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How to cross-compile Maxima for Android using ECL20.4.24 (Embeddable Common Lisp)
Tested environment: Debian 10 Linux, ecl-20.4.24.tgz,, maxima-5.43.2.tar.gz.
Shell is bash.
Save and maxima-cross.lisp in ~ directory. Both are available in this Gist.
Expand ecl-20.4.24.tgz into ~/ecl-20.4.24 directory.
Expand into ~/android-ndk-r21 directory.
1. Build the host ECL, as specified in ~/ecl-20.4.24/INSTALL file.
2. Configure the toolchain, by using saved in ~ downloaded from this Gist:
% source ~/
3. Build and install the target library, as specified in ~/ecl-20.4.24/INSTALL file.
~/ecl-20.4.24/ecl-android-host is created and binary and libraries are installed there.
We need to keep cmpdefs.lsp created during the build of target library, with slight modification.
% sed s/defvar/defparameter/g ~/ecl-20.4.24/build/cmp/cmpdefs.lsp > ~/ecl-20.4.24/ecl-android-host/cmpdefs.lsp
Expand maxima-5.43.2.tar.gz into ~/maxima-5.43.2 directory.
We need two files to be modified to compile maxima smoothly.
1) In ~/maxima-5.43.2/lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp, line 4155, "lisp:require" -> "cl:require"
2) In ~/maxima-5.43.2/src/maxima.system, line 83, "'(progn (require :defsystem)" -> "'(progn"
% cd ~/maxima-5.43.2/src
% mkdir binary-ecl; mkdir binary-ecl/numerical/; mkdir binary-ecl/numerical/slatec
% source ~/
% ~/ecl-20.4.24/ecl-android-host/bin/ecl
> (load "~/maxima-cross.lisp")
> (quit)
% file binary-ecl/maxima
binary-ecl/maxima: ELF 32-bit LSB shared object, ARM, EABI5 version 1 (SYSV), dynamically linked, interpreter /system/bin/linker, with debug_info, not stripped
;;; Copyright 2020, Yasuaki Honda,
;;; GPL v2
;;; host ecl needs to run in ~/maxima-5.43.2/src directory
(load "maxima-package.lisp")
(compile (intern "MAKE-UNSPECIAL" :maxima)
'(lambda (s)
(when (symbolp s)
(format t "~%;;; Declaring ~A as NOT SPECIAL" s)
(ffi::c-inline (s) (:object) :object
"((#0)->symbol.stype = stp_ordinary, #0)"
:one-liner t))))
(load "~/ecl-20.4.24/ecl-android-host/cmpdefs.lsp")
(load "../lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp")
(load "maxima.system")
(funcall (find-symbol "OPERATE-ON-SYSTEM" :make)
"maxima" :compile :load-source-instead-of-binary t)
(setf (symbol-value (find-symbol "*AUTOCONF-LD-FLAGS*" :maxima)) "")
# Copyright 2020, Yasuaki Honda,
# GPL v2
export ECL_TO_RUN=~/ecl-20.4.24/ecl-android-host/bin/ecl
export NDK_PATH=~/android-ndk-r21
export ANDROID_API=28
export TOOLCHAIN_PATH=$NDK_PATH/toolchains/llvm/prebuilt/linux-x86_64
export LDFLAGS="--sysroot=${SYSROOT} -D__ANDROID_API__=${ANDROID_API} -fuse-ld=bfd"
export CPPFLAGS="--sysroot=${SYSROOT} -D__ANDROID_API__=${ANDROID_API} -isystem ${SYSROOT}/usr/include/arm-linux-androideabi"
export CC=armv7a-linux-androideabi28-clang
export CXX=armv7a-linux-androideabi28-clang++
It was necessary to modify two source files in Maxima-5.43.2. They are lisp-utils/defsystem.lisp and src/maxima.system.
The auther has reported these two as bugs to the maxima mailing list, then we concluded to fix them.
As one of maintainers of Maxima, I have already committed the fixes to the main source tree.
The later versions (either 5.43.3 if any, or 5.44.0) will already include these modifications, so manual fixing can be skipped.
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