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Created February 19, 2021 02:58
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function getRelation($targetRecipient, $departmentName){
$org = New-Object PSObject | Select-Object 社員名,所属部署
if($targetRecipient.RecipientType -eq "MailUniversalSecurityGroup"){
$departmentName = $targetRecipient.DisplayName
# メンバー情報の取得
Get-DistributionGroupMember $targetRecipient.Alias |
# 取得したメンバをユーザ、グループの順でソート
Select-Object Alias, DisplayName, PrimarySmtpAddress, RecipientType, @{L="SortIndex"; E={switch($_.RecipientType){
}}} |
Sort-Object -Property SortIndex, DisplayName |
# 取得したメンバを使用して再帰処理
ForEach-Object {getRelation $_ $departmentName}
$org.社員名 = $targetRecipient.DisplayName -join "`r`n"
$org.所属部署 = $departmentName -join "`r`n"
[void]$orglist.Add(($org | Select-Object 社員名,所属部署 ))
Connect-ExchangeOnline -ShowBanner:$false | out-null
$global:orglist = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
$rooInfo = (Get-OrganizationConfig).HierarchicalAddressBookRoot
getRelation (Get-DistributionGroup $rooInfo)
$orglist | export-csv .\社員所属部署に関する情報.csv -NoTypeInformation -Encoding UTF8
Disconnect-ExchangeOnline -Confirm:$false
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