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Created October 16, 2016 18:27
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  • Save YesThatAllen/6d6194229219acf3dc846484a9e743fd to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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AutoDMG Debug log with kernel's disk i/o errors added inline
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: AutoDMG v1.6 build 452
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: Mac OS X 10.12 16A323
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: CPython 2.7.10 (GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 8.0.0 (clang-800.0.34))
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: PyObjC 2.5.1
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: Loading update profiles with PublicationDate 2016-10-15 15:21:22 +0000
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:185) profilesUpdated
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: Pruning cache
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Info: Found iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg -> c94f2386e780fdef391d2636c9bd7b692f9ceeca
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Debug: (IEDController:46) awakeFromNib
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Debug: (IEDSocketListener:34) Creating socket at /tmp/
2016-10-16 11:52:42 Debug: (IEDSocketListener:57) Listening to socket in background thread
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:71) disableControls
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:127) setSource:/Applications/Install macOS
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:141) continueSetSource:{
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:141) }
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:49) Finding already attached dmgs
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:72) '/Users/user/Downloads/AutoDMG-1.6.dmg' is already mounted at '/Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6'
2016-10-16 11:52:57 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:94) Attaching /Applications/Install macOS
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:107) Checking result of attaching /Applications/Install macOS
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) handleSourceMountResult:{
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) "dmg-path" = "/Applications/Install macOS";
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) "mount-point" = "/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm";
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) success = 1;
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) }
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:177) sourceType = INSTALL_ESD
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:49) Finding already attached dmgs
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:72) '/Users/user/Downloads/AutoDMG-1.6.dmg' is already mounted at '/Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6'
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:72) '/Applications/Install macOS' is already mounted at '/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm'
2016-10-16 11:52:59 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:94) Attaching /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:107) Checking result of attaching /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) handleSourceMountResult:{
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) "dmg-path" = "/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg";
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) "mount-point" = "/private/tmp/dmg.EDZPCI";
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) success = 1;
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:158) }
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:196) checkVersion:/private/tmp/dmg.EDZPCI
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Notice: Found source: Mac OS X 10.12 16A323
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:154) Detaching /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Notice: Accepted source /Applications/Install macOS Mac OS X 10.12 16A323
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:169) Detaching /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg, attempt 1/5
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:234) checkTemplate:/private/tmp/dmg.EDZPCI
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:193) loadProfileForVersion:10.12 build:16A323
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Info: Update profile for 10.12 16A323: iTunes 12.5.1
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:103) countDownloads
2016-10-16 11:53:00 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:77) enableControls
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Setting source path to '/Applications/Install macOS'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Setting apply updates to '1'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Setting output path to '/Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Setting 'Finalize: Scan for restore to '1'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Notice: Starting build
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Notice: Using installer: Mac OS X 10.12 16A323
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Notice: Using output path: /Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:71) disableControls
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:346) Created temporary directory at /var/folders/p3/lknjkfw155j8b19wm0f2rt5r0000gn/T/tmp58a60f
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:355) Saving template to /var/folders/p3/lknjkfw155j8b19wm0f2rt5r0000gn/T/tmp58a60f/AutoDMG-20161016.adtmpl
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Task taskPrepare with 1 phases:
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Preparing' with weight 34.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Task taskInstall with 5 phases:
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Starting install' with weight 21.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Creating disk image' with weight 21.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Installing OS' with weight 4096.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Installing iTunes 12.5.1' with weight 361.6
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Converting disk image' with weight 313.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Task taskFinalize with 4 phases:
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Scanning disk image' with weight 2.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Scanning disk image' with weight 1.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Scanning disk image' with weight 150.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Scanning disk image' with weight 17.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Task taskFinish with 1 phases:
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Phase 'Finishing' with weight 1.0
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) nextTask, currentTask == (null)
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Notice: Starting task with 1 phases
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == (null)
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Notice: Starting phase: Preparing
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:501) taskPrepare
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Info: Attaching /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:49) Finding already attached dmgs
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:72) '/Users/user/Downloads/AutoDMG-1.6.dmg' is already mounted at '/Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:72) '/Applications/Install macOS' is already mounted at '/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm'
2016-10-16 11:53:24 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:94) Attaching /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:25 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:107) Checking result of attaching /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:516) attachPackageDMG:{
