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Created June 16, 2014 05:37
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Tululoo export.js file with support for canvas scaling.
* Tululoo Game Maker //TULULOO_VERSION
* Creators
* Zoltan Percsich
* Vadim "YellowAfterlife" Dyachenko
* (c) SilentWorks 2011 - 2014
* All rights reserved.
* Contributors:
* Csaba Herbut
function tu_detect_audio(_type) {
var _au = document.createElement('audio');
return _au.canPlayType && _au.canPlayType(_type).replace(/no/, '');
var __path__ = window.__path__ ? window.__path__ : '',
// system variables:
tu_gameloop = tu_canvas = tu_context = tu_room_to_go = null, tu_canvas_id = 'tululoocanvas',
tu_canvas_css = 'background: rgb(42, 42, 42); border: 0;',
tu_loading = tu_load_total = 0,
var_override_ = (Object.defineProperty != undefined),
// resources:
tu_sprites = [], tu_audios = [], tu_backgrounds = [], tu_fonts = [], tu_scenes = [],
// time:
tu_frame_time = tu_frame_step = tu_frame_el = tu_frame_count = tu_elapsed = 0,
tu_prev_cycle_time = tu_prev_frame_time = (new Date()).getTime(),
// math:
max = Math.max, min = Math.min, round = Math.round, floor = Math.floor, ceil = Math.ceil,
sin = Math.sin, cos = Math.cos, sqrt = Math.sqrt, tan = Math.tan, rand = Math.random,
arccos = Math.acos, arcsin = Math.asin, arctan = Math.atan, arctan2 = Math.atan2,
tu_r2d = -180 / Math.PI, tu_d2r = Math.PI / -180, tu_2pi = Math.PI * 2,
// i/o variables:
mouse_x = mouse_y = 0, mouse_down = mouse_pressed = mouse_released = false,
key_down = [], key_pressed = [], key_released = [], tu_vkeys = [],
tu_keys_pressed = [], tu_keys_released = [],
touch_x = [], touch_y = [], touch_count = 0,
tu_unpausekey = 27, tu_paused = false, tu_modal = null, tu_modaldraw = true,
// i/o constants:
vk_0 = 48, vk_1 = 49, vk_2 = 50, vk_3 = 51, vk_4 = 52, vk_5 = 53, vk_6 = 54,
vk_7 = 55, vk_8 = 56, vk_9 = 57, vk_a = 65, vk_add = 107, vk_alt = 18, vk_b = 66,
vk_backspace = 8, vk_c = 67, vk_ctrl = 17, vk_d = 68, vk_decimal = 110, vk_delete = 46,
vk_divide = 111, vk_down = 40, vk_e = 69, vk_end = 35, vk_enter = 13, vk_escape = 27,
vk_f1 = 112, vk_f2 = 113, vk_f3 = 114, vk_f4 = 115, vk_f5 = 116, vk_f6 = 117,
vk_f7 = 118, vk_f8 = 119, vk_f9 = 120, vk_f10 = 121, vk_f11 = 122, vk_f12 = 123,
vk_g = 71, vk_h = 72, vk_home = 36, vk_f = 70, vk_i = 73, vk_insert = 45, vk_j = 74, vk_k = 75,
vk_l = 76, vk_left = 37, vk_m = 77, vk_multiply = 106, vk_n = 78, vk_num0 = 96, vk_num1 = 97,
vk_num2 = 98, vk_num3 = 99, vk_num4 = 100, vk_num5 = 101, vk_num6 = 102, vk_num7 = 103,
vk_num8 = 104, vk_num9 = 105, vk_o = 79, vk_p = 80, vk_pagedown = 34, vk_pageup = 33,
vk_pause = 19, vk_q = 81, vk_r = 82, vk_right = 39, vk_s = 83, vk_shift = 16, vk_space = 32,
vk_subtract = 109, vk_t = 84, vk_tab = 9, vk_u = 85, vk_up = 38, vk_v = 86, vk_w = 87,
vk_x = 88, vk_y = 89, vk_z = 90,
// collisions:
ct_null = 0, ct_point = 1, ct_box = 2, ct_circle = 3,
// tiles:
tu_tiles = [], tu_tilesi = [], tu_tilez = 256,
// sound variables:
tu_wav_supported = tu_detect_audio('audio/wav; codecs="1"'),
tu_ogg_supported = tu_detect_audio('audio/ogg; codecs="vorbis"'),
tu_mp3_supported = tu_detect_audio('audio/mpeg;'),
// drawing:
tu_draw_alpha = 1, tu_draw_color_red = tu_draw_color_green = tu_draw_color_blue = 0,
tu_draw_font = "Arial 12px", tu_draw_halign = "left", tu_draw_valign = "top",
tu_draw_font_ = { size: 12, family: 'Arial', bold: false, italic: false },
tu_draw_color = "rgb(" + tu_draw_color_red + "," +
tu_draw_color_green + "," + tu_draw_color_blue + ")",
tu_redraw, tu_redraw_auto = true,
tu_viewport_inst = null,
// drawing constants:
fa_left = "left", fa_center = "center", fa_right = "right",
fa_top = "top", fa_middle = "middle", fa_bottom = "bottom",
// system room variables:
tu_depth = [], tu_depthi = [], tu_depthu = [], tu_types = [], tu_persist = [],
// public room variables:
room_current = null,
room_speed = 30, fps = room_speed,
room_background = null,
room_width = 0, room_height = 0,
room_background_color_show = true, room_background_color_red = 0,
room_background_color_green = 0, room_background_color_blue = 0,
room_viewport_width = 0, room_viewport_height = 0,
room_viewport_object = null,
room_viewport_hborder = 0, room_viewport_vborder = 0,
room_viewport_x = 0, room_viewport_y = 0,
global = null;
// keyboard functions:
function keyboard_check(_key) { return key_down[_key]; }
function keyboard_check_pressed(_key) { return key_pressed[_key]; }
function keyboard_check_released(_key) { return key_released[_key]; }
// mouse functions:
function mouse_check() { return mouse_down; }
function mouse_check_pressed() { return mouse_pressed; }
function mouse_check_released() { return mouse_released; }
// virtual keys:
function vkey() { = 0;
this.left = 0;
this.right = 0;
this.bottom = 0;
this.key = 0;
this.down = false; = true;
function vkey_add(_x, _y, _w, _h, _k) {
var _v = new vkey();
_v.left = _x; = _y;
_v.right = _x + _w;
_v.bottom = _y + _h;
_v.width = _w;
_v.height = _h;
_v.key = _k;
return _v;
// misc:
function trace() { console.log.apply(console, arguments); }
function tu_idle() { } // left empty on purpose
// minimal math:
function abs(_value) { return _value < 0 ? -_value : _value; }
function sign(_value) { return _value > 0 ? 1 : _value < 0 ? -1 : 0; }
function choose() { return arguments[~~(Math.random() * arguments.length)]; }
function random(_value) { return Math.random() * _value; }
function irandom(_value) { return ~~(Math.random() * _value + 1); }
// trig functions:
function lengthdir_x(_length, _direction) { return _length * Math.cos(_direction * tu_d2r); }
function lengthdir_y(_length, _direction) { return _length * Math.sin(_direction * tu_d2r); }
function point_distance(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) { return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(( _x1 - _x2), 2) + Math.pow((_y1 - _y2), 2)); }
