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Created July 12, 2020 13:15
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#' @title AdaBoost
#' @description
#' This program implements the AdaBoost (or Adaptive Boosting) algorithm. The
#' variant of AdaBoost implemented here is AdaBoost.MH. It uses a weak learner,
#' either decision stumps or perceptrons, and over many iterations, creates a
#' strong learner that is a weighted ensemble of weak learners. It runs these
#' iterations until a tolerance value is crossed for change in the value of the
#' weighted training error.
#' For more information about the algorithm, see the paper "Improved Boosting
#' Algorithms Using Confidence-Rated Predictions", by R.E. Schapire and Y.
#' Singer.
#' This program allows training of an AdaBoost model, and then application of
#' that model to a test dataset. To train a model, a dataset must be passed
#' with the "training" option. Labels can be given with the "labels" option; if
#' no labels are specified, the labels will be assumed to be the last column of
#' the input dataset. Alternately, an AdaBoost model may be loaded with the
#' "input_model" option.
#' Once a model is trained or loaded, it may be used to provide class
#' predictions for a given test dataset. A test dataset may be specified with
#' the "test" parameter. The predicted classes for each point in the test
#' dataset are output to the "predictions" output parameter. The AdaBoost model
#' itself is output to the "output_model" output parameter.
#' Note: the following parameter is deprecated and will be removed in mlpack
#' 4.0.0: "output".
#' Use "predictions" instead of "output".
#' For example, to run AdaBoost on an input dataset "data" with labels
#' "labels"and perceptrons as the weak learner type, storing the trained model
#' in "model", one could use the following command:
#' R> output <- adaboost(training=data, labels=labels,
#' weak_learner="perceptron")
#' R> model <- output$output_model
#' Similarly, an already-trained model in "model" can be used to provide class
#' predictions from test data "test_data" and store the output in "predictions"
#' with the following command:
#' R> output <- adaboost(input_model=model, test=test_data)
#' R> predictions <- output$predictions
#' @param input_model Input AdaBoost model.
#' @param iterations The maximum number of boosting iterations to be run (0 will run
#' until convergence.) Default value "1000".
#' @param labels Labels for the training set.
#' @param test Test dataset.
#' @param tolerance The tolerance for change in values of the weighted error during
#' training. Default value "1e-10".
#' @param training Dataset for training AdaBoost.
#' @param verbose Display informational messages and the full list of parameters and
#' timers at the end of execution. Default value "FALSE".
#' @param weak_learner The type of weak learner to use: 'decision_stump', or
#' 'perceptron'. Default value "decision_stump".
#' @return A list with several components:
#' \item{output}{Predicted labels for the test set.}
#' \item{output_model}{Output trained AdaBoost model.}
#' \item{predictions}{Predicted labels for the test set.}
#' \item{probabilities}{Predicted class probabilities for each point in the test
#' set.}
#' @export
adaboost <- function(input_model=NA,
weak_learner=NA) {
# Restore CLI settings.
# Process each input argument before calling mlpackMain().
if (!identical(input_model, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamAdaBoostModelPtr("input_model", input_model)
if (!identical(iterations, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamInt("iterations", iterations)
if (!identical(labels, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamURow("labels", to_matrix(labels))
if (!identical(test, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamMat("test", to_matrix(test))
if (!identical(tolerance, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamDouble("tolerance", tolerance)
if (!identical(training, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamMat("training", to_matrix(training))
if (!identical(weak_learner, NA)) {
CLI_SetParamString("weak_learner", weak_learner)
if (verbose) {
} else {
# Mark all output options as passed.
# Call the program.
# Add ModelType as attribute to the model pointer, if needed.
output_model <- CLI_GetParamAdaBoostModelPtr("output_model")
attr(output_model, "type") <- "AdaBoostModel"
# Extract the results in order.
out <- list(
"output" = CLI_GetParamURow("output"),
"output_model" = output_model,
"predictions" = CLI_GetParamURow("predictions"),
"probabilities" = CLI_GetParamMat("probabilities")
# Clear the parameters.
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