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Last active May 27, 2021 15:50
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Save Yaulendil/f2ef7e16298fad51180030236048178d to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
HexChat plugin for stream chat IRC bridge; implements channel events, user purges, and badges
__module_name__ = "Twitch Formatter"
__module_version__ = "2.16.4"
__module_description__ = (
'( Subscription notifications, name shortening, user "badges", and more'
By @Davarice
Formatting plugin for use with HexChat and Twitch.TV
Parses IRCv3 tags from Twitch, representing subscriptions, raids, etc, and displays them properly in chat. Also prepends badges to the usernames of broadcasters, moderators, etc.
NOTE: This plugin --MUST-- be used with a version of HexChat that exposes IRCv3 to the Python interface. As of this writing, the main branch DOES NOT support this.
# @badges=subscriber/0,bits-leader/2;color=#FF69B4;display-name=Luxurianhat;emotes=;flags=;id=54ab445f-2c39-426f-a48c-ec5dc73f9363;login=luxurianhat;mod=0;msg-id=bitsbadgetier;msg-param-threshold=10000;room-id=23936415;subscriber=1;system-msg=bits\\sbadge\\stier\\snotification;tmi-sent-ts=1552278196475;user-id=65508135;user-type= USERNOTICE #jerma985 :*crunch* OW
# When /dbug >0...
debugServer = True # Display server event info ("PRIVMSG")
debugPrint = True # Display print event info ("Channel Message")
# Past this length, usernames will be shortened. Badges count towards length.
unameTruncate = 16
longNameFiller = "…" # What character replaces the last character of a long name
# Username replacements. For when a large number of people annoyingly have usernames with the same first 10 characters for some idiotic reason. Bitter? Me? Never.
nameReplace = {r"phijkchu_": r"phj/",
r"phijkchu": r"phj/",
r"ㅡ": r"-"}
# Maximum number of characters allowed to represent badges
# Default is 3, the same as Twitch web view
prefixLengthCap = 3
# Characters to precede a username, representing their badges
# This is also the order in which they are displayed. Only the topmost {prefixLengthCap} applicable characters will be shown.
badgeIcons = {
"broadcaster": "🜲", # Owner of the channel
# Big Deal™ Badges
"staff": "⚙", # Twitch Staff
"admin": "α", # Twitch Administrator
"global-mod": "μ", # Global Moderator
# Channel Badges
"moderator": "🗡", # Channel moderator
"subscriber": { # Subscriber to the channel
0: "①",
3: "③",
6: "⑥",
9: "⑨",
12: "ⅰ",
24: "ⅱ",
36: "ⅲ",
48: "ⅳ",
60: "ⅴ",
"vip": "⚑",
"sub-gifter": ":", # Has given gift subscriptions
"bits-leader": "❖",
"bits": { # Has given bits (number attached)
0: "▴",
100: "⬧",
1000: "⬠",
5000: "⬡",
10000: "🟋",
100000: "🟎"
# Account Badges
"partner": "✓", # "Verified" checkmark badge (Thanks CTD)
"turbo": "+", # Twitch Turbo
"premium": "±", # Twitch Prime
# A short string to be placed between a username and the badge characters preceding it
# Default is a single whitespace so that usernames can still be moused over correctly
badgeSep = " "
# Every event that needs the sender to have a badge added, as well as the color to make the tab
eventList = {
"Channel Message": 2,
"Channel Action": 2,
"Channel Msg Hilight": 3,
"Channel Action Hilight": 3,
"Your Message": 2,
# Messages to be printed for each subscription type, with keyword formatting
sublines = {
"resub": "<{subber}> resubscribed",
"sub": "<{subber}> subscribed",
"subgift": "<{subber}> was giftsubbed by {gifter}",
"submysterygift": "<{gifter}> gives out ({subNumber}) gift subscription{s2}",
"giftpaidupgrade": "<{subber}> upgraded their giftsub from {gifter}",
"primepaidupgrade": "<{subber}> upgraded their Prime Sub",
"bitsbadgetier": "<{subber}> earned a new tier of Bits Badge",
# Additional endings for special subscriptions (these might be chained)
sublineStreak = " for ({streak}) month{s1} in a row"
sublineFirst = ", starting a new streak"
sublineCumul = ", with ({cumul}) months in total"
sublinePrime = ", with Twitch Prime"
sublineMessage = ", saying: {msg}"
# DM conversion
dmSendEvent = {
"Your Message": "Private Message to Dialog",
"Your Action": "Private Action to Dialog",
dmDecoration = "=={}=="
import datetime
import os
import hexchat
# import re
print("Searching for Mortis in",os.getcwd())
import mortis
except Exception as e:
print("Could not load Mortis:",e)
mortis = None
tabColors = {}