function point_direction(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) { return Math.atan2(_y2 - _y1, _x2 - _x1) * tu_r2d; }
function degtorad(_degree) { return _degree * tu_d2r; }
function radtodeg(_degree) { return _degree * tu_r2d; }
// sound functions:
function sound_mode(_sound, _mode) {
if ( == return;
switch (_sound.type) {
case "wav": if (!tu_wav_supported) return; break;
case "ogg": if (!tu_ogg_supported) return; break;
case "mp3": if (!tu_mp3_supported) return; break;
if (_mode != 3) {;
if (_mode != 0) { = 0;
} else return; = _mode > 1;
function sound_play(_sound) { sound_mode(_sound, 1); }
function sound_loop(_sound) { sound_mode(_sound, 2); }
function sound_resume(_sound) { sound_mode(_sound, 3); }
function sound_stop(_sound) { sound_mode(_sound, 0); }
function sound_stop_all() { for ( var _s = 0; _s < tu_audios.length; _s++) sound_stop( tu_audios[_s] ); }
function sound_volume( _sound, _volume) {
if ( == return; = _volume;
// draw sprite:
function draw_sprite(_sprite_index, _sub_image, _x, _y) {
if (_sprite_index == null) return;
if (_sub_image > _sprite_index.frames.length - 1) _sub_image = 0;;
tu_context.translate(_x - room_viewport_x, _y - room_viewport_y);
tu_context.globalAlpha = tu_draw_alpha;
tu_context.drawImage(_sprite_index.frames[~~_sub_image], -_sprite_index.xoffset, -_sprite_index.yoffset);
function draw_sprite_part(_sprite_index, _sub_image, _left, _top, _width, _height, _x, _y) {
if (_sprite_index == null) return;
if (_sub_image >= _sprite_index.frames.length) _sub_image = _sub_image % _sprite_index.frames.length;;
tu_context.translate(_x - room_viewport_x, _y - room_viewport_y);
tu_context.globalAlpha = tu_draw_alpha;
tu_context.drawImage(_sprite_index.frames[~~_sub_image], _left, _top, _width, _height, 0, 0, _width, _height);
function draw_sprite_ext(_sprite_index, _sub_image, _x, _y, _xscale, _yscale, _rotation, _alpha) {
if (_sprite_index == null) return;
if (_sub_image >= _sprite_index.frames.length) _sub_image = _sub_image % _sprite_index.frames.length;;
tu_context.translate(_x - room_viewport_x, _y - room_viewport_y);
tu_context.scale(_xscale, _yscale);
tu_context.globalAlpha = _alpha;
tu_context.drawImage(_sprite_index.frames[~~_sub_image], -_sprite_index.xoffset , -_sprite_index.yoffset, _sprite_index.width, _sprite_index.height);
// draw text:
function draw_text(_x, _y, _text) {
tu_context.font = tu_draw_font;
tu_context.textAlign = tu_draw_halign;
tu_context.textBaseline = tu_draw_valign;
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + tu_draw_color + ", " + tu_draw_alpha + ")";
tu_context.fillText( _text, _x - room_viewport_x, _y - room_viewport_y );
// draw shapes:
function draw_rectangle(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2, _outline) {
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + tu_draw_color + ", " + tu_draw_alpha + ")";
if (_outline) tu_context.strokeRect( _x1- room_viewport_x, _y1 - room_viewport_y, _x2 - _x1, _y2 - _y1 );
else tu_context.fillRect( _x1- room_viewport_x, _y1 - room_viewport_y, _x2 - _x1, _y2 - _y1 );
function draw_circle(_x, _y, _r, _outline) {
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + tu_draw_color + ", " + tu_draw_alpha + ")";
tu_context.arc( _x - room_viewport_x, _y - room_viewport_y, _r, 0, tu_2pi, true );
!_outline ? tu_context.fill() : tu_context.stroke();
function draw_line(_x1, _y1, _x2, _y2) {
tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(" + tu_draw_color + ", " + tu_draw_alpha + ")";
tu_context.moveTo( _x1 - room_viewport_x, _y1 - room_viewport_y );
tu_context.lineTo( _x2 - room_viewport_x, _y2 - room_viewport_y );
// draw settings:
function draw_set_alpha(_alpha) {
tu_draw_alpha = _alpha;
function draw_set_color( _r, _g, _b) {
tu_draw_color_red = _r;
tu_draw_color_green = _g;
tu_draw_color_blue = _b;
tu_draw_color = tu_draw_color_red + "," + tu_draw_color_green + "," + tu_draw_color_blue;
tu_context.fillStyle = "rgba(" + tu_draw_color + ", " + tu_draw_alpha + ")";
tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgb(" + tu_draw_color + ")";
function draw_set_linewidth(_width) { tu_context.lineWidth = _width; }
// draw settings - font:
function draw_set_font (_font) {
tu_draw_font_ = _font;
tu_draw_font = (_font.bold == 1 ? "bold" : "") + " " + (_font.italic == 1 ? "italic" : "") + " " + _font.size + "px " +;
tu_context.font = tu_draw_font;
tu_context.textAlign = tu_draw_halign;
tu_context.textBaseline = tu_draw_valign;
function draw_set_halign(_halign) { tu_draw_halign = _halign; }
function draw_set_valign(_valign) { tu_draw_valign = _valign; }
// room translations:
function room_goto(_scene) {
tu_viewport_inst = null;
tu_room_to_go = _scene;
function room_goto_next() {
var _ri = 0, _r;
for (_r = 0; _r < tu_scenes.length; _r++) if (tu_scenes[_r] == room_current) _ri = _r;
if (typeof tu_scenes[(_ri + 1)] == "object") room_goto(tu_scenes[_ri + 1]);
function room_goto_previous() {
var _ri = 0, _r;
for (_r = 0; _r < tu_scenes.length; _r++) if (tu_scenes[_r] == room_current) _ri = _r;
if (typeof tu_scenes[(_ri - 1)] == "object") room_goto(tu_scenes[_ri - 1]);
function room_goto_first() { room_goto(tu_scenes[0]); }
function room_goto_last() { room_goto(tu_scenes[(tu_scenes.length - 1)]); }
function room_restart() { room_goto(room_current); }
// instance functions:
function instance_create_(_x, _y, _object) {
var o = new _object.constructor;
o.parameters = arguments.length > 3 ?, 3) : [];
o.object_index = _object;
o.__instance = true;
o.xstart = o.x = _x;
o.ystart = o.y = _y;
o._depth = o.depthstart;
return o;
function instance_create(_x, _y, _object) {
var o = instance_create_.apply(this, arguments);
return o;
function instance_number(_object) {
return instance_list(_object).length;
function instance_first(_object) {
var l = instance_list(_object);