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:516) "dmg-path" = "/Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg";
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:516) "mount-point" = "/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ";
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:516) success = 1;
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:516) }
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:530) continuePrepare
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:543) Looking for packages and applications in /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ: (
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:543) "/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg",
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:543) "/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Read Before You Install"
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:543) )
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Warning: Multiple items found in /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg, using /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: 2 packages to install:
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDUtil:160) /usr/sbin/installer failed to determine size requirements
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDUtil:183) /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg needs 12.2 GB
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDUtil:170) Installer says /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg requires 421.0 MB
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: Workflow requires a 12.6 GB disk image
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: Using a 37 GB disk image
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) nextTask, currentTask == {
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) method = "<selector taskPrepare of <IEDWorkflow: 0x7fa3cbd7bfa0>>";
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) phases = (
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) );
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) }
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Notice: Starting task with 5 phases
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = Preparing;
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 35651584;
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: Phase Preparing with weight 35651584 finished after 1.702 seconds
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Notice: Starting phase: Starting install
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Notice: Install task running
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: Launching install with arguments:
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/Users/user/'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--cd'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/Users/user/'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--socket'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/tmp/'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: 'installesdtodmg'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--user'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '501'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--group'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '20'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--output'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--volume-name'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: 'Macintosh HD'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--size'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '37'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '--template'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/var/folders/p3/lknjkfw155j8b19wm0f2rt5r0000gn/T/tmp58a60f/AutoDMG-20161016.adtmpl'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Info: '/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg'
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:628) launchScript:
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:645) Initializing NSAppleScript
2016-10-16 11:53:26 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:649) Executing AppleScript snippet
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Notice: Script phase: sparseimage
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Starting install";
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 22020096;
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Info: Phase Starting install with weight 22020096 finished after 11.824 seconds
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Notice: Starting phase: Creating disk image
2016-10-16 11:53:38 Info: Creating disk image
2016-10-16 11:53:50 Info: created: /var/folders/p3/lknjkfw155j8b19wm0f2rt5r0000gn/T/installesdtodmg.3htHuZj3/os.sparseimage
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Notice: Script phase: install 0:/private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Creating disk image";
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 22020096;
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: Phase Creating disk image with weight 22020096 finished after 13.556 seconds
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Notice: Starting phase: Installing OS
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: Installing OSInstall.mpkg
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Notice: Hardware: MacBookPro8,3 @ 2.40 GHz (x 8), 16384 MB RAM
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Notice: Running OS Build: Mac OS X 10.12 (16A323)
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: SHELL=/bin/bash
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: TMPDIR=/var/folders/p3/lknjkfw155j8b19wm0f2rt5r0000gn/T/
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: Apple_PubSub_Socket_Render=/private/tmp/
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: __AUTHORIZATION=auth 17
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: USER=ahancock
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: SSH_AUTH_SOCK=/private/tmp/
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: __CF_USER_TEXT_ENCODING=0x0:0:0
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: _BASH_IMPLICIT_DASH_PEE=-p
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: PATH=/usr/bin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/sbin
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: VERSIONER_PYTHON_VERSION=2.7
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: PWD=/Users/user/
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: XPC_FLAGS=0x0
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: XPC_SERVICE_NAME=0
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: HOME=/Users/user
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: SHLVL=2
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: LOGNAME=ahancock
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: VERSIONER_PYTHON_PREFER_32_BIT=no
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: COMMAND_LINE_INSTALL=1
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: CM_BUILD=CM_BUILD
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Debug: Env: _=/usr/sbin/installer
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Alert: Registering the connection
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = OS Installer
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Alert: Registering the connection
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f982160db00: phaseName = OS Installer
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Info: Install will not be automated.
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Info: Install will performed using distribution/collection at /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/Packages/OSInstall.mpkg.
2016-10-16 11:53:51 Info: installer.Info: Waiting for target evaluation.
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Starting target evaluation queue.
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating install check for (null)
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Install check successful.