userstates = {}
msglast = ""
inbox = []
opReturns = 0
F = {
"b": "\002", # bold
"c": "\003", # color (followed by number)
"e": "\007", # sound
"h": "\010", # italics
"x": "\017", # reset
"r": "\026", # reverse color
"i": "\035", # italics
"u": "\037", # underline
"t": "\t",
} # tab
def ech(stuff, mtype="Server Error"):
hexchat.emit_print(mtype, stuff)
## Return Functions ##
# Given grammar and a number, return the appropriate singular or plural form
def usePlural(n, p="s", s="", w=""):
return w + {True: p, False: s}[n != 1]
# Split a raw IRCv3 string into a dict and return it
def tagsplit(tagline):
tags = {}
m = ""
tagline = tagline.lstrip("@")
tagtable = tagline.split(";")
for pair in tagtable:
[k, v] = pair.split("=", 1)
if " :" in v:
vm = v.split(" :", 1)
v = vm[0]
m = vm[1]
tags.update({k: v})
tags.update({"MSG": m})
return tags
def price_is_right(seq, limit):
# Find the highest number in a sequence that is not higher than the limit
seq2 = [item if item <= limit else None for item in seq]
while None in seq2:
if seq2:
return max(seq2)
return limit
# Given a set of comma separated badges, match them to the symbol dict and return the result
def badgesplit(bline):
if bline == "":
return ""
prefix = ""
blist = bline.split(",")
for badge in blist:
# "Rank" here is the "level" of the badge, for example "12" for the 1-year subscription badge.
# The entry in badgeIcons can be a dict, and if it is, the keys should be numbers. The highest key which is <= the rank is the key whose value is displayed.
[btype, rank] = badge.split("/")
icon = badgeIcons[btype]
if type(icon) == dict:
icon = str(icon.get(price_is_right(icon, int(rank)), ""))
prefix += icon
if prefix != "":
return prefix[:prefixLengthCap] + badgeSep
return prefix
# Make sure the given username, with its badges attached, fits within the username character limit
# Also perform necessary replacements, while we have it here
def nameShorten(name, badges=""):
for i in nameReplace:
name = name.replace(i, nameReplace[i])
# name = re.sub(i,nameReplace[i],name,flags=re.IGNORECASE)
nlen = len(name)
mlen = unameTruncate - len(badges) - len(badgeSep)
flen = len(longNameFiller)
if nlen > mlen:
nout = name[: mlen - flen] + longNameFiller
nout = name
return nout.lower()
# Test whether the passed context is focused
def Focused(t):
focus = hexchat.find_context().get_info("channel")
target = t.get_info("channel")
return focus == target
# Get rid of \x01 at the ends of a string
def simplify(m):
return m.split(":", 1)[1].strip("\x01")
# Even in dicts, IRCv3 strings are annoying so this will compare them easily
def MessageMatchesTagstring(msg, ircv3):
im = simplify(ircv3["MSG"])
if msg == im:
return True
im = im.split(" ", 1)[1]
if msg == im:
return True
return False
## Void Functions ##
# Color a tab (0-3), but only if the current color is lower
def colorTabSafely(t, n=0, *, reset=False):
assert not Focused(t) or reset # Do not color a visible tab, unless resetting
assert 0 <= n <= 3
tN = (
t.get_info("network").lower() + "/" + t.get_info("channel")
) # [t]ab[N]ame is channel name, ie '#davarice'
c = tabColors.get(
tN, 0
) # [c]urrent color is the entry under the tabName in the colortable, or 0
if (
n >= c or reset
): # If the new color is "more important", or the function is called with the reset flag, change it
tabColors[tN] = n
t.command("gui color {}".format(str(n)))
# Post a message through a DM tab
def dmPost(uname, cname, msg, mtype):
c = hexchat.find_context("Twitch", cname.lower())
if c == None:
cc = hexchat.find_context("Twitch")
if not cc:
c = hexchat.find_context("Twitch", cname.lower())
if c == None:
cc.command(f"query {cname.lower()}")
c = hexchat.find_context("Twitch", cname.lower())
if c == None:
c.command(f"settab {dmDecoration.format(cname)}")
c.emit_print(mtype, uname, msg)
colorTabSafely(c, 2)
return c
if mortis:
c = dmPost("Mortis", "Mortis", "Initialized", "Private Action to Dialog")
mortis = mortis.Mortis(c)
# Receive a message through DM/Whisper
def dmRecv(ircv3):
uname = ircv3["display-name"].lower()
m1 = ircv3["MSG"].split("WHISPER", 1)[1].split(":", 1)[1]
m2 = m1.split(" ", 1)
if m2[0].lower() == "/me" or m2[0].lower() == ".me":
dmPost(uname, uname, m2[1], "Private Action to Dialog")
dmPost(uname, uname, m1, "Private Message to Dialog")
# Send a message to a DM/Whisper
def dmSend(word, word_eol, udat):
