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Last active June 21, 2022 10:57
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[1.13+] Flattened IDs worth.yml file (based on X00LA's Balanced Economy)
# Created by X00LA
# Optimized by Yaroster
# License: GPL2.0
# Made for MC 1.13+ (Flattened)
# Optimized for ideal balanced Economy!
# Based on
stone: 2.31
granite: 1.1
polished_granite: 1.16
diorite: 1.1
polished_diorite: 1.16
andesite: 1.1
polished_granite: 1.16
grass: 1.1
dirt: 0.53
coarse_dirt: 0.58
podzol: 2.63
cobblestone: 1.1
oak_planks: 2.21
spruce_planks: 2.21
birch_planks: 2.21
jungle_planks: 2.21
acacia_planks: 2.21
dark_oak_planks: 2.21
oak_sapling: 1.8
spruce_sapling: 1.8
birch_sapling: 1.8
jungle_sapling: 1.8
acacia_sapling: 1.8
dark_oak_sapling: 1.8
sand: 0.55
red_sand: 1.63
gravel: 0.55
gold_ore: 55.0
iron_ore: 16.5
coal_ore: 11.0
oak_log: 11.0
spruce_log: 11.0
birch_log: 11.0
jungle_log: 11.0
acacia_log: 11.0
dark_oak_log: 11.0
oak_wood: 11.0
spruce_wood: 11.0
birch_wood: 11.0
jungle_wood: 11.0
acacia_wood: 11.0
dark_oak_wood: 11.0
oak_leaves: 2.2
spruce_leaves: 2.2
birch_leaves: 2.2
jungle_leaves: 2.2
acacia_leaves: 2.2
dark_oak_leaves: 2.2
sponge: 12.71
wet_sponge: 11.0
glass: 1.73
lapisore: 22.0
lapis_lazuli: 22.0
lapisblock: 31.19
dispenser: 22.02
sandstone: 2.31
chiseled_sandstone: 2.55
cut_sandstone: 2.43
noteblock: 27.72
poweredrail: 62.69
detectorrail: 20.83
pistonstickybase: 49.96
web: 2.48
tallgrass: 0.01
fern: 0.01
dead_bush: 0.01
pistonbase: 36.58
white_wool: 5.5
orange_wool: 6.41
magenta_wool: 7.62
light_blue_wool: 8.66
yellow_wool: 6.38
lime_wool: 10.66
pink_wool: 7.15
gray_wool: 8.66
light_gray_wool: 8.28
cyan_wool: 11.41
purple_wool: 7.91
blue_wool: 9.24
brown_wool: 11.55
green_wool: 13.05
red_wool: 6.38
black_wool: 9.24
dandelion: 1.32
poppy: 1.1
blue_orchid: 1.1
allium: 5.5
azure_bluet: 1.93
red_tulip: 1.93
orange_tulip: 1.93
white_tulip: 1.93
pink_tulip: 1.93
oxeye_daisy: 1.65
brownmushroom: 1.1
redmushroom: 1.1
goldblock: 556.65
ironblock: 174.64
bricks: 19.4
tnt: 60.06
bookshelf: 51.21
mossy_cobblestone: 6.93
torch: 2.71
acacia_stairs: 4.55
oak_stairs: 4.55
dark_oak_stairs: 4.55
jungle_stairs: 4.55
birch_stairs: 4.55
spruce_stairs: 4.55
chest: 24.26
diamond_ore: 555.5
diamond_block: 5197.5
crafting_table: 12.13
furnace: 9.24
ladder: 3.71
rail: 7.38
cobblestone_stairs: 1.73
lever: 2.75
stone_pressure_plate: 4.85
oak_pressure_plate: 6.06
dark_oak_pressure_plate: 6.06
acacia_pressure_plate: 6.06
spruce_pressure_plate: 6.06
jungle_plate: 6.06
birch_plate: 6.06
redstone_ore: 16.5
redstone_torch: 5.06
stone_button: 4.85
ice: 7.7
snow_block: 4.4
cactus: 5.5
clay_ball: 13.86
jukebox: 601.76
oak_fence: 5.1
dark_oak_fence: 5.1
acacia_fence: 5.1
jungle_fence: 5.1
spruce_fence: 5.1
birch_fence: 5.1
pumpkin: 4.0
netherrack: 1.0
soul_sand: 11.0
glowstone: 36.96
jack_o_lantern: 14.39
white_stained_glass: 2.07
orange_stained_glass: 1.9
magenta_stained_glass: 2.05
light_blue_stained_glass: 2.18
yellow_stained_glass: 1.89
lime_stained_glass: 2.43
pink_stained_glass: 1.99
gray_stained_glass: 2.18
light_gray_stained_glass: 2.13
cyan_stained_glass: 2.52
purple_stained_glass: 2.09
blue_stained_glass: 2.25
brown_stained_glass: 2.54
green_stained_glass: 2.73
red_stained_glass: 1.89
black_stained_glass: 2.25
