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Created May 20, 2022 15:15
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using LinearAlgebra, BandedMatrices
n = 3000
A = Matrix(SymTridiagonal(Symmetric(rand(n, n)))); A[end, 1] = A[1, end] = 1;
b = rand(size(A, 1))
function periodic_givens_rotation!(A::AbstractMatrix{T}) where T
m, n = size(A)
gs = Vector{LinearAlgebra.Givens{T}}(undef, 2n-2)
jj = 0
@inbounds for j in 1:n-1
g1, r = LinearAlgebra.givens(@view(A[:, j]), j, m)
gs[jj+=1] = g1
#A = g1 * A
A[j, j] = r
A[m, j] = 0
lmul!(g1, @view(A[:, j+1]))
if n-1 != j && n-1 != j+1
lmul!(g1, @view(A[:, n-1]))
if n != j && n != j+1
lmul!(g1, @view(A[:, n]))
g2, r = LinearAlgebra.givens(@view(A[:, j]), j, j+1)
gs[jj+=1] = g2
A[j, j] = r
A[j+1, j] = 0
lmul!(g2, @view(A[:, j+1]))
j + 2 <= n && lmul!(g2, @view(A[:, j+2]))
#A = g2 * A
if !(j <= n-1 <= j+2)
lmul!(g2, @view(A[:, n-1]))
if !(j <= n <= j+2)
lmul!(g2, @view(A[:, n]))
gs, UpperTriangular(A)
function solveAb!(A, b)
gs, R = periodic_givens_rotation!(A)
bb = copy(b)
for g in gs
lmul!(g, bb)
R11 = BandedMatrix(@view(R[1:end-2, 1:end-2]), (0, 2))
R12 = @view R[1:end-2, end-1:end]
R22 = @view(R[end-1:end, end-1:end])
b1, b2 = @view(bb[1:end-2]), @view(bb[end-1:end])
x2 = R22 \ b2
x1 = R11 \ (b1 - R12 * x2)
[x1; x2]
norm(A * solveAb!(copy(A), b) - b)
using BenchmarkTools, SparseArrays
@btime (lu!(B) \ $b) setup = (B=copy(A)) evals=1;
@btime ldlt($(sparse(A))) \ $b;
@btime solveAb!(B, $b) setup = (B=copy(A)) evals=1;
julia> @btime (lu!(B) \ $b) setup = (B=copy(A)) evals=1;
108.699 ms (4 allocations: 46.97 KiB)
julia> @btime ldlt($(sparse(A))) \ $b;
653.285 μs (69 allocations: 1.31 MiB)
julia> @btime solveAb!(B, $b) setup = (B=copy(A)) evals=1;
448.327 μs (30 allocations: 516.44 KiB)
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