try: # This callback ACTUALLY triggers for EVERY message the user we had better make sure not to waste any time
c = hexchat.get_context()
assert c.get_info("network").lower() == "twitch"
myName = word[0]
assert myName.lower() != "say"
dmName = c.get_info("channel")
wsplit = word[1].split(" ", 2)
assert dmName[0] != "#" or wsplit[0].lower() == ".w"
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
if wsplit[0].lower() == ".w":
dmName = wsplit[1]
m = wsplit[2]
m = word[1]
c.command(f"say .w {dmName} {m}")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
msplit = m.split(" ", 1)
if m[0].lower() == "/me":
m = m[1]
act = "Private Action to Dialog"
act = "Private Message to Dialog"
dmPost(myName, dmName, m, act)
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
# Parse and format a message directly from the server
def cb_parse(word, word_eol, userdata, attrs):
c = hexchat.get_context()
# Only do anything if this is Twitch
if c.get_info("network").lower() != "twitch":
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
mtype = word[1]
ircv3 = tagsplit(attrs.ircv3)
def tagsOut():
ech("IRCv3: '{}'".format(attrs.ircv3.replace("\s", " ")))
ech("Dict format: " + str(ircv3))
global opReturns
ct = f'{c.get_info("network")}/{c.get_info("channel")}'
if debugServer and opReturns > 0:
ech("CTXT: {}".format(ct))
ech("TYPE: {}".format(mtype))
ech("TAGS: '{}'".format(attrs.ircv3))
opReturns -= 1
if mtype == "ROOMSTATE":
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# This contains information about your own badges
elif mtype == "USERSTATE":
#global userstates
userstates[ct] = badgesplit(ircv3["badges"])
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# User talks
# Send the IRCv3 data to the global inbox, to be read when the script picks up a message emission
# This is a HACK to get IRCv3 data for print events from server events; Improvement of the tag forwarding interface would render it unnecessary
elif mtype == "PRIVMSG":
global inbox
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
# Subscriber or Raid
elif mtype == "USERNOTICE":
stype = ircv3["msg-id"]
if stype == "raid": # A raid
src = ircv3["msg-param-displayName"]
num = ircv3["msg-param-viewerCount"]
ech(f"{src} sends {num} raiders to this channel", "Motd")
hexchat.command("gui color 2")
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
elif stype in ["ritual", "charity"]: # A "ritual", whatever that is
ech(ircv3["system-msg"].replace("\s"," "), "Motd")
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
else: # A subscription, probably
gifter = ""
subber = ""
num = 0
streak = 0
cumul = 0
line = sublines.get(stype)
if not line:
ech("Unknown stype '{}': {}".format(stype, ircv3))
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
if stype == "subgift": # Gift Sub
gifter = ircv3.get("login", "")
subber = ircv3.get("msg-param-recipient-user-name", "")
streak = int(ircv3.get("msg-param-streak-months", 0)) or int(ircv3.get("msg-param-months", 0))
cumul = int(ircv3.get("msg-param-cumulative-months", 0))
elif stype == "submysterygift": # Multi Gift Sub
gifter = ircv3.get("login", "")
num = int(ircv3.get("msg-param-mass-gift-count", 0))
elif stype == "giftpaidupgrade": # Gift Sub Upgrade
subber = ircv3.get("login", "")
gifter = ircv3.get("msg-param-sender-login", "")
else: # Regular Sub
subber = ircv3.get("login", "")
streak = int(ircv3.get("msg-param-streak-months", 0)) or int(ircv3.get("msg-param-months", 0))
cumul = int(ircv3.get("msg-param-cumulative-months", 0))
# tagsOut()
pluralStreak = usePlural(streak)
pluralSubs = usePlural(num)
if streak > 1: # A Streak value is included
line += sublineStreak
line += sublineFirst
if cumul: # A Cumulative month count is included
line += sublineCumul
try: # Sub is with prime, add extra part
if ircv3["msg-param-sub-plan"] == "Prime":
line += sublinePrime
try: # Sub includes a message
msg = word_eol[3][1:]
line += sublineMessage
msg = ""
line = line.format(
except Exception as e:
ech(f"Something happened, but there was an error: {e}")
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
ech(line, "Motd")
colorTabSafely(c, 2)
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# Pass DMs to the handler functions
elif mtype == "WHISPER":
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
# Provide direct link for Host
elif mtype == "HOSTTARGET":
hostline = word[3].replace(":", "", 1)
