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Integrating technologies </>

Yash Indane YashIndane

Integrating technologies </>
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import requests
#this also works
#mul = requests.get("http://<ip>/cgi-bin/")
mul = requests.get(
params = [
('a', 3),
('b', 8)
YashIndane / cgiwebpage.html
Created September 17, 2021 06:48
HTML page for cgi demonstration
<title>CGI DEMO</title>
<form action="http://<ip>/cgi-bin/">
<p>Type your command</p></br>
YashIndane /
Created September 9, 2021 09:33
This is a sample code on how to receive data from a form (HTML). The `name` has the command and that is run and output is printed along with status.
import cgi
import subprocess
form_values = cgi.FieldStorage()