oak_trapdoor: 9.1
stone_brick: 2.43
mossy_stone_brick: 8.32
cracked_stone_brick: 3.7
chiseled_stone_brick: 2.67
red_mushroom_block: 2.2
brown_mushroom_block: 2.2
iron_fence: 7.28
glass_pane: 0.68
melon: 15.59
vine: 5.5
oak_fence_gate: 12.43
dark_oak_fence_gate: 12.43
spruce_fence_gate: 12.43
acacia_fence_gate: 12.43
jungle_fence_gate: 12.43
birch_fence_gate: 12.43
brick_stairs: 30.56
smooth_quartz_stairs: 3.82
lily_pad: 3.3
nether_brick: 6.93
nether_brick_fence: 45.84
nether_brick_stairs: 45.84
enchanting_table: 1397.01
end_stone: 11.0
dragon_egg: 12100.0
acacia_slab: 1.52
birch_slab: 1.52
oak_slab: 1.52
dark_oak_slab: 1.52
spruce_slab: 1.52
jungle_slab: 1.52
sandstone_stairs: 0.87
emerald_ore: 60.5
enderchest: 429.09
tripwire_hook: 12.01
emerald_block: 519.75
beacon: 471.1
cobble_stone_wall: 1.16
mossy_cobble_stone_wall: 7.28
acacia_button: 3.03
birch_button: 3.03
dark_oak_button: 3.03
jungle_button: 3.03
spruce_button: 3.03
oak_button: 3.03
anvil: 627.72
chipped_anvil: 313.86
damaged_anvil: 156.93
trapped_chest: 38.08
light_weighted_pressure_plate: 123.7
heavy_weighted_pressure_plate: 38.81
daylight_sensor: 70.87
redstone_block: 31.19
quartz_ore: 22.0
hopper: 122.49
quartz_block: 80.85
chiseled_quartz_block: 89.14
quartz_pillar: 84.89
quartz_stairs: 127.34
activator_rail: 20.82
dropper: 8.09
white_terracotta: 18.66
orange_terracotta: 18.66
magenta_terracotta: 16.71
light_blue_terracotta: 21.59
yellow_terracotta: 16.57
lime_terracotta: 16.7
pink_terracotta: 19.3
gray_terracotta: 19.96
light_gray_terracotta: 18.32
cyan_terracotta: 16.57
purple_terracotta: 17.22
blue_terracotta: 16.75
brown_terracotta: 16.57
green_terracotta: 16.72
red_terracotta: 16.85
black_terracotta: 16.57
white_stained_glass: 0.82
orange_stained_glass: 0.75
magenta_stained_glass: 0.81
light_blue_stained_glass: 0.86
yellow_stained_glass: 0.75
lime_stained_glass: 0.96
pink_stained_glass: 0.78
gray_stained_glass: 0.86
light_gray_stained_glass: 0.84
cyan_stained_glass: 0.99
purple_stained_glass: 0.82
blue_stained_glass: 0.89
brown_stained_glass: 1.0
green_stained_glass: 1.07
red_stained_glass: 0.75
black_stained_glass: 0.89
slime_block: 103.95
iron_trapdoor: 77.62
prismarine: 23.1
prismarine_bricks: 51.98
dark_prismarine: 49.67
sea_lantern: 66.41
hay_block: 31.19
white_carpet: 11.55
orange_carpet: 13.46
magenta_carpet: 16.0
light_blue_carpet: 18.18
yellow_carpet: 13.4
lime_carpet: 22.38
pink_carpet: 15.02
gray_carpet: 18.18
light_gray_carpet: 17.38
cyan_carpet: 23.97
purple_carpet: 16.62
blue_carpet: 19.4
brown_carpet: 24.26
green_carpet: 27.41
red_carpet: 13.4
black_carpet: 19.4
hardened_clay: 15.71
coal_block: 83.16
packed_ice: 16.5
sunflower: 3.3
lilac: 2.75
tall_grass: 0.01
large_fern: 0.01
rose_bush: 1.1
peony: 1.1
red_sandstone: 6.93
chiseled_red_sandstone: 8.02
cut_red_sandstone: 7.28
redsandstonestairs: 10.91
cobblestone_slab: 3.82
end_rod: 30.69
chorus_flower: 27.5
purpur_block: 29.11
purpur_pillar: 32.09
purpur_stairs: 45.84
purpur_slab: 15.28
magma_block: 101.06
nether_wart_block: 155.93
red_nether_brick: 38.12
bone_block: 18.19
observer: 34.07
white_shulker_box: 89.4
orange_shulker_box: 88.02
magenta_shulker_box: 89.23
light_blue_shulkerbox: 90.26
yellow_shulker_box: 87.99
lime_shulker_box: 92.26
pink_shulker_box: 88.76
gray_shulker_box: 90.26
light_gray_shulkerbox: 89.88