return l.length ? l[0] : null;
// BBox <> BBox
function collide_bbox_bbox(l1, t1, r1, b1, l2, t2, r2, b2) {
return !(b1 <= t2 || t1 >= b2 || r1 <= l2 || l1 >= r2);
// BBox <> SpriteBox
// (left, top, right, bottom, instX, instY, scaleX, scaleY, sprite, ofsX, ofsY)
function collide_bbox_sbox(l1, t1, r1, b1, x2, y2, h2, v2, s2) {
!( b1 <= y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_top - s2.yoffset)
|| t1 >= y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_bottom - s2.yoffset)
|| r1 <= x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_left - s2.xoffset)
|| l1 <= x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_right - s2.xoffset));
// SpriteBox <> BBox
function collide_sbox_point(x2, y2, h2, v2, s2, x1, y1) {
!( y1 <= y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_top - s2.yoffset)
|| y1 >= y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_bottom - s2.yoffset)
|| x1 <= x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_left - s2.xoffset)
|| x1 <= x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_right - s2.xoffset));
// SpriteBox <> Circle
function collide_sbox_circle(x2, y2, h2, v2, s2, x1, y1, r1) {
var u, v, dx, dy;
u = x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_left - s2.xoffset);
v = x2 + h2 * (s2.collision_right - s2.xoffset);
dx = (x2 < u ? u : x2 > v ? v : x2) - x2;
u = y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_top - s2.yoffset);
v = y2 + v2 * (s2.collision_bottom - s2.yoffset);
dy = (y2 < u ? u : y2 > v ? v : y2) - y2;
return (dx * dx + dy * dy < r1 * r1);
// BBox <> Point
function collide_bbox_point(l1, t1, r1, b1, x2, y2) {
return (x2 > l1 && x2 < r1 && y2 > t1 && y2 < b1);
// BBox <> Circle
function collide_bbox_circle(l1, t1, r1, b1, x2, y2, r2) {
var dx = (x2 < l1 ? l1 : x2 > r1 ? r1 : x2) - x2,
dy = (y2 < t1 ? t1 : y2 > b1 ? b1 : y2) - y2;
return (dx * dx + dy * dy < r2 * r2);
// Circle <> Range
function collide_circle_range(dx, dy, dr) {
return (dx * dx + dy * dy < dr * dr);
// Circle <> Circle
function collide_circle_circle(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2, r2) {
return collide_circle_range(x1 - x2, y1 - y2, r1 + r2);
// Circle <> Point
function collide_circle_point(x1, y1, r1, x2, y2) {
return collide_circle_range(x1 - x2, y1 - y2, r1);
// instance collision checking:
function instance_position(_px, _py, _object, _mult) {
var _x, _y, _ox, _oy, _sx, _sy, _o, _s, _i, _il, _r, _dx, _dy,
_q = (_object.__instance ? [_object] : instance_list(_object)),
_tm = (_mult) ? true : false;
if (_tm) _ta = [];
_il = _q.length;
for (_i = 0; _i < _il; _i++) {
_o = _q[_i];
if (!_o.collision_checking) continue;
_s = _o.sprite_index;
if (!_s) continue;
_x = _o.x; _sx = _o.image_xscale;
_y = _o.y; _sy = _o.image_yscale;
switch (_s.collision_shape)
case 0x2:
if (_sx == 1 && _sy == 1) {
_ox = _s.xoffset; _oy = _s.yoffset;
if (!collide_bbox_point(_x + _s.collision_left - _ox, _y + _s.collision_top - _oy,
_x + _s.collision_right - _ox, _y + _s.collision_bottom - _oy, _px, _py)) break;
} else if (!collide_sbox_point(_x, _y, _sx, _sy, _s)) break;
if (!_tm) return _o;
case 0x3:
_r = _s.collision_radius * Math.max(_o.image_xscale, _o.image_yscale);
_dx = _o.x + (_s.width / 2 - _s.xoffset) - _px;
_dy = _o.y + (_s.height / 2 - _s.yoffset) - _py;
if ((_dx * _dx) + (_dy * _dy) > _r * _r) break;
if (!_tm) return _o;
return _tm ? _ta : null;
function __place_meeting__(nx, ny, what, many) {
this.other = null;
var i, l,
// sprite, scale:
ts = this.sprite_index,
tsx, tsy, tfx, tfy, tst,
// circle:
tcx, tcy, tcr,
// bbox:
tbl, tbr, tbt, tbb,
// instances, multiple, output, types:
tz, tm, ct, ch, ra,
// other:
o, ox, oy, os, ost, osx, osy, ofx, ofy, ofr;
if (ts == null) return false;
tfx = ts.xoffset;
tfy = ts.yoffset;
tsx = this.image_xscale;
tsy = this.image_yscale;
tst = ts.collision_shape;
// bbox:
if (tst == 2) {
tbl = nx + tsx * (ts.collision_left - tfx);
tbr = nx + tsx * (ts.collision_right - tfx);
tbt = ny + tsy * (ts.collision_top - tfy);
tbb = ny + tsy * (ts.collision_bottom - tfy);
// circle:
if (tst == 3) {
tcr = ts.collision_radius * (tsx > tsy ? tsx : tsy);
tcx = nx + tsx * (ts.width / 2 - tfx);
tcy = ny + tsy * (ts.height / 2 - tfy);
tz = (what.__instance ? [what] : instance_list(what));
tm = many ? true : false;
if (tm) ra = [];
l = tz.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
o = tz[i];
if (!o.collision_checking) continue;
os = o.sprite_index;
if (os == null) continue;
ox = o.x; osx = o.image_xscale;
oy = o.y; osy = o.image_yscale;
ost = os.collision_shape;
ct = (tst << 4) | ost;
ch = false;
switch(ct) {
case 0x22:
if (osx == 1 && osy == 1) {
ofx = os.xoffset; ofy = os.yoffset;
if (!collide_bbox_bbox(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb,
ox + os.collision_left - ofx, oy + os.collision_top - ofy,
ox + os.collision_right - ofx, oy + os.collision_bottom - ofy)) break;
} else if (!collide_bbox_sbox(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb, ox, oy, osx, osy, os)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x23:
ofr = os.collision_radius * (osx > osy ? osx : osy);
ofx = ox + osx * (os.width / 2 - os.xoffset);
ofy = oy + osy * (os.height / 2 - os.yoffset);
if (!collide_bbox_circle(tbl, tbt, tbr, tbb, ofx, ofy, ofr)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x32:
if (osx == 1 && osy == 1) {
ofx = os.xoffset; ofy = os.yoffset;
if (!collide_bbox_circle(
ox + os.collision_left - ofx, oy + os.collision_top - ofy,
ox + os.collision_right - ofx, oy + os.collision_bottom - ofy,
tcx, tcy, tcr)) break;
} else if (!collide_sbox_circle(ox, oy, osx, osy, os, tcx, tcy, tcr)) break;
ch = true;
case 0x33:
ofr = os.collision_radius * (osx > osy ? osx : osy);
ofx = ox + osx * (os.width / 2 - os.xoffset);
ofy = oy + osy * (os.height / 2 - os.yoffset);
if (!collide_circle_circle(tcx, tcy, tcr, ofx, ofy, ofr)) break;
