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Created January 12, 2014 09:10
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errors from a newbie running Discourse on a 10.9.1 box
Finished in 4 minutes 14.5 seconds
3367 examples, 26 failures
Failed examples:
rspec ./spec/controllers/list_controller_spec.rb:29 # ListController indexes allows users to filter on a set of topic ids
rspec ./spec/models/topic_spec.rb:1202 # Topic for_digest returns regular topics
rspec ./spec/models/topic_spec.rb:773 # Topic revisions changing category removing a category creates a new revision
rspec ./spec/models/topic_spec.rb:882 # Topic change_category with a previous category when the category exists resets the category
rspec ./spec/models/topic_spec.rb:803 # Topic change_category without a previous category should not change the topic_count when not changed
rspec ./spec/models/topic_spec.rb:223 # Topic similar_to with a similar topic returns the similar topic if the title is similar
rspec ./spec/models/topic_tracking_state_spec.rb:18 # TopicTrackingState correctly gets the tracking state
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:360 # TopicQuery suggested_for when anonymous should return the new topic
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:372 # TopicQuery suggested_for anonymously browswing with invisible, closed and archived should omit the closed/archived/invisbiel topics from suggested
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:401 # TopicQuery suggested_for when logged in with some existing topics won't return new or fully read if there are enough partially read topics
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:406 # TopicQuery suggested_for when logged in with some existing topics won't fully read if there are enough partially read topics and new topics
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:411 # TopicQuery suggested_for when logged in with some existing topics returns unread, then new, then random
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:187 # TopicQuery a bunch of topics after clearring a pinned topic no longer shows the pinned topic at the top
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:128 # TopicQuery a bunch of topics list_latest returns the topics in the correct order
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:245 # TopicQuery unread / read topics with read data user with auto_track_topics list_unread only contains the partially read topic
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:251 # TopicQuery unread / read topics with read data list_read contain both topics
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:293 # TopicQuery list_new with a new topic contains the new topic
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:319 # TopicQuery list_new with a new topic muted topics un-muted returns the topic again
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:273 # TopicQuery list_starred with a starred topic returns the topic after it has been starred
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:347 # TopicQuery list_posted topic you've posted in includes the posted topic
rspec ./spec/components/topic_query_spec.rb:338 # TopicQuery list_posted created topics includes the created topic
rspec ./spec/components/category_list_spec.rb:84 # CategoryList category order returns topics in specified order
rspec ./spec/components/category_list_spec.rb:89 # CategoryList category order returns default order categories
13spare:discourse allenhancock$
13spare:discourse allenhancock$ redis-server -v
Redis server v=2.8.1 sha=00000000:0 malloc=libc bits=64 build=b8cc45f60db4b294
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