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Created August 27, 2012 13:58
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Redis Cloud is an add-on implementing the Redis advanced key-value store, which is often referred to as a data structure server since keys can contain strings, hashes, lists, sets and sorted sets.

The Redis Cloud add-on provides a fully-automated redis cloud service for hosting your Redis dataset, with:

  • Infinite-scalability: supports all Redis commands at any dataset size.
  • Reliability: auto-failover with absolutely no data loss. Enhanced data persistence and backup options.
  • Zero-management: no need to deal with data persistence configuration, Redis cluster, failure recovery or scaling of your database.

You can now get started for free immediately, and add memory capacity later as you require it.

Installing the Redis Cloud add-on

You can simply install the add-on from heroku command line:

$ heroku addons:add rediscloud:plan_name

The plan_name values can be obtained from the list of all Redis Cloud plans available here. For example:

$ heroku addons:add rediscloud:20MB
$ heroku addons:add rediscloud:1GB
... etc ...

Once Redis Cloud has been added, a REDISCLOUD_URL setting will be available in the app configuration and will contain the canonical URL used to access the newly provisioned Redis Cloud service instance. This can be confirmed using the heroku config:get command:

$ heroku config:get REDISCLOUD_URL

After installing Redis Cloud the application should be configured to fully integrate with the add-on.

Using Redis from Ruby

The redis-rb is a very stable and mature redis client. Install and require the hiredis gem before redis-rb for maximum performances.

Install redis-rb:

sudo gem install redis

Configuring Redis from Rails

Update the config/environment.rb to include 'redis':

config.gem 'redis' 

Setup the Redis connection in 'config/environments/development.rb' :

ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"] = 'redis://' 

Configure Redis in 'config/initializers/redis.rb' :

uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"])
redis = =>, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password)

Configuring Redis on Sinatra

In the configure block include:

configure do
	require 'redis'
	uri = URI.parse(ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"])
	REDIS = =>, :port => uri.port, :password => uri.password)


The Redis class exports methods that are named identical to the commands they execute. For instance, the SET and GET commands can be called like this:

redis.set("foo", "bar")
# => "OK"
# => "bar"

Using Redis from Java

Jedis is a blazingly small and sane Redis java client. Jedis was conceived to be easy to use.

You can download the latest build at:, or use it as a maven dependency:


Now, configure the connection for Redis:

try { 
		URI redisUri = new URI(System.getenv("REDISCLOUD_URL"));
		JedisPool pool = new JedisPool(new JedisPoolConfig(),
} catch (URISyntaxException e) {
   	    // URI couldn't be parsed.		   

And you are ready to get started:

Jedis jedis = pool.getResource();
jedis.set("foo", "bar");
String value = jedis.get("foo");
// return the instance to the pool when you're done

Using Redis from Python

redis-py is a mature and supported Redis client and currently is the way to go for Python.

Install it with:

sudo pip install redis

And you are ready to get started:

>>> import redis
>>> url = os.getenv('REDISCLOUD_URL', 'redis://localhost')
>>> r = redis.from_url(url)
>>> r.set('foo', 'bar')
>>> r.get('foo')

Using Redis from Django

django-redis-cache is a Redis cache backend for Django.

Install django-redis-cache:

pip install django-redis-cache

Next, configure your

	'default': {
	'BACKEND': 'redis_cache.RedisCache',
	'LOCATION': os.environ.get('REDISCLOUD_URL', ''),
	'TIMEOUT': 500,
	'BINARY': True,

Now you can use your cache:

from django.core.cache import cache
cache.set("foo", "bar")
print cache.get("foo")

Using Redis from PHP

Predis is a flexible and feature-complete PHP (>= 5.3) client library for the Redis key-value store.

Load the Predis library:

// prepend a base path if Predis is not present in your "include_path".
require 'Predis/Autoloader.php';

Now you can connect to a Redis instance:

$redis = new Predis\Client($_ENV["REDISCLOUD_URL"]);

And simply start using it:

$redis->set('foo', 'bar');
$value = $redis->get('foo');

Using Redis from Node.js

node_redis is a complete Redis client for node.js. It supports all Redis commands, including many recently added commands like EVAL from experimental Redis server branches.

You can install it with:

npm install redis

Now, instantiate a Redis client:

var redis = require('redis');
var url = require('url');
var redisURL = url.parse(process.env.REDISCLOUD_URL);
var client = redis.createClient(redisURL.port, redisURL.hostname, options);

And you can start using it:

client.set('foo', 'bar');
var value = client.get('foo');

Analytics Dashboard

Our analytics dashboard is a great tool for assesing your redis usage. Here is a screenshot of the dashboard:


To access your Redis analytics dashboard run:

heroku addons:open rediscloud

And find your dashboard under the MY REDIS DBS menu.

Alternatively, you can access your Redis dashboard by running:

heroku addons:open rediscloud

Or open Redis Cloud from your application at

Migrating between plans

Plan migrations are easy and instant. You can use the 'heroku addons:upgrade' command to migrate to a new plan:

$ heroku addons:upgrade rediscloud:10GB

A list of all Redis Cloud plans is available here.

Removing the add-on

Redis Cloud can be removed via the CLI.

This will destroy all associated data and cannot be undone!
$ heroku addons:remove rediscloud


All Redis Cloud support and runtime issues should be submitted via on of the Heroku Support channels. Any non-support related issues or product feedback is welcome at

Additional resources

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