ch = true;
} if (!ch) continue;
this.other = o;
o.other = this;
if (!tm) return (o);
} return ra;
function position_meeting(_x, _y, _object) {
return instance_position(_x, _y, _object) != null;
function __move_towards_point__(_x, _y, _speed) {
if (_speed == 0) return;
if (this.x == _x && this.y == _y) return;
var _dx = _x - this.x,
_dy = _y - this.y,
_dist = _dx * _dx + _dy * _dy;
if (_dist < _speed * _speed) {
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
} else {
_dist = Math.sqrt(_dist);
this.x += _dx * _speed / _dist;
this.y += _dy * _speed / _dist;
function __instance_destroy__() {
tu_trash.push( this );
// web data:
function save_web_data(_name, _value) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.setItem(_name, _value); }
function save_web_integer(_name, _value) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.setItem("int_" + _name, _value); }
function save_web_float(_name, _value) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.setItem("float_" + _name, _value); }
function save_web_string(_name, _value) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.setItem("string_" + _name, _value); }
function load_web_data(_name) { if (window.localStorage) return window.localStorage.getItem(_name); }
function load_web_integer(_name) { if (window.localStorage) return parseInt(window.localStorage.getItem("int_" + _name)); }
function load_web_float(_name) { if (window.localStorage) return parseFloat(window.localStorage.getItem("float_" + _name)); }
function load_web_string(_name) { if (window.localStorage) return '' + window.localStorage.getItem("string_" + _name); }
function delete_web_data(_name) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.removeItem(_name); }
function delete_web_integer(_name) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.removeItem("int_" + _name); }
function delete_web_float(_name) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.removeItem("float_" + _name); }
function delete_web_string(_name) { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.removeItem("string_" + _name); }
function clear_web_data() { if (window.localStorage) window.localStorage.clear(); }
function web_data_number() { if (window.localStorage) return window.localStorage.length; }
// misc functions:
function pause_game( _key) {
tu_paused = true;
tu_unpausekey = _key;
function modal_end() {
if (tu_modal == null) return;
tu_modal = null;
function modal_start(_inst, _draw) {
if (tu_modal != null) modal_end();
tu_modal = _inst;
tu_modaldraw = _draw;
function show_mouse() { = "default"; }
function hide_mouse() { = "none"; }
function tu_gettime() { return (new Date()).getTime(); }
function tu_global () { }
global = new tu_global();
//{ Events
function __keydownlistener__(e) {
var r = true;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement == tu_canvas || document.activeElement == document.body) r = false;
if (e.repeat) return;
var keyCode = window.event ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (!key_down[keyCode]) {
key_pressed[keyCode] = true;
key_down[keyCode] = true;
if (!r) e.preventDefault();
return r;
function __keyuplistener__(e) {
var r = true;
if (!e) e = window.event;
if (document.activeElement && document.activeElement == tu_canvas || document.activeElement == document.body) r = false;
var keyCode = window.event ? e.which : e.keyCode;
if (key_down[keyCode])
key_released[keyCode] = true;
key_down[keyCode] = false;
if (!r) e.preventDefault();
return r;
function canvas_scale_x() {
var r =, o = tu_canvas.width;
if (r) {
if (r.indexOf("px") >= 0) return parseFloat(r) / o;
return 1;
function canvas_scale_y() {
var r =, o = tu_canvas.height;
if (r) {
if (r.indexOf("px") >= 0) return parseFloat(r) / o;
return 1;
function __touchsim__(_x, _y) {
var r = [{}];
r[0].pageX = tu_canvas.offsetLeft + _x * canvas_scale_x();
r[0].pageY = tu_canvas.offsetTop + _y * canvas_scale_y();
function __mousemovelistener__(_e) {
if (_e.pageX != undefined && _e.pageY != undefined) {
mouse_x = _e.pageX;
mouse_y = _e.pageY;
} else {
mouse_x = _e.clientX + document.body.scrollLeft + document.documentElement.scrollLeft;
mouse_y = _e.clientY + document.body.scrollTop + document.documentElement.scrollTop;
if (room_current != null) {
mouse_x = (mouse_x - tu_canvas.offsetLeft) / canvas_scale_x();
mouse_y = (mouse_y - tu_canvas.offsetTop) / canvas_scale_y();
if (mouse_down) __touchsim__(mouse_x, mouse_y);
function __mousedownlistener__(_e) {
//if (!mouse_down) mouse_pressed = true;
//mouse_down = true;
__touchsim__(mouse_x, mouse_y);
function __mouseuplistener__(_e) {
//if (mouse_down) mouse_released = true;
//mouse_down = false;
function __touchvkey__(_t) {
var _tx = 0, _ty = 0, _tc = 0, _tl = _t.length, _vl = tu_vkeys.length, _i, _j, _c, _k,
_px, _py, _dx = tu_canvas.offsetLeft, _dy = tu_canvas.offsetTop, _mx = _my = 1;
if ( _mx
touch_x = []; touch_y = []; touch_count = 0;
for (_i = 0; _i < _vl; _i++) tu_vkeys[_i].count = 0;
for (_i = 0; _i < _tl; _i++) {
_c = 0;
_px = (_t[_i].pageX - _dx) / canvas_scale_x();
_py = (_t[_i].pageY - _dy) / canvas_scale_y();
for (_j = 0; _j < _vl; _j++) {
if (!tu_vkeys[_j].active) continue;
if (_px >= tu_vkeys[_j].left && _px < tu_vkeys[_j].right
&& _py >= tu_vkeys[_j].top && _py < tu_vkeys[_j].bottom) {
if (!tu_vkeys[_j].down) {
tu_vkeys[_j].down = true;
_k = tu_vkeys[_j].key;
if (!key_down[_k]) {
key_down[_k] = true;
key_pressed[_k] = true;
if (_c == 0) {
_tx += touch_x[_tc] = _px;
_ty += touch_y[_tc++] = _py;
for (_i = 0; _i < _vl; _i++) {
if (tu_vkeys[_i].count != 0) continue;
if (!tu_vkeys[_i].down) continue;
tu_vkeys[_i].down = false;
_k = tu_vkeys[_i].key;
if (key_down[_k]) {
key_down[_k] = false;
key_released[_k] = true;
touch_count = _tc;
if (_tc != 0) {
mouse_x = _tx / _tc;
mouse_y = _ty / _tc;
if (!mouse_down) {
mouse_down = true;
mouse_pressed = true;
