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Created January 27, 2019 06:23
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* [Baekjoon]1504_특정한최단경로
* 메모리 : 13504 KB
* 시간 : 160ms
#pragma warning (disable:4996)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#define NSIZE 801
#define QSIZE 200001
#define INF 2e8+1
struct Edge {
int node;
int cost;
struct AdjList {
struct Edge e;
struct AdjList *next;
int n, e; // 정점과 간선의 개수
int n1, n2; // 통과해야하는 두 정점
int lastnode = 0;
struct Edge heap[QSIZE * 2];
int short_dist[NSIZE];
void add_list(int s, int e, int c){
struct AdjList *p = (struct AdjList*)calloc(1, sizeof(struct AdjList));
p->e.node = e;
p->e.cost = c;
p->next = adj_list[s].next;
adj_list[s].next = p;
void input() {
int a, b, c;
scanf("%d %d", &n, &e);
for (int i = 0; i < e; ++i) {
scanf("%d %d %d", &a, &b, &c);
add_list(a, b, c);
add_list(b, a, c);
scanf("%d %d", &n1, &n2);
void push_heap(struct Edge data) {
heap[++lastnode] = data;
int n, p;
n = lastnode;
p = lastnode / 2;
while (n > 1) {
if (heap[n].cost < heap[p].cost) {
struct Edge temp = heap[n];
heap[n] = heap[p];
heap[p] = temp;
else {
n = p;
p = n / 2;
void pop_heap(struct Edge *data) {
if (lastnode < 1) return ;
*data = heap[1];
heap[1] = heap[lastnode--];
int n = 1;
int lc, rc, c;
lc = n * 2;
rc = n * 2 + 1;
while (1) {
if (lc > lastnode) break;
if(lc == lastnode) {
c = lc;
else {
c = heap[lc].cost < heap[rc].cost ? lc : rc;
if (heap[n].cost > heap[c].cost) {
struct Edge temp = heap[n];
heap[n] = heap[c];
heap[c] = temp;
else {
n = c;
lc = 2 * n;
rc = 2 * n + 1;
void find_short_distance(int start) {
lastnode = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <= n; ++i) {
short_dist[i] = INF;
push_heap({ start,0 });
int heap_size = 1;
while (heap_size > 0) {
struct Edge cur;
if (short_dist[cur.node] != INF) continue;
// 시작점에서 현재 정점까지의 최소 비용 갱신
short_dist[cur.node] = cur.cost;
struct AdjList *p = &adj_list[cur.node];
// 현재 정점과 연결되어있는 정점들 탐색
for (;;) {
p = p->next;
if (p == (struct AdjList*)0x0 ) {
if (short_dist[p->e.node] != INF) continue;
push_heap({ p->e.node, short_dist[cur.node] + p->e.cost });
int solve() {
// 1->n1 , 1->n2
int cost_n1 = short_dist[n1];
int cost_n2 = short_dist[n2];
// n1->n2 == n2->n1
int cost_n1_n2 = short_dist[n2];
// n1->n , n2->n
int cost_n2_n = short_dist[n2];
int cost_n1_n = short_dist[n1];
int cost_n = -1;
if (cost_n1_n2 == INF) {
cost_n = -1;
else if ((cost_n1 == INF || cost_n2_n == INF) && (cost_n2 == INF || cost_n1_n == INF)) {
cost_n = -1;
else if (cost_n1 + cost_n1_n2 + cost_n2_n < cost_n2 + cost_n1_n2 + cost_n1_n) {
cost_n = cost_n1 + cost_n1_n2 + cost_n2_n;
cost_n = cost_n2 + cost_n1_n2 + cost_n1_n;
return cost_n;
int main() {
int answer = solve();
printf("%d\n", answer);
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