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Forked from satyr/shorten-url.ubiq.js
Created June 4, 2009 12:29
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const Name = 'shorten-url',
Shorteners = [{
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
type: 'post',
data: {url: lu},
success: cb,
logo: <h1 style={(
'background-color:#009; color:#eee; padding:0 3px;'+
'display:inline; line-height:1')}></h1>,
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb, er)({
url: '',
data: {
version: '2.0.1', longUrl: lu,
login: 'ubiquitron', apiKey: 'R_4d6fa3cba425f012582475355652f8b5'},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(res){
if(res.statusCode === 'OK')
for each(var o in res.results) return cb(o.shortUrl);
er({status: res.errorCode, statusText: res.errorMessage});
logo: (<img style="height:47px; background-color:#fff; padding:0 3px"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {url: lu, username: 'ubiquity', password: 'mozilla'},
success: cb,
logo: (<img width="150" height="83"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {longurl: lu},
success: cb,
logo: <img width="150" height="93" src=""/>,
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {
url: lu, appid: 'ubiquity',
key: 'e36552b87c6d7f9a73b2a16ed310fcdb'},
success: cb,
logo: <img width="280" height="60" src=""/>,
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
type: 'post',
data: {
sniplink: lu, snipformat: 'simple',
snipuser: 'ubiquity', snipapi: '3e2bbc25e90e97a8a8c0abea311927b5'},
success: function(su){ cb(su === 'ERROR' ? lu : su) },
logo: (<img width="176" height="45"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
type: 'post',
data: {url: lu, user: 'ubiquity'},
success: cb,
logo: (<img style="height:56px; background-color:#fff; padding:3px"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb, er)({
url: '',
type: 'post',
data: {website_url: lu},
dataType: 'json',
success: function(res){
if(typeof res === 'object') cb(;
else er({status: 666, statusText: res});
logo: (<img style="height:49px; background-color:#eee; padding:3px"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {
url: lu, format: 'plain', email: '',
secretKey: '18661baf56e3c18520d3bcf0e7b1ba61208387c8'},
success: cb,
logo: (<img width="147" height="41" style="background-color:#eee"
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {
url: lu, format: 'text', tags: 'ubiquity mozilla',
api_key: '2102eb935a7447618523a65abc324691'},
success: cb,
logo: <h1 style={(
'background-color:#ccc; color:#333; padding:0 3px;'+
'display:inline; line-height:1')}></h1>,
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb, er)({
url: '',
type: 'post',
data: {url: lu, out: 'text'},
success: function(res){
var [, stat, text] = /^(\d+): (.+)/(res) || 0;
stat ? er({status: stat, statusText: text}) : cb(res);
logo: <img width="214" height="64" src=""/>,
}, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: '',
data: {
url: lu, ultraShort: 'y',
partnerID: '8989aa095f1f4c2b93508666fcc1c27d'},
success: cb,
logo: (<img width="170" height="80"
, {
text: '',
data: function(lu, cb)({
url: 'http://',
data: {},
success: cb,
logo: <img width="" height="" src=""/>,
].sort(function({text: a}, {text: b})
!(a.length === b.length ? a <= b : a.length <= b.length)),
{prefs} = Application,
PSU = 'extensions.ubiquity.'+ Name +'.',
PDef = PSU + 'default',
Default = prefs.getValue(PDef, Math.random() * Shorteners.length | 0);
Base = <div class={Name}><style><![CDATA[
$pre {overflow:hidden; margin-top:0}
$a {text-decoration:none}
$kbd {text-decoration:underline}
$.to {font-weight:bolder}
$.logo img {border:none}
$.success .to:before {content:'\2192'; margin-right:0.7em}
$.loading .to {display:none}
$.loading .logo {opacity:0.4}
$.error .to {font-style:oblique}
$.error .logo {opacity:0.7}
]]></style><div id={Name}
><pre class="to"> </pre
><pre class="from"> </pre
><div class="logo"> </div
></div></div>.toXMLString().replace(/\$/g, '.'+ Name +' ');
var pu, ps, result;
function set(u){
CmdUtils.setSelection(, {text: u});
var {text, icon, logo} = s, link = 'http://'+ text;
s.summary = text;
s.logo = ''+<a href={link} accesskey="l">{logo}</a>;
if(!icon) s.icon = link +'/favicon.ico';
name: Name,
description: 'Shortens a URL by the service of your choice.',
help: (
'Powered by: '+{text})'http://'+ text)).join(', ') +
<form>Default: {
function(select, {text}, i){
var opt = <option value={i}>{text}</option>;
if(i === Default) opt.@selected = 'selected';
return select.appendChild(opt);
<select onmouseover={(
'this.selectedIndex = Application.prefs.getValue("'+ PDef +
'", eval(this.value))')}
onchange={('Application.prefs.setValue("'+ PDef +
'", eval(this.value))')}/>)}
synonyms: [Shorteners[Default].text],
icon: Shorteners[Default].icon,
takes: {URL: {
_name: 'url',
default: function() CmdUtils.makeSugg(CmdUtils.getWindow().location.href),
suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(/^@| @ /(txt)) return [];
var [u] = /^\S{1,}/(txt) || 0;
if(!u) return [this.default()];
if(!/^[a-z]+:\/\/./.test(u)) u = 'http://'+ u;
return [CmdUtils.makeSugg(u, u, 0, sx)];
modifiers: {'@': {
_name: 'url shortener',
default: function() Shorteners[prefs.getValue(PDef, Default)],
suggest: function(txt, htm, cb, sx){
if(sx) return [];
if(!txt) return [this.default()];
try { var sf = [], re = RegExp(txt, 'i') } catch(_){}
if(re) for(var i = 0, l = Shorteners.length; i < l; ++i){
var it = Shorteners[i], x =;
if(~x) sf[x * l + i] = it;
var ss = sf.filter(Boolean), [s] = ss;
this.default = function() s;
return ss;
return Shorteners;
execute: function({text: U}, {'@': S}){
if(result) return set(result);
var opts =, set);
opts.error = function(x, s, e){
icon: S.icon, title: S.text, exception: e,
text: x.status +' '+ x.statusText +' ('+ s +')' });
preview: function(pbl, {text: U}, {'@': S}){
do var $c = jQuery('#'+ Name, pbl);
while(!$c[0] && (ps = '', pbl.innerHTML = Base));
if(ps !== (ps = S)){
this.icon = S.icon;
this.synonyms = [S.text];
$c.find('.logo')[0].innerHTML = S.logo;
pu = '';
if(!U || (pu === (pu = U))) return;
result = '';
try { var du = decodeURIComponent(U) } catch(_){}
$c.find('.from')[0].textContent = du || U;
$c[0].className = 'loading';
var err = function(x){
$c.find('.to')[0].textContent = x.status +' '+ x.statusText;
$c[0].className = 'error';
opts =, function(u){
result = u;
$c.find('.to')[0].innerHTML =
'<a href="'+ u +'" accesskey="h"><kbd>h</kbd>'+ u.slice(1) +'</a>';
$c[0].className = 'success';
}, err);
opts.error = err;
CmdUtils.previewAjax(pbl, opts);
previewDelay: 222,
author: 'satyr'.link(''), license: 'MIT',
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