cyan_shulker_box: 93.02
purple_shulker_box: 83.22
blue_shulker_box: 90.84
brown_shulker_box: 93.15
green_shulker_box: 94.66
red_shulker_box: 87.99
black_shulker_box: 90.84
iron_spade: 22.59
iron_pickaxe: 61.4
iron_axe: 61.4
flint_and_steel: 19.98
apple: 3.3
bow: 9.97
arrow: 0.69
coal: 8.8
charcoal: 12.71
diamond: 550.0
iron_ingot: 18.48
gold_ingot: 58.91
iron_sword: 40.4
wood_sword: 7.66
wood_spade: 6.22
wood_pickaxe: 12.28
wood_axe: 12.28
stone_sword: 3.9
stone_spade: 4.34
stone_pickaxe: 6.65
stone_axe: 6.65
diamond_sword: 1156.59
diamond_spade: 580.68
diamond_pickaxe: 1735.68
diamond_axe: 1735.68
stick: 1.52
bowl: 2.27
mushroom_soup: 4.7
gold_sword: 125.29
gold_spade: 65.03
gold_pickaxe: 188.73
gold_axe: 188.73
string: 1.65
feather: 0.55
sulphur: 11.0
wood_hoe: 9.25
stone_hoe: 5.49
iron_hoe: 41.99
diamond_hoe: 1158.18
gold_hoe: 126.88
seeds: 1.1
wheat: 3.3
bread: 10.4
leather_helmet: 43.31
leather_chestplate: 69.3
leather_leggings: 60.64
leather_boots: 34.65
chainmail_helmet: 330.0
chainmail_chestplate: 715.0
chainmail_leggings: 550.0
chainmail_boots: 330.0
iron_helmet: 97.02
iron_chestplate: 155.23
iron_leggings: 135.83
ironboots: 77.62
diamond_helmet: 2887.5
diamond_chestplate: 4620.0
diamond_leggings: 4042.5
diamond_boots: 2310.0
gold_helmet: 309.25
gold_chestplate: 494.8
gold_leggings: 432.95
gold_boots: 247.4
flint: 0.55
porkchop: 4.4
cooked_porkchop: 5.78
painting: 18.51
goldenapple: 61.19
enchanted_golden_apple: 4679.34
acacia_sign: 6.59
birch_sign: 6.59
oak_sign: 6.59
dark_oak_sign: 6.59
spruce_sign: 6.59
jungle_sign: 6.59
oak_door: 6.06
dark_oak_door: 6.06
spruce_door: 6.06
jungle_door: 6.06
acacia_door: 6.06
birch_door: 6.06
bucket: 58.21
water_bucket: 61.41
lava_bucket: 62.28
minecart: 97.02
saddle: 110.0
iron_door: 38.81
redstone: 3.3
snowball: 1.1
boat: 15.16
leather: 5.25
milk_bucket: 61.7
clay: 3.3
sugar_cane: 0.55
paper: 0.58
book: 10.48
slime_ball: 11.0
chest_minecart: 127.34
furnace_minecart: 111.57
egg: 0.55
compass: 158.7
fishing_rod: 8.24
watch: 250.87
glowstone_dust: 8.8
cod: 3.3
salmon: 3.58
tropical_fish: 1.65
putterfish: 5.5
cooked_cod: 4.62
cooked_salmon: 4.91
bone_meal: 0.3
orange_dye: 0.53
magenta_dye: 6.99
light_blue_dye: 5.5
dandelion_yellow: 3.3
lime_dye: 2.01
pink_dye: 5.40
gray_dye: 1.35
light_gray_dye: 2.05
cyan_dye: 0.60
purple_dye: 3.99
blue_dye: 0.69
cocoa_beans: 2.05
brown_dye: 2.05
cactus_green: 1.37
green_dye: 1.37
rose_red: 0.64
red_dye: 0.64
ink_sac: 0.61
black_dye: 0.61
bone: 1.75
sugar: 0.58
cake: 13.92
white_bed: 26.42
orange_bed: 26.42
magenta_bed: 26.42
light_blue_bed: 26.42
yellow_bed: 26.42
lime_bed: 26.42
pink_bed: 26.42
gray_bed: 26.42
light_gray_bed: 26.42
cyan_bed: 26.42
purple_bed: 26.42
blue_bed: 26.42
brown_bed: 26.42
green_bed: 26.42
red_bed: 26.42
black_bed: 26.42
diode: 21.36
cookie: 1.59
filled_map: 10.0
shears: 38.81
melon: 1.65
pumpkin_seeds: 16.5
melon_seeds: 16.5
beef: 5.5
cooked_beef: 6.93
chicken: 2.75
cooked_chicken: 4.04
rotten_flesh: 1.1
ender_pearl: 55.0
blazerod: 110.0
ghast_tear: 82.5
gold_nugget: 6.87
nether_stalk: 16.5
potion{Potion:regeneration}: 106.92
potion{Potion:swiftness}: 20.9
potion{Potion:fire_resistance}: 45.56
potion{Potion:poison}: 23.76
potion{Potion:healing}: 29.69
potion{Potion:night_vision}: 81.82
potion{Potion:weakness}: 7.49