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKCSDisk { CSLV UUID: BAC142F7-9D68-4B69-93DA-C68784E77CB7 CSLVG UUID: 1CEB178B-AD06-45A9-BBE0-DF431BA259F4 BSD Name: disk1 Mount point: / Role: kSKDiskRoleMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeCSLV }
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: 1TB is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKCSDisk { CSLV UUID: BAC142F7-9D68-4B69-93DA-C68784E77CB7 CSLVG UUID: 1CEB178B-AD06-45A9-BBE0-DF431BA259F4 BSD Name: disk1 Mount point: / Role: kSKDiskRoleMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeCSLV }
2016-10-16 11:53:52 Info: installer.Info: 1TB is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Starting target evaluation queue.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating install check for (null)
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Install check successful.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 5 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKCSDisk { CSLV UUID: BAC142F7-9D68-4B69-93DA-C68784E77CB7 CSLVG UUID: 1CEB178B-AD06-45A9-BBE0-DF431BA259F4 BSD Name: disk1 Mount point: / Role: kSKDiskRoleMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeCSLV }
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: 1TB is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk2s1 Mount point: /Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6 Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: AutoDMG-1.6 is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk4s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: iTunes is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk3s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: OS X Install ESD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Connected to daemon. Language set to: English
2016-10-16 11:53:53 Info: installer.Info: Connected to daemon. Language set to: English
2016-10-16 11:53:54 Info: installer.Info: Disabling system idle sleep.
2016-10-16 11:53:54 Info: installer.Info: Dist disk is not root.
2016-10-16 11:53:54 Info: installer.Info: No imgsrc found, mounting system image for BaseSystem extraction.
2016-10-16 11:53:54 Info: installer.Info: mountDiskImageWithURLString: /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Error: Mounting disk image complete, results dict = {
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "system-entities" = (
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: {
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "content-hint" = "Apple_HFS";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "dev-entry" = "/dev/disk6s1";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "mount-point" = "/Volumes/OS X Base System";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "potentially-mountable" = 1;
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "unmapped-content-hint" = "48465300-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "volume-kind" = hfs;
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: },
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: {
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "content-hint" = "GUID_partition_scheme";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "dev-entry" = "/dev/disk6";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "potentially-mountable" = 0;
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: "unmapped-content-hint" = "GUID_partition_scheme";
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: );
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: OSI: remapped external root path to: /Volumes/OS X Base System
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Won't convert to CS, target is a disk image
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 4 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk2s1 Mount point: /Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6 Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: AutoDMG-1.6 is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk4s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: iTunes is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk3s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: OS X Install ESD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKCSDisk { CSLV UUID: BAC142F7-9D68-4B69-93DA-C68784E77CB7 CSLVG UUID: 1CEB178B-AD06-45A9-BBE0-DF431BA259F4 BSD Name: disk1 Mount point: / Role: kSKDiskRoleMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeCSLV }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: 1TB is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 5 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKCSDisk { CSLV UUID: BAC142F7-9D68-4B69-93DA-C68784E77CB7 CSLVG UUID: 1CEB178B-AD06-45A9-BBE0-DF431BA259F4 BSD Name: disk1 Mount point: / Role: kSKDiskRoleMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeCSLV }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: 1TB is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk4s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: iTunes is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk2s1 Mount point: /Volumes/AutoDMG-1.6 Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: AutoDMG-1.6 is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk3s2 Mount point: /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: OS X Install ESD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk6s1 Mount point: /Volumes/OS X Base System Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: OS X Base System is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk6s1 Mount point: /Volumes/OS X Base System Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: OS X Base System is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer: OS Install started.
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Using already-attached disk image /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/BaseSystem.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:55 Info: installer.Info: Attaching disk image /private/tmp/dmg.K70PJm/AppleDiagnostics.dmg
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk7s2 Mount point: /Volumes/AppleDiagnostics Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: AppleDiagnostics is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk7s2 Mount point: /Volumes/AppleDiagnostics Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:56 Info: installer.Info: AppleDiagnostics is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Shrinking host partition and creating new recovery partition
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Verifying file system.
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: Not Mounted Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Checking Journaled HFS Plus volume.
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Checking extents overflow file.
2016-10-16 11:53:57 Info: installer.Info: Checking catalog file.
2016-10-16 11:53:58 Info: installer.Info: Checking multi-linked files.
2016-10-16 11:53:58 Info: installer.Info: Checking catalog hierarchy.
2016-10-16 11:53:58 Info: installer.Info: Checking extended attributes file.
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Checking volume bitmap.
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Checking volume information.
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: The volume Macintosh HD appears to be OK.
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: File system check exit code is 0.
