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Created June 2, 2009 05:41
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Save Yasushi/122082 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
names: ["hatena bookmark comment", "hateb comment"],
icon: "",
author: {name: "Yasushi Abe", email: ""},
preview: function(pblock, args) {
if (!this._url()) {
pblock.innerHTML="show hatena bookmark comments.";
pblock.innerHTML="Loading comments...";
CmdUtils.previewAjax(pblock, {
url: "" + this._url(),
dataType: "xml",
error: function error(data) {
pblock.innerHTML = "error. " + data.status + " " + data.statusText;
success: function commentPreview(data) {
if (!data)
pblock.innerHTML = "Error parsing results.";
else {
var users = 0, comments = []
let desc = jQuery(data).find('description');
desc.each(function eachDesc(i) {
if (i > 0 && this.textContent){
comments.push({name: $('title',this.parentNode).get(0).textContent||"", comment: this.textContent||""});
if (comments.length)
pblock.innerHTML = CmdUtils.renderTemplate("<span style='color: #e66'>${users} users</span><br />{for c in comments}<div style='margin: 10px .5em 10px 1em;'><span style='color: #88d'>${}</span> ${c.comment}</div>{/for}", {users:desc.size(), comments:comments});
pblock.innerHTML = "No comments.";
execute: function(input) {
if (this._url()) Utils.openUrlInBrowser('' +this._url());
_url: function() {
var url = CmdUtils.getWindow().location.href.replace(/#/,'%23');
if (!new RegExp("^https?://").test(url)) {
return url;
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