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Last active June 10, 2017 16:46
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#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
#include <algorithm>
using namespace std;
int cases, note_count, required_money;
//cases - no of cases
//note_count - no of notes
//required money - money asked by the monster
vector<int> notes(20); //stores the values of the notes (there can be at most 20 notes; so let's reserve space for them - insignificant optimization)
bool issubset(int spos, int current_notes)
for (int i = spos; i >= 0; i--)
if (notes[i] + current_notes > required_money) continue;
int new_current_notes = current_notes + notes[i];
if (new_current_notes == required_money) return true;
if (issubset(i - 1, new_current_notes)) return true;
return false;
int main()
cin >> cases;
while (cases--)
bool success = false;
cin >> note_count >> required_money;
notes.clear(); //empty the notes vector
for (int i = 0, note; i < note_count; i++)
cin >> note;
if(note < required_money) //if the value of note is more than the required money, it obviously won't help in forming a subset; these are useless notes and let's not add them to the note pool
else if (note == required_money) //if there is a note whose value is equal to the required money, then we hit a jackpot; let's finish the case without further computation
success = true;
if (success)
cout << "Yes" << endl;
continue; //goes to next case
note_count = notes.size(); //we might have removed some notes; so let's update the note_count with the correct number of notes in notes vector
sort(notes.begin(), notes.end()); //sort the notes in increasing order
int minpos = 0; //1 3 5 7 ... if the required number is 20, there is no combination of notes of the first 3 notes (1, 3, 5) which can give 20; minpos is the index of the next highest note after the notes in the set (in this case 7)
for (int count = 0; minpos < note_count; minpos++)
count += notes[minpos]; //add the next note to the sum
if (count > required_money) break; //the sum exceeds the required money so we need to take the note at this location seriously
for (int i = note_count - 1; i >= minpos; i--)
if (issubset(i - 1, notes[i]))
success = true;
if(success) cout << "Yes" << endl;
else cout << "No" << endl;
return 0;
let notes be: 1 2 4 6 12 14 23 29 43
required money: 26
29, 43 are greater than 26; so they are useless; we will treat the situation as if they weren't even there
so the useful notes are: 1 2 4 6 12 14 23
we start from the last number: 23
23 + 14 exceeds 26; so any combination having these two notes are of no help
23 + 12 exceeds 26 too; so any combo with these notes is of no use
23 + 6 and 23 + 4 exceed 26 too; so this combo is useless as well
23 + 2 is less than 26; so we need to check from here
let us combine the two notes 23 and 2; we get 25; having two notes of 23 and 2 is as good as having a note of 25
now let us jump to LABLE1 and start with the number 25 and check notes smaller than 2
25 + 1 = 26!!!! this works!!
Suppose 25 + 1 hadn't worked, we would try the next number after 2; try with 23 + 1 + x combo
(in this case there can't be any x becaz 1 is the smallest)
so the next change can happen with 23
now we know that no combination having 23 can give the required money
so let's go to next number: 14
GOTO LABLE1 with next number as 14
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