if hostline == "-":
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
"Server Notice",
"Hosting active. Destination URL:{}".format(
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# Distinguish selective message removal
elif mtype == "CLEARMSG":
cut = word[3].strip(":")
ech("A message by <{}> was deleted: '{}'".format(
# tagsOut()
colorTabSafely(c, 1)
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# Distinguish purges
elif mtype == "CLEARCHAT":
cut = word[3].strip(":")
rsn = ircv3.get("ban-reason")
if rsn:
t = " Reason: " + rsn.replace("\s", " ")
t = ""
dur = ircv3.get("ban-duration")
if dur:
ech(f"{cut} was timed out for {dur}s.{t}")
ech(f"{cut} was banned permanently.{t}")
# tagsOut()
colorTabSafely(c, 1)
return hexchat.EAT_HEXCHAT
# Parse and format a message that comes from Hexchat itself
def cb_parseMessage(word, word_eol, mtype):
c = hexchat.get_context()
assert c.get_info("network").lower() == "twitch"
# Only do anything if this is Twitch
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
global inbox
ct = f'{c.get_info("network")}/{c.get_info("channel")}'
mtext = hexchat.strip(word[1], -1, 3)
ircv3 = {}
for i in inbox:
if MessageMatchesTagstring(mtext, i):
ircv3 = i
while len(inbox) > 5:
global msglast
if ircv3 == {}:
if "Your" in mtype and word[1] != msglast:
msglast = word[1]
if mortis:
mortis.pargon("", word[1], ircv3, c, mtype)
name = hexchat.get_info("nick")
bprefix = userstates.get(ct, "_ ")
c.emit_print(mtype, name, word[1], "", bprefix)
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
msglast = ""
global opReturns
if debugPrint and opReturns > 0:
ech("CTXT: {}".format(ct))
ech("TEXT: {}".format(str(word)))
ech("TAGS: '{}'".format(str(ircv3)))
opReturns -= 1
bline = ircv3["badges"]
bprefix = badgesplit(bline)
name = nameShorten(ircv3["display-name"], bprefix)
hexchat.emit_print(mtype, name, word[1], bprefix, "")
colorTabSafely(c, eventList[mtype])
if mortis:
mortis.pargon(ircv3["display-name"], word[1], ircv3, c, mtype)
except Exception as e:
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
# Reset the color of a newly focused tab
def cb_focus(word, word_eol, udat):
t = hexchat.get_context()
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
colorTabSafely(t, reset=True)
return hexchat.EAT_NONE
def set_outputs(word, word_eol, udat):
x = int(word_eol[1])
global opReturns
opReturns = x
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def printKey(word, word_eol, udat):
ech("Badge Key:", "Motd")
for i in badgeIcons:
if badgeIcons[i] != "":
ech(f"'{badgeIcons[i]}' : {i.replace('-',' ').capitalize()}", "Server Text")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def printCache(word, word_eol, udat):
ech("Cached IRCv3 strings:", "Motd")
for i in inbox:
ech(f"{i}", "Server Text")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def tabcolors(word, word_eol, udat):
ech("Registered Tab Colors:", "Motd")
for i in tabColors:
ech(f"'{i}' = {tabColors[i]}", "Server Text")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
def tjoin(word, word_eol, udat):
twitch = hexchat.find_context("Twitch")
if twitch:
twitch.command(f"JOIN {word_eol[1]}")
return hexchat.EAT_ALL
hexchat.hook_command("tabs", tabcolors)
help="Usage: DBUG <n>, prints IRCv3 tags for the next <n> messages",
help="Print a key of what badges are represented by username prefix characters",
help="Dump the cache of IRCv3 strings that have yet to be picked up by a matching print event",
hexchat.hook_command("twitchjoin", tjoin)
hexchat.hook_command("say", dmSend)
hexchat.hook_server_attrs("RAW LINE", cb_parse)
hexchat.hook_print("Focus Tab", cb_focus, priority=hexchat.PRI_LOW)
for i in eventList: # Connect every print event listed for parsing
hexchat.hook_print(i, cb_parseMessage, userdata=i, priority=hexchat.PRI_HIGH)
for i in ["Your Message", "Your Action"]: # Connect print events that can happen in PM
hexchat.hook_print(i, dmSend, userdata=i, priority=hexchat.PRI_HIGH)
ech("\00304{} loaded.\003".format(__module_name__), "Motd")
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I think also twitch chat is using a newer IRC protocol and not really supported by hexchat

Correct; This is why a patched version is required. The process is described in the Readme of my Rust version of this plugin.

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