int](
CrowGrid(complexGrid), start, goal):
checkpoint( str("Actual", complexGrid, result) )
assert( result == walk(start, "< v v v >") )
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