} else if (mouse_down) {
mouse_down = false;
mouse_released = true;
function __touchlistener__(e) {
function tu_init () {
if (document.addEventListener) {
document.addEventListener("keydown", __keydownlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("keyup", __keyuplistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("mousemove", __mousemovelistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("mousedown", __mousedownlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("mouseup", __mouseuplistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchstart", __touchlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchend", __touchlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchmove", __touchlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchenter", __touchlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchleave", __touchlistener__, false);
document.addEventListener("touchcancel", __touchlistener__, false);
} else {
document.attachEvent("onkeydown", __keydownlistener__);
document.attachEvent("onkeyup", __keyuplistener__);
document.attachEvent("onmousemove", __mousemovelistener__);
document.attachEvent("onmousedown", __mousedownlistener__);
document.attachEvent("onmouseup", __mouseuplistener__);
// initialize keycodes
for (var _k = 0; _k < 256; _k++) {
key_down[_k] = key_pressed[_k] = key_released[_k] = false;
function tu_loading_inc() { tu_loading++; tu_load_total++; }
function tu_loading_dec() { tu_loading--; }
function _$_(_id_) {
return document.getElementById( _id_ );
function var_override(_what, _svar, _fget, _fset) {
if (var_override_) {
if (_what.hasOwnProperty(_svar)) return;
Object.defineProperty(_what, _svar, {
get: _fget,
set: _fset
} else {
if (_what.__lookupGetter__(_svar) != undefined) return;
_what.__defineGetter__(_svar, _fget);
_what.__defineSetter__(_svar, _fset);
//{ Depth
function _tu_depth_find(_d) {
var _tl = tu_depthi.length, _td, _ti;
for (_ti = 0; _ti < _tl; _ti++) {
_td = tu_depthi[_ti];
if (_d > _td) return _ti;
return _tl;
function _tu_depth_new(_d) {
var _i = _tu_depth_find(_d), _o = [];
tu_depth.splice(_i, 0, _o);
tu_depthi.splice(_i, 0, _d);
return _i;
function tu_depth_add(_d, _o) {
var _t = tu_depthi.indexOf(_d);
if (_t == -1) _t = _tu_depth_new(_d); // create array if none
function tu_depth_delete(_d, _o) {
var _t = tu_depth[tu_depthi.indexOf(_d)], _ti = _t.indexOf(_o);
if (_ti == -1) return;
_t.splice(_ti, 1);
function tu_depth_update() {
var i, l = tu_depthu.length, o;
if (l == 0) return;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
o = tu_depthu[i];
if (o.instance_active && o._depth !== undefined) tu_depth_delete(o._depth, o);
o._depth = o._depthn;
if (o.instance_active && o._depth !== undefined) tu_depth_add(o._depth, o);
o._depthu = false;
tu_depthu = [];
// Accessors:
function tu_depth_get() { return this._depth; }
function tu_depth_set(_d) {
if (this._depth == _d) return; // don't change on depth match
this._depthn = _d;
if (this._depthu) return;
this._depthu = true;
//{ Types
function instance_list(_o) {
var _t = _o._object_index_;
if (tu_types[_t] == undefined) tu_types[_t] = [];
return tu_types[_t];
function tu_type_add(_d, _o) {
function tu_type_delete(_o, _p) {
var _d = tu_types[_p], _t = _d.indexOf(_o);
_d.splice(_t, 1);
function tu_type_get() { return this._object_index; }
//{ Tileset functions
function tile_layer_find(_d) {
var _tl = tu_tilesi.length, _td, _ti;
for (_ti = 0; _ti < _tl; _ti++) {
_td = tu_tilesi[_ti];
if (_d > _td) return _ti;
return _tl;
function tile_layer_add(_d) {
var _i = tile_layer_find(_d), _o = [];
tu_tiles.splice(_i, 0, _o);
tu_tilesi.splice(_i, 0, _d);
return _o;
function tile(_s, _x, _y, _l, _t, _w, _h) {
this.source = _s;
this.x = _x;
this.y = _y;
this.left = _l; = _t;
this.width = _w;
this.height = _h;
this.width2 = _w;
this.height2 = _h;
this.sectors = [];
function tile_add(_b, _l, _t, _w, _h, _x, _y, _z) {
var _tx1 = Math.floor(_x / tu_tilez),
_ty1 = Math.floor(_y / tu_tilez),
_tx2 = Math.floor((_x + _w) / tu_tilez),
_ty2 = Math.floor((_y + _h) / tu_tilez),
_tt = new tile(_b, _x, _y, _l, _t, _w, _h),
_tx, _ty, _ts,
_d, _e = tu_tilesi.indexOf(_z);
if (_e != -1) _d = tu_tiles[_e];
else _d = tile_layer_add(_z);
for (_tx = _tx1; _tx <= _tx2; _tx++) {
if (_d[_tx] == null) _d[_tx] = [];
for (_ty = _ty1; _ty <= _ty2; _ty++) {
if (_d[_tx][_ty] == null) _d[_tx][_ty] = [];
_ts = _d[_tx][_ty];
return _tt;
function tile_find(_x, _y, _w, _h, _d) {
var _xw = _x + _w,
_yh = _y + _h,
_r = [],
_tx, _ty, _ti, _tl, _ts, _tt, _ta,
_tx1, _ty1, _tx2, _ty2;
_ti = tu_tilesi.indexOf(_d);
if (_ti == -1) return _r;
_ta = tu_tiles[_ti];
_tx1 = Math.floor(_x / tu_tilez);
_ty1 = Math.floor(_y / tu_tilez);
_tx2 = Math.floor((_x + _w) / tu_tilez);
_ty2 = Math.floor((_y + _h) / tu_tilez);
for (_tx = _tx1; _tx <= _tx2; _tx++) {
if (_ta[_tx] == null) continue;
for (_ty = _ty1; _ty <= _ty2; _ty++) {
if (_ta[_tx][_ty] == null) continue;
_ts = _ta[_tx][_ty];
_tl = _ts.length;
for (_ti = 0; _ti < _tl; _ti++) {
_tt = _ts[_ti];
if (_tt.x >= _xw) continue;
if (_tt.y >= _yh) continue;
if (_tt.x + _tt.width2 < _x) continue;
if (_tt.y + _tt.height2 < _y) continue;
return _r;
function tile_delete(_t) {
var _ti, _tl, _ts;
_tl = _t.sectors.length;
for (_ti = 0; _ti < _tl; _ti++) {
_ts = _t.sectors[_ti];
_ts.splice(_ts.indexOf(_t), 1);
function tile_srender(_s) {
var _ti, _tt;
for (_ti = 0; _ti < _s.length; _ti++) {
if (_s[_ti] == null) continue;
_tt = _s[_ti];
if (_tt.source == null) continue;
if (_tt.source.image == null) continue;
tu_context.drawImage(_tt.source.image, _tt.left,, _tt.width, _tt.height, _tt.x - room_viewport_x, _tt.y - room_viewport_y, _tt.width2, _tt.height2);
function tile_lrender(_l) {
var _tx, _ty,
_tx1 = Math.floor(room_viewport_x / tu_tilez),
_tx2 = Math.floor((room_viewport_x + room_viewport_width) / tu_tilez),
_ty1 = Math.floor(room_viewport_y / tu_tilez),