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Shrinking target volume from 39,384,473,600 to 38,868,688,896 bytes
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Shrinking file system
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:53:59 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:54:00 Info: installer.Info: Shrinking partition and creating new recovery partition
2016-10-16 11:54:00 Info: installer.Info: Modifying partition map
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Formatting booter
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Initialized /dev/rdisk5s3 as a 620 MB case-insensitive HFS Plus volume with a 8192k journal
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Creating recovery system directory
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Copying boot loader
2016-10-16 11:54:02 Info: installer.Info: Copying kernel
2016-10-16 11:54:03 Info: installer.Info: Copying base system image
2016-10-16 11:54:20 Info: installer.Info: Copying base system version plist
2016-10-16 11:54:20 Info: installer.Info: Copying platform support plist
2016-10-16 11:54:20 Info: installer.Info: Copying system image chunk list
2016-10-16 11:54:21 Info: installer.Info: Creating boot plist
2016-10-16 11:54:21 Info: installer.Info: Creating diagnostics directory and copying diagnostics image
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Mounting recovery partition
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Blessing boot file
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Marking recovery partition
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Detaching Diagnostics disk image
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Ensure recovery completed successfully.
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Info: Preparing disk for OS Install.
2016-10-16 11:54:25 Info: installer.Notice: Removing background color for incompatible machine Mac-942459F5819B171B
2016-10-16 11:54:26 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:54:26 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:54:26 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:54:27 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 11:54:27 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacData Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 11:54:27 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 11:54:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:54:29 Info: installer.Notice: PackageKit: Enqueuing install with default quality of service (utility)
2016-10-16 11:54:29 Info: installer.Info: Began install
2016-10-16 11:55:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:56:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:57:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:58:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:58:50.924320-0500 0x1d506c Default 0x0 0 kernel: (IOStorageFamily) disk5s2: I/O error.
2016-10-16 11:59:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 11:59:37.920600-0500 0x1d5d72 Default 0x0 0 kernel: (IOStorageFamily) disk5s2: I/O error.
2016-10-16 12:00:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:01:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:02:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:03:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:04:06.515220-0500 0x1d506c Default 0x0 0 kernel: (IOStorageFamily) disk5s2: I/O error.
2016-10-16 12:04:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:05:22.361397-0500 0x1d6c4e Default 0x0 0 kernel: (IOStorageFamily) disk5s2: I/O error.
2016-10-16 12:05:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:06:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:07:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:08:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:09:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:09:28.885007-0500 0x1d506c Default 0x0 0 kernel: (IOStorageFamily) disk5s2: I/O error.
2016-10-16 12:10:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:11:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:12:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:13:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:14:28 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:14:28 Info: installer.Warning: Machine is critically low on power. Releasing sleep assertion!
2016-10-16 12:14:28 Info: installer.Info: Enabling system idle sleep.
2016-10-16 12:15:20 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:15:20 Info: installer.Warning: Machine is no longer critically low on power. Re-enabling previous sleep assertion.
2016-10-16 12:15:20 Info: installer.Info: Disabling system idle sleep.
2016-10-16 12:15:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:16:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:17:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:18:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:19:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:20:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:21:22 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:21:31 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:21:33 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:21:50 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f9821510c90: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Notice: InstallType cookie file was successfully written for Setup Assistant to pick up.
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Error: Boot chime muted
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating 1 disks
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Evaluating SKDisk { BSD Name: disk5s2 Mount point: /Volumes/Macintosh HD Role: kSKDiskRoleLegacyMacSystem Type: kSKDiskTypeHFS }
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Macintosh HD is a valid target.
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Error: Not setting boot because we are installing to a dmg.
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Source is not target, not cleaning up IA
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Warning: Somehow we don't have a mutable product to cleanup?
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: No packages directory found to search for SMCPayloads
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: No packages directory found to search for EFIPayloads
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: ------- Install Complete -------
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Run SMC updater tool: 0 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Run EFI updater tool: 0 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Install packages: 1652 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Ensure recovery system: 29 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Post install cleanup: 0 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Attaching the install log: 0 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: Preparing disk for install: 3 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Alert: client 0x7f982160db00: phaseName = "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:22:01 Info: installer.Info: ISAP: Done with phase "OS Installer"
2016-10-16 12:22:02 Info: installer: The OS Install was successful.
