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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Palabre Chinese Translation
Palabre is your unique source for daily/hourly news from RSS feeds and Feedly. By the author of Plume (Twitter client), Beautiful Widgets and Bright Weather!
Palabre 是一款独特的 RSS 新闻及 Feedly 阅读器。如果你曾经用过 Plume (一款 Twitter 客户端)、Beautiful Widgets 和 Bright Weather 的话,你会喜欢上它的!
Featuring a modern material design, this application will help you reading news and articles from your favorite topics.
Did you take a look at the screenshots? You will understand how much love we put in Palabre in order to provide a clean, beautiful and easy to use news application.
这款应用使用了 Material 设计,如果你有看过截图,你就会知道我们为了打造这样一款干净、漂亮、易用的新闻阅读器,投入了多少心血。试试吧!
Features 特性
- RSS support
- RSS 支持
- Feedly support with full synchronisation of articles
- 支持从 Feedly 完全同步文章
- Material design with delightful animations
- Material 设计,兼有优雅的动画效果
- Beautiful Magazine, Large Cards or List user interface
- 美观的多种视图,包括杂志式、大卡片式及列表式
- Offline support (Option to cache only when charging)
- 离线支持(可选仅在充电时缓存)
- Scrollable Widget, 4x2 and 1x1 beautiful widgets
- 可滚动的小工具,包括 4x2 和 1x1 两种样式
- Readability support
- 再排班支持
- Notifications for new articles, decide which categories or sites will trigger a notification
- 新文章通知,可以选择什么类别或站点的新文章才会触发通知
- Option to load pictures on Wifi only, you can tap the placeholder to laod the picture on demand if needed
- 可选仅在 Wi-Fi 下加载图片,且可在需要时点击占位符来加载图片
- Built-in browser or use your own browser to read articles
- 可选在自带或第三方浏览器中阅读全文
- Multiple reading fonts options, such as size, 10 fonts, line spacing, text alignement and text brightness
- 多样的阅读字体设置,如大小、字体样式、行距、文字排班及亮度
- Manage your sources, their categories
- 管理你的新闻来源及分类
- Browse the most popular articles (Feedly only)
- 浏览最受欢迎的文章(仅限 Feedly)
- Search within articles
- 可在文章中搜索
- Mark as read (manual, automatic on scroll)
- 可手动或在滚过时将文章标为已读
- Change reading order (oldest/newest first)
- 更改阅读顺序(从老的或新的文章开始)
- Dark theme
- 黑色主题
- Save articles for reading later
- 支持收藏文章以备稍后再读
- Share articles easily
- 轻松分享文章
- Android wear support
- 支持 Android Wear 设备
- Pocket, Instapaper and messenger quick sharing
- 快速分享到 Pocket、Instapaper 和即时聊天工具
- Enhanced sharing options
- 增强的分享选项
More features are coming! You can submit features request here:
更多的特性即将来领!你可以在 提交特性请求。
简体中文翻译由 Xiaoxing Ye ( ) 制作,如有任何翻译上的问题,欢迎到 进行翻译或发送邮件给我们!
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