_ty2 = Math.floor((room_viewport_y + room_viewport_height) / tu_tilez);
for (_tx = _tx1; _tx <= _tx2; _tx++) {
if (_l[_tx] == null) continue;
for (_ty = _ty1; _ty <= _ty2; _ty++) {
if (_l[_tx][_ty] == null) continue;
//} /Tileset functions
//{ Some events & accessors
function tu_id_get() { return this; }
function tu_parent_get() { return this._parent_index; }
function image_single_get() { return (this.image_speed == 0 ? this.image_index : -1); }
function image_single_set(_o) { this.image_speed = 0; this.image_index = _o; }
// Handles object size & sprite updates. Should get rid of this in favor of accessors.
function __handle_sprite__(_object_) {
if (_object_.sprite_index == null) return;
_object_.sprite_width = _object_.sprite_index.width;
_object_.sprite_height = _object_.sprite_index.height;
_object_.sprite_xoffset = _object_.sprite_index.xoffset;
_object_.sprite_yoffset = _object_.sprite_index.yoffset;
_object_.image_number = _object_.sprite_index.frames.length;
_object_.image_index += _object_.image_speed;
if (_object_.image_index >= _object_.image_number) _object_.image_index = _object_.image_index % _object_.image_number;
if (_object_.image_index < 0) _object_.image_index = _object_.image_number - 1 + (_object_.image_index % _object_.image_number);
function __draw_self__() {
draw_sprite_ext(this.sprite_index, this.image_index, this.x, this.y, this.image_xscale, this.image_yscale, this.image_angle, this.image_alpha);
//{ Inherited event lookup functions.
// There's also a way to do this with much shorter code.
function on_creation_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_creation !== on_creation_i)
return o.on_creation.apply(this);
function on_destroy_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_destroy !== on_destroy_i)
return o.on_destroy.apply(this);
function on_step_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_step !== on_step_i)
return o.on_step.apply(this);
function on_end_step_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_end_step !== on_end_step_i)
return o.on_end_step.apply(this);
function on_draw_d() {
function on_draw_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_draw !== on_draw_i)
return o.on_draw.apply(this);
function on_collision_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_collision !== on_collision_i)
return o.on_collision.apply(this);
function on_animationend_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_animationend !== on_animationend_i)
return o.on_animationend.apply(this);
function on_roomstart_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_roomstart !== on_roomstart_i)
return o.on_roomstart.apply(this);
function on_roomend_i() {
for (var o = this.parent; o; o = o.parent)
if (o.on_roomend !== on_roomend_i)
return o.on_roomend.apply(this);
//} /Inherited event handles
// instance_init(this, object_index, parent_index, visible, depth, sprite, collideable, inner index)
// Universal object constructor:
function __instance_init__(_this, _oi, _p, _v, _d, _si, _c, _io) {
_this._object_index = undefined;
_this._object_index_ = _io;
_this._depth = undefined;
_this._depthn = undefined;
_this._depthu = false;
var_override(_this, 'depth', tu_depth_get, tu_depth_set );
var_override(_this, 'object_index', tu_type_get, tu_idle );
var_override(_this, 'image_single', image_single_get, image_single_set );
var_override(_this, 'id', tu_id_get, tu_idle);
var_override(_this, 'parent', tu_parent_get, tu_idle);
_this._object_index = _oi;
_this._parent_index = _p;
_this.xstart = _this.xprevious = _this.x = 0;
_this.ystart = _this.yprevious = _this.y = 0;
_this.depthstart = _d;
_this.image_angle = _this.direction = 0;
_this.visible = _v;
_this.image_yscale = _this.image_xscale = 1;
_this.image_alpha = 1;
_this.image_index = 0;
_this.image_speed = 1;
_this.sprite_index = _si;
_this.speed = 0;
_this.other = null;
_this.collision_checking = _c;
_this.persistent = false;
_this.instance_active = false;
// Instance-specific functions:
_this.place_meeting = __place_meeting__;
_this.move_towards_point = __move_towards_point__;
_this.instance_destroy = __instance_destroy__;
_this.draw_self = __draw_self__;
// Universal sprite constructor:
function __sprite_init__(_this, _name, _width, _height, _xofs, _yofs, _cshape, _crad, _cl, _cr, _ct, _cb, _frames) {
_this.frames = [];
var _frame, _fi;
for (_fi = 0; _fi < _frames.length; _fi++) {
_frame = new Image();
if (_frames[_fi]) {
_frame.onload = tu_loading_dec;
_frame.onerror = tu_loading_dec;
_frame.src = _frames[_fi];
_this.width = _width;
_this.height = _height;
_this.xoffset = _xofs;
_this.yoffset = _yofs;
_this.collision_shape = (_cshape == 'Circle' ? ct_circle : _cshape == 'Box' ? ct_box : 0);
_this.collision_radius = _crad;
_this.collision_left = _cl;
_this.collision_right = _cr;
_this.collision_top = _ct;
_this.collision_bottom = _cb;
// Universal audio constructor:
function __audio_init__(_this, _name, _wav, _mp3, _ogg) {
var _src = '';
_this.type = 'none';
if (tu_ogg_supported && (_ogg != '')) {
_this.type = 'ogg';
_src = _ogg;
} else if (tu_mp3_supported && (_mp3 != '')) {
_this.type = 'mp3';
_src = _mp3;
} else if (tu_wav_supported && (_wav != '')) {
_this.type = 'wav';
_src = _wav;
if (_src != '') { = document.createElement('audio');'src', _src);
function __background_init__(_this, _name, _file) {
_this.image = new Image();
_this.image.onload = tu_loading_dec;
_this.image.onerror = tu_loading_dec;
_this.image.src = _file;
function __font_init__(_this, _name, _family, _size, _bold, _italic) { = _family;
_this.size = _size;
_this.bold = _bold;
_this.italic = _italic;
// (this, name, width, height, speed, back. red, back. green, back. blue, background, back. tilex, back. tiley, back. stretch, view width, view height, view object, view hborder, view vborder)