potion{Potion:strength}: 80.93
potion{Potion:slowness}: 53.33
potion{Potion:harming}: 30.44
potion{Potion:water_breathing}: 26.07
potion{Potion:invisibility}: 91.4
potion{Potion:strong_regeneration}: 121.51
potion{Potion:strong_swiftness}: 31.19
potion{Potion:strong_poison}: 34.19
potion{Potion:strong_healing}: 40.42
potion{Potion:strong_strengh}: 94.22
potion{Potion:strong_leaping}: 455.01
potion{Potion:strong_harming}: 41.2
potion{Potion:long_regeneration}: 115.73
potion{Potion:long_swiftness}: 25.41
potion{Potion:long_fire_resistance}: 51.31
potion{Potion:long_poison}: 28.42
potion{Potion:long_night_vision}: 89.38
potion{Potion:long_weakness}: 11.23
potion{Potion:long_strength}: 88.45
potion{Potion:long_slowness}: 59.36
potion{Potion:long_water_breathing}: 30.84
potion{Potion:long_invisibility}: 99.43
splash_potion{Potion:regeneration}: 123.82
splash_potion{Potion:swiftness}: 33.5
splash_potion{Potion:fire_resistance}: 59.39
splash_potion{Potion:poison}: 36.5
splash_potion{Potion:healing}: 42.73
splash_potion{Potion:nightvision}: 97.46
splash_potion{Potion:weakness}: 19.42
splash_potion{Potion:strengh}: 96.53
splash_potion{Potion:slowness}: 67.54
splash_potion{Potion:harming}: 43.51
splash_potion{Potion:breathing}: 38.93
splash_potion{Potion:invisibility}: 107.52
splash_potion{Potion:long_regeneration}: 139.13
splash_potion{Potion:strong_regeneration}: 44.3
splash_potion{Potion:strong_poison}: 47.45
splash_potion{Potion:strong_healing}: 53.99
splash_potion{Potion:strong_strengh}: 110.48
splash_potion{Potion:strong_leaping}: 489.32
splash_potion{Potion:strong_harming}: 54.81
splash_potion{Potion:strong_regeneration}: 133.07
splash_potion{Potion:long_strengh}: 38.23
splash_potion{Potion:long_fire_resistance}: 65.42
splash_potion{Potion:strong_poison}: 41.39
splash_potion{Potion:long_night_vision}: 105.39
splash_potion{Potion:long_weakness}: 23.34
splash_potion{Potion:long_slowness}: 73.88
splash_potion{Potion:long_strong_strengh}: 38.93
splash_potion{Potion:long_invisibility}: 115.96
glass_bottle: 1.82
spider_eye: 3.3
fermented_spider_eye: 5.23
blaze_powder: 57.75
magma_cream: 24.06
brewing_stand_item: 118.97
cauldron_item: 135.83
ender_eye: 118.39
glistering_melon_slice: 8.95
experience_bottle: 385.0
fire_charge: 81.43
writable_book: 15.05
emerald: 55.0
item_frame: 21.4
flower_pot: 14.55
carrot: 0.83
potato: 0.55
baked_potato: 1.73
poisonous_potato: 0.28
empty_map: 171.48
golden_carrot: 58.59
skeleton_skull: 5000.0
skeleton_wall_skull: 15000.0
wither_skeleton_skull: 5000.0
wither_skeleton_wall_skull: 5000.0
zombie_head: 5000.0
zombie_wall_head: 25000.0
carrot_on_a_stick: 9.52
nether_star: 275.0
pumpkin_pie: 12.73
firework_rocket: 246.99
firework_star: 101.75
redstone_comparator: 313.9
quartz: 19.25
tnt_minecart: 164.93
hopper_minecart: 230.48
prismarine_shard: 5.5
prismarine_crystals: 8.25
rabbit: 1.65
cooked_rabbit: 2.89
rabbit_stew: 9.26
rabbit_foot: 22.0
armor_stand: 10.16
iron_barding: 132.0
gold_barding: 385.0
diamond_barding: 3300.0
lead: 9.24
name_tag: 55.0
mutton: 1.1
cooked_mutton: 2.31
white_banner: 59.8
orange_banner: 41.79
magenta_banner: 83.82
light_blue_banner: 74.36
yellow_banner: 59.8
lime_banner: 51.44
pink_banner: 73.5
gray_banner: 53.73
light_gray_banner: 56.12
cyan_banner: 46.67
purple_banner: 68.73
blue_banner: 41.79
