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Created November 24, 2019 04:07
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using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: Differential, expand_derivatives, Expression, Operation, simplify_constants
function D(f)
(args...) -> begin
syms = map(_->Variable(gensym())(), args)
ex = f(syms...)
ds = map(s->Differential(s), syms)
ops = [expand_derivatives(ds[i](ex)) for i in eachindex(syms)]
rules = Dict( collect(zip(syms, args)) )
foreach(op->_replace!(op, rules), ops)
return map(simplify_constants, ops)
function _replace!(op::Union{Vector{Expression}, Operation}, rules::Dict)
if op isa Operation
_replace!(op.args, rules)
elseif eltype(op) <: Expression
for i in eachindex(op)
op[i] isa Operation && _replace!(op[i], rules)
haskey(rules, op[i]) || continue
op[i] = rules[op[i]]
return nothing
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