function __room_start__(_this, _name, _rw, _rh, _rs, _br, _bg, _bb, _bi, _bx, _by, _bs, _vw, _vh, _vo, _vx, _vy) {
_$_('tululoogame').innerHTML = "<canvas id='" + tu_canvas_id + "' width='" + _vw + "' height='" + _vh + "' style='" + tu_canvas_css + "'></canvas>";
tu_canvas = _$_(tu_canvas_id);
tu_context = tu_canvas.getContext('2d');
room_current = _this;
// generic:
room_speed = _rs;
room_width = _rw;
room_height = _rh;
// background color:
room_background_color_red = _br;
room_background_color_green = _bg;
room_background_color_blue = _bb;
// background image:
room_background = _bi;
room_background_x = 0;
room_background_y = 0;
room_background_tile_x = _bx;
room_background_tile_y = _by;
room_background_tile_stretch = _bs;
// view:
room_viewport_width = _vw;
room_viewport_height = _vh;
room_viewport_x = room_viewport_y = 0;
room_viewport_object = _vo;
room_viewport_hborder = _vx;
room_viewport_vborder = _vy;
// tiles:
var _l, _b, _t, _i, _il, _tls_, i, l, d, o, a;
_tls_ = _this.tiles; tu_tiles = []; tu_tilesi = [];
for (_l = 0; _l < _tls_.length; _l++)
for (_b = 1; _b < _tls_[_l].length; _b++)
for (_t = 1; _t < _tls_[_l][_b].length; _t++)
tile_add(_tls_[_l][_b][0], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][0], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][1], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][2], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][3], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][4], _tls_[_l][_b][_t][5], _tls_[_l][0]);
// objects:
tu_depth = []; tu_depthi = []; tu_depthu = []; tu_types = [];
a = _this.objects;
l = a.length;
for (i = 0; i < l; i++) {
d = a[i];
d = d[0]; // temp.fix for rc2
if (d.o === undefined) continue;
o = instance_create_(d.x, d.y, d.o);
if (d.s !== undefined) o.sprite_index = d.s;
if (d.d !== undefined) o.direction = d.d;
if (d.a !== undefined) o.image_angle = d.a;
if (d.u !== undefined) o.image_xscale = d.u;
if (d.v !== undefined) o.image_yscale = d.v;
if (d.c !== undefined) d.c.apply(o);
// persistent objects:
_l = tu_persist.length
for (_t = 0; _t < _l; _t++) instance_activate(tu_persist[_t]);
instance_foreach(function(o) {
if (tu_persist.indexOf(o) != -1) return;
tu_persist = [];
instance_foreach(function(o) {
function tu_preloader() {
var _w = Math.min(400, (tu_canvas.width * 0.6) >> 0), _h = 16,
_x = (tu_canvas.width - _w) >> 1, _y = (tu_canvas.height - _h) >> 1,
_p = (tu_load_total - tu_loading) / tu_load_total,
_s = "Loading resources: " + (tu_load_total - tu_loading) + "/" + (tu_load_total);
tu_canvas.width = tu_canvas.width;
tu_canvas.height = tu_canvas.height; = "rgb(42, 42, 42)";
tu_context.font = "italic 12px Verdana";
tu_context.textAlign = "left";
tu_context.textBaseline = "bottom";
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(192, 192, 192, 1)";
tu_context.fillRect(_x - 1, _y - 1, _w + 2, _h + 2);
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(0, 0, 0, 1)";
tu_context.fillRect(_x, _y, _w, _h);
tu_context.fillStyle = tu_context.strokeStyle = "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)";
tu_context.fillRect(_x + 2, _y + 2, (_w - 4) * _p, _h - 4);
tu_context.fillText(_s, _x, _y - 2);
function tu_render_back() {
if (room_background == null) return;
if (room_background_tile_stretch) {
tu_context.drawImage(room_background, 0 - room_viewport_x, 0 - room_viewport_y, room_width, room_height);
var _bw, _bh, _bx, _by, _vx, _vy, _vw, _vh, _x1, _x2, _y1, _y2, _ht, _vt;
_bw = room_background.width;
_bh = room_background.height;
_bx = room_background_x;
if (room_background_tile_x) { _bx = _bx < 0 ? _bw - _bx % _bw : _bx % _bw; }
_by = room_background_y;
if (room_background_tile_y) { _bx = _by < 0 ? _bh - _by % _bh : _by % _bh; }
_vx = room_viewport_x;
_vy = room_viewport_y;
_vw = room_viewport_width;
_vh = room_viewport_height;
_x1 = room_background_tile_x ? Math.floor(_vx / _bw) * _bw - _bx : -_bx;
_x2 = room_background_tile_x ? Math.floor((_vx + _vw + _bw) / _bw) * _bw : _x1 + _bw;
_y1 = room_background_tile_y ? Math.floor(_vy / _bh) * _bh - _by : -_by;
_y2 = room_background_tile_y ? Math.floor((_vy + _vh + _bh) / _bh) * _bh : _y1 + _bh;
for (_ht = _x1; _ht < _x2; _ht += _bw)
for (_vt = _y1; _vt < _y2; _vt += _bh)
tu_context.drawImage(room_background, _ht - _vx, _vt - _vy);
// @1.2.6
function instance_activate(_i) {
if (_i.instance_active) return;
for (var o = _i._object_index; o; o = o.parent) tu_type_add(o, _i);
//tu_type_add(_i._object_index, _i);
//if (_i.parent != null) tu_type_add(_i.parent, _i);
tu_depth_add(_i._depth, _i);
_i.instance_active = true;
// @1.2.6
function instance_deactivate(_i) {
if (!_i.instance_active) return;
for (var o = _i._object_index; o; o = o.parent) tu_type_delete(o._object_index_, _i);
//tu_type_delete(_i, _i._object_index_);
//if (_i.parent != null) tu_type_delete(_i, _i.parent._object_index_);
tu_depth_delete(_i._depth, _i);
_i.instance_active = false;
// @1.2.6 Performs function for all instances
function instance_foreach(_function) {
var _d, _l, _o;
for (_d in tu_depth) {
_l = tu_depth[_d];
for (_o = 0; _o < _l.length; _o++) _function(_l[_o]);
// @1.2.6 Performs function for all instances on specific depth
function instance_fordepth(_depth, _function) {
var _o, _d = tu_depthc[_depth], _l;
if (_d == null) return;
_l = _d.length;
for (_o = 0; _o < _l; _o++) _function(_d[_o]);
// @1.2.6 Actions performed on room switch
function tu_room_switchto_(_o) {
if (!_o.persistent) return;
function tu_room_switchto(_dest) {
tu_persist = [];
room_current = _dest;
tu_room_to_go = null;
// @1.0.0 Global step event
function tu_step() {
// object step events:
tu_trash = [];
var tu_deptho, tu_depthl, _obj_, _objd_, _h, _v;
for (tu_depthd in tu_depth) {
tu_depthc = tu_depth[tu_depthd];
tu_depthl = tu_depthc.length;
for (tu_deptho = 0; tu_deptho < tu_depthl; tu_deptho++) {
_obj_ = tu_depthc[tu_deptho];
// is viewport object?