brown_banner: 56.12
green_banner: 49.61
red_banner: 41.99
black_banner: 36.24
end_crystal: 223.67
chorus_fruit: 5.5
beet_root: 0.66
beetroot_seeds: 0.22
beetroot_soup: 6.55
dragon_breath: 110.0
spectral_arrow: 18.84
music_disc_11: 132.0
music_disc_13: 132.0
music_disc_blocks: 132.0
music_disc_cat: 132.0
music_disc_chirp: 132.0
music_disc_far: 132.0
music_disc_mall: 132.0
music_disc_mellohi: 132.0
music_disc_stal: 132.0
music_disc_strad: 132.0
music_disc_wait: 132.0
music_disc_ward: 132.0
tippedarrow: 20.0
lingeringpotion: 10.0
iron_nugget: 2.16
white_concrete: 0.69
orange_concrete: 0.69
magenta_concrete: 0.79
light_blue_concrete: 0.88
yellow_concrete: 0.70
lime_concrete: 1.15
pink_concrete: 0.68
gray_concrete: 0.88
light_gray_concrete: 0.79
cyan_concrete: 1.35
purple_concrete: 0.88
blue_concrete: 1.06
brown_concrete: 1.36
green_concrete: 1.57
red_concrete: 0.67
black_concrete: 1.06
white_concrete_powder: 0.65
orange_concrete_powder: 0.66
magenta_concrete_powder: 0.75
light_blue_concrete_powder: 0.84
yellow_concrete_powder: 0.66
lime_concrete_powder: 1.10
pink_concrete_powder: 0.65
gray_concrete_powder: 0.84
light_gray_con_powder: 0.75
cyan_concrete_powder: 1.28
purple_concrete_powder: 0.84
blue_concrete_powder: 1.01
brown_concrete_powder: 1.30
green_concrete_powder: 1.49
red_concrete_powder: 0.64
black_concrete_powder: 1.01
whiteglazedterracotta: 18.66
orange_glazed_terracotta: 18.67
magenta_glazed_terracotta: 18.77
light_blue_glazed_terracotta: 18.86
yellow_glazed_terracotta: 18.68
lime_glazed_terracotta: 19.03
pink_glazed_terracotta: 18.66
gray_glazed_terracotta: 18.86
light_gray_glazed_terracotta: 18.77
cyan_glazed_terracotta: 19.32
purple_glazed_terracotta: 18.86
blue_glazed_terracotta: 19.03
brown_glazed_terracotta: 19.34
green_glazed_terracotta: 19.54
red_glazed_terracotta: 18.65
black_glazed_terracotta: 19.03
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Please mention me when it is complete

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Roukaysa commented Jul 8, 2019

Is this complete?

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Yaroster commented Jul 8, 2019

Is this complete?

It is not for now, but i will be working on it soon, but as EssentialsX has changed to its stable version,. most Item IDs are not working.
Not only that but 1.13+ has new ways to make important items, destroying the economy's values (I have personnaly experienced that on my private server). I would not recommend using this script without any major modifications for now.

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Roukaysa commented Jul 8, 2019

Is this complete?

It is not for now, but i will be working on it soon, but as EssentialsX has changed to its stable version,. most Item IDs are not working.
Not only that but 1.13+ has new ways to make important items, destroying the economy's values (I have personnaly experienced that on my private server). I would not recommend using this script without any major modifications for now.

I've made a fork of your project and fixed most of the IDs, changed some values and organized them in groups. Feel free to check it out:

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Yaroster commented Jul 8, 2019 via email

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