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Info: Setup Assistant language set toen
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Notice: Script phase: install 1:/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Installing OS";
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 4294967296;
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Info: Phase Installing OS with weight 4294967296 finished after 1691.679 seconds
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Notice: Starting phase: Installing iTunes 12.5.1
2016-10-16 12:22:03 Info: Installing Install iTunes.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: Product archive /private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install iTunes.pkg trustLevel=501
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer: Package name is iTunes
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer: Installing at base path /Volumes/Macintosh HD
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Preparing for installation…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: location = file://localhost
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install%20iTunes.pkg#iTunesX.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install%20iTunes.pkg#iTunesAccess.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install%20iTunes.pkg#CoreFP.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install%20iTunes.pkg#CoreADI.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: -[IFDInstallController(Private) _buildInstallPlanReturningError:]: file://localhost/private/tmp/dmg.Dx15hJ/Install%20iTunes.pkg#MobileDevice.pkg
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: Set authorization level to root for session
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Info: Administrator authorization granted.
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: Will use PK session
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Debug: Using authorization level of root for IFPKInstallElement
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Info: Starting installation:
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Preparing the disk…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Notice: Configuring volume "Macintosh HD"
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Info: Preparing disk for local booted install.
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Notice: Free space on "Macintosh HD": 30.4 GB (30397218816 bytes).
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Notice: Create temporary directory "/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//Install.93891lsRkuW"
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Preparing iTunes…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Notice: IFPKInstallElement (5 packages)
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Waiting for other installations to complete…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer.Notice: PackageKit: Enqueuing install with framework-specified quality of service (utility)
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Configuring the installation…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: installer:
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Validating packages…
2016-10-16 12:22:04 Info: Writing files…
2016-10-16 12:22:36 Info: Moving items into place…
2016-10-16 12:22:37 Info: Running package scripts…
2016-10-16 12:22:47 Info:
2016-10-16 12:22:47 Info: Moving items into place…
2016-10-16 12:22:59 Info: Optimizing system for installed software…
2016-10-16 12:23:08 Info: Registering updated components…
2016-10-16 12:23:50 Info: Running package scripts…
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: Writing package receipts…
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: installer.Info: PackageKit: Registered bundle file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/Applications/ for uid 0
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: Registering updated applications…
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: installer.Info: PackageKit: Registered bundle file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/Applications/ for uid 0
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: installer.Info: PackageKit: Registered bundle file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/ for uid 0
2016-10-16 12:23:52 Info: installer.Info: PackageKit: Registered bundle file:///Volumes/Macintosh%20HD/System/Library/PrivateFrameworks/MobileDevice.framework/Versions/A/ for uid 0
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer: Running installer actions…
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: Running install actions
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer:
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: Finishing the Installation…
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: Removing temporary directory "/var/folders/zz/zyxvpxvq6csfxvn_n0000000000000/T//Install.93891lsRkuW"
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: Finalize disk "Macintosh HD"
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: Notifying system of updated components
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice:
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: **** Summary Information ****
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: Operation Elapsed time
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: -----------------------------
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: disk 0.00 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: script 0.02 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: zero 0.00 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: install 109.53 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice: -total- 109.55 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer.Notice:
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer:
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: The software was successfully installed.
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: installer: The install was successful.
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Notice: Script phase: asr
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Installing iTunes 12.5.1";
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 379155738L;
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: Phase Installing iTunes 12.5.1 with weight 379155738 finished after 109.837 seconds
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Notice: Starting phase: Converting disk image
2016-10-16 12:23:53 Info: Ejecting image
2016-10-16 12:24:04 Info: "disk5" unmounted.
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: "disk5" ejected.
