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Last active March 11, 2022 06:05
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This script generates ID files into the current directory for the "sdamps stamp -f" command.
Usage: $0 [-n <number of unit>] [-c <prefix number>] [-p <output file prefix>] [-s <output file suffix>] <total number of set>
-n <number of unit> (default: 100)
If the "-n 10" is specified, then the each ID file contains 10 lines.
-c <prefix number> (default: "YYYYMMDD")
If the "-s 2022" is specified, then the each ID started with the "20220001".
-p <output file prefix> (default: "id")
-s <output file suffix> (default: ".txt")
The output file name will be "id01.txt" and the digit of number part will be calculated by the "<total number of set> / <number of unit>".length + 1
require 'optparse'
opt =
params = {
:n => 100,
:c =>"%Y%m%d").to_i,
:p => "id",
:s => ".txt",
:total => 0, ## ARGV[0]
:total_length => 0, ## digits of ID numbers
:numdigits => 0 ## "id#{:numdigits}.txt"
opt.on('-n NUM') {|v| params[:n] = v.to_i }
opt.on('-c NUM') {|v| params[:c] = v.to_i }
opt.on('-p VAL') {|v| params[:p] = v }
opt.on('-s VAL') {|v| params[:s] = v }
## check params
if ARGV.length != 1 and ARGV[0].to_i <= 0
puts "[error] You must be specified the total number of sheets."
if params[:n] <= 0 or params[:c] <= 0
puts "[error] The option must be a >0 number."
## calculate other option
params[:total] = ARGV[0].to_i
params[:total_length] = ARGV[0].length
params[:n] = (params[:total] > params[:n]) ? params[:n] : params[:total]
params[:numdigits] = (ARGV[0].to_i / params[:n]).to_s.length + 1
params[:unit] = (params[:total].to_i * 1.0 / params[:n].to_i * 1.0).ceil
p params
## Main
counter = 0
params[:unit].times {|i|
digits = format "%0#{params[:numdigits]}i", (i+1)
filename = "#{params[:p]}#{digits}#{params[:s]}"
open(filename, "w") {|f|
params[:n].times {|n|
break if (params[:total] == counter)
f.write(format "#{params[:c]}%0#{params[:total_length]}i\n", (params[:n] * i) + n)
counter += 1
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