if (room_viewport_object != null && tu_viewport_inst == null && (_obj_.object_index == room_viewport_object || _obj_.parent == room_viewport_object)) {
tu_viewport_inst = _obj_;
// step events:
// move object:
if (_obj_.speed != 0) {
_objd_ = _obj_.direction * tu_d2r;
_obj_.x += _obj_.speed * Math.cos(_objd_);
_obj_.y += _obj_.speed * Math.sin(_objd_);
// post-step events:
// post:
_obj_.xprevious = _obj_.x;
_obj_.yprevious = _obj_.y;
// follow object
if (tu_viewport_inst != null) {
_h = min(room_viewport_hborder, room_viewport_width / 2);
_v = min(room_viewport_vborder, room_viewport_height / 2);
// hborder:
if (tu_viewport_inst.x < room_viewport_x + _h) room_viewport_x = tu_viewport_inst.x - _h;
if (tu_viewport_inst.x > room_viewport_x + room_viewport_width - _h) room_viewport_x = tu_viewport_inst.x - room_viewport_width + _h;
// vborder:
if (tu_viewport_inst.y < room_viewport_y + _v) room_viewport_y = tu_viewport_inst.y - _v;
if (tu_viewport_inst.y > room_viewport_y + room_viewport_height - _v) room_viewport_y = tu_viewport_inst.y - room_viewport_height + _v;
// limits:
room_viewport_x = Math.max(0, Math.min(room_viewport_x, room_width - room_viewport_width)) >> 0;
room_viewport_y = Math.max(0, Math.min(room_viewport_y, room_height - room_viewport_height)) >> 0;
function tu_draw() {
// clear canvas:
if (room_background_color_show) {
tu_canvas.width = tu_canvas.width;
tu_canvas.height = tu_canvas.height;
// set background color: = "rgb(" + room_background_color_red + "," + room_background_color_green + "," + room_background_color_blue + ")";
tile_layer_last = 0;
var tu_depthc, tu_depthv, tu_deptho, tu_depthl, _obj_;
for (tu_depthd in tu_depth) {
tu_depthc = tu_depth[tu_depthd];
tu_depthv = tu_depthi[tu_depthd];
for (; tu_tilesi[tile_layer_last] >= tu_depthv && tile_layer_last < tu_tiles.length; tile_layer_last++)
tu_depthl = tu_depthc.length;
for (tu_deptho = 0; tu_deptho < tu_depthl; tu_deptho++) {
_obj_ = tu_depthc[tu_deptho];
if (_obj_.visible) _obj_.on_draw();
// render remaining tile layers:
for (; tile_layer_last < tu_tiles.length; tile_layer_last++) {
function tu_prestep() {
// clear mouse states and keypressed / keyrelesed statuses
mouse_pressed = false;
mouse_released = false;
var _k, _r, _obj_;
for (_k = 0; _k < tu_keys_pressed.length; _k++) key_pressed[tu_keys_pressed[_k]] = false;
for (_k = 0; _k < tu_keys_released.length; _k++) key_released[tu_keys_released[_k]] = false;
tu_keys_pressed = [];
tu_keys_released = [];
// remove objects from destroy stack
for (_r = 0; _r < tu_trash.length; _r++) {
_obj_ = tu_trash[_r];
if (tu_modal == _obj_) tu_modal = null;
_obj_.depth = undefined;
tu_type_delete(_obj_, _obj_._object_index_);
if (_obj_.parent != null) tu_type_delete(_obj_, _obj_.parent._object_index_);
function tu_loop() {
// calculate render time
tu_frame_time = tu_gettime();
tu_elapsed = (tu_frame_time - tu_prev_frame_time);
tu_frame_step += tu_elapsed;
tu_frame_el += tu_elapsed;
// continue game with the UN-Pause key
if (tu_paused && keyboard_check_pressed(tu_unpausekey)) tu_paused = false;
if (tu_room_to_go != null && tu_canvas == null) tu_room_switchto(tu_room_to_go);
// render game:
if (tu_frame_step >= 1000 / room_speed && tu_loading == 0 && tu_canvas != null && !tu_paused) {
tu_elapsed = tu_frame_time - tu_prev_cycle_time;
tu_prev_cycle_time = tu_frame_time;
tu_frame_step -= 1000 / room_speed;
if (tu_frame_step < 0 || tu_frame_step > 1024) tu_frame_step = 0;
// start next room, if any:
if (tu_room_to_go != null) tu_room_switchto(tu_room_to_go);
tu_redraw = tu_redraw_auto;
if (tu_modal != null) {
if (tu_modal != null) tu_modal.on_end_step();
} else tu_step();
if (tu_redraw) {
if (tu_modal == null || tu_modaldraw) tu_draw();
else tu_modal.on_draw();
} else if (tu_loading > 0) tu_preloader();
// calculate fps:
if (tu_frame_el >= Math.floor(200 / room_speed) * 5 * room_speed)
fps = Math.ceil(tu_frame_count * 1000 / tu_frame_el);
if (fps > room_speed) fps = room_speed;
tu_frame_el = tu_frame_count = 0;
// repeat
tu_prev_frame_time = tu_frame_time;
setTimeout(tu_gameloop, 5);
tu_gameloop = tu_loop;
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