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: Converting disk image to read only
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: Preparing imaging engine…
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: Reading Protective Master Boot Record (MBR : 0)…
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: (CRC32 $2DBABCD5: Protective Master Boot Record (MBR : 0))
2016-10-16 12:24:05 Info: Reading GPT Header (Primary GPT Header : 1)…
2016-10-16 12:24:06 Info: (CRC32 $10D3BDC5: GPT Header (Primary GPT Header : 1))
2016-10-16 12:24:06 Info: Reading GPT Partition Data (Primary GPT Table : 2)…
2016-10-16 12:24:06 Info: (CRC32 $08B7C036: GPT Partition Data (Primary GPT Table : 2))
2016-10-16 12:24:06 Info: Reading (Apple_Free : 3)…
2016-10-16 12:24:07 Info: (CRC32 $00000000: (Apple_Free : 3))
2016-10-16 12:24:07 Info: Reading EFI System Partition (C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B : 4)…
2016-10-16 12:24:07 Info: (CRC32 $B54B659C: EFI System Partition (C12A7328-F81F-11D2-BA4B-00A0C93EC93B : 4))
2016-10-16 12:24:07 Info: Reading disk image (Apple_HFS : 5)…
2016-10-16 12:28:29 Info: (CRC32 $5A785328: disk image (Apple_HFS : 5))
2016-10-16 12:28:29 Info: Reading Untitled 3 (426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC : 6)…
2016-10-16 12:29:01 Info: (CRC32 $0AA1E95E: Untitled 3 (426F6F74-0000-11AA-AA11-00306543ECAC : 6))
2016-10-16 12:29:01 Info: Reading (Apple_Free : 7)…
2016-10-16 12:29:02 Info: (CRC32 $00000000: (Apple_Free : 7))
2016-10-16 12:29:02 Info: Reading GPT Partition Data (Backup GPT Table : 8)…
2016-10-16 12:29:03 Info: (CRC32 $08B7C036: GPT Partition Data (Backup GPT Table : 8))
2016-10-16 12:29:03 Info: Reading GPT Header (Backup GPT Header : 9)…
2016-10-16 12:29:04 Info: (CRC32 $C343325D: GPT Header (Backup GPT Header : 9))
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Adding resources…
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Elapsed Time: 4m 58.892s
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: File size: 6567150891 bytes, Checksum: CRC32 $8DECAF4D
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Sectors processed: 77594624, 18228276 compressed
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Speed: 29.8Mbytes/sec
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Savings: 83.5%
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: created: /Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Changing owner
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) nextTask, currentTask == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) method = "<selector taskInstall of <IEDWorkflow: 0x7fa3cbd7bfa0>>";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) phases = (
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) );
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting task with 4 phases
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Converting disk image";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 328204288;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Phase Converting disk image with weight 328204288 finished after 311.343 seconds
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting phase: Scanning disk image
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Finalize task running
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Launching finalize with arguments:
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: '/Users/user/'
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: '--socket'
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: '/tmp/'
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: 'imagescan'
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: '/Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg'
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:653) AppleScript result: ''
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:700) Finalize exited with status 0 and output ''
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Script phase: asr1
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Scanning disk image";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 2097152;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Phase Scanning disk image with weight 2097152 finished after 132.764 seconds
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting phase: Scanning disk image
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Script phase: asr2
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Scanning disk image";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 1048576;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Phase Scanning disk image with weight 1048576 finished after 0.012 seconds
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting phase: Scanning disk image
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Script phase: asr3
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Scanning disk image";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 157286400;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Phase Scanning disk image with weight 157286400 finished after 0.010 seconds
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting phase: Scanning disk image
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: asr output: successfully scanned image "/Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg"
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) nextTask, currentTask == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) method = "<selector taskFinalize of <IEDWorkflow: 0x7fa3cbd7bfa0>>";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) phases = (
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) );
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting task with 1 phases
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) nextPhase, currentPhase == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) optional = 1;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) title = "Scanning disk image";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) weight = 17825792;
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:461) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Info: Phase Scanning disk image with weight 17825792 finished after 0.013 seconds
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Starting phase: Finishing
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Finish
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) nextTask, currentTask == {
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) method = "<selector taskFinish of <IEDWorkflow: 0x7fa3cbd7bfa0>>";
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) phases = (
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) );
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:441) }
2016-10-16 12:31:17 Notice: Build finished successfully, image saved to /Users/user/Documents/osx_updated_161015-10.12-16A323.hfs.dmg
2016-10-16 12:54:22 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:487) Workflow stopping
2016-10-16 12:54:23 Debug: (IEDWorkflow:92) Detaching installer DMGs
2016-10-16 12:54:23 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:154) Detaching /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg
2016-10-16 12:54:23 Debug: (IEDDMGHelper:169) Detaching /Users/user/Library/Application Support/AutoDMG/Updates/iTunes12.5.1(c94f238).dmg, attempt 1/5
2016-10-16 12:54:23 Debug: (IEDUpdateController:77) enableControls
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