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using DifferentialEquations
using Optim
@public_abstract_type AbstractBVProblem{dType,bType,isinplace,F} <: DEProblem
type BVProblem{dType,bType,initType,F} <: AbstractBVProblem{dType,bType,F}
YingboMa /
Last active August 28, 2017 12:35
2017 GSoC Summary

What did I do

My original goal that I proposed to my mentor Chris was solving boundary value problems (a.k.a. BVPs) which were determined from second order ordinary differential equations (a.k.a. ODEs). I started the BVP path, built a shooting method to solve BVPs from initial value problems (a.k.a. IVPs). Then, I built the beginning of a mono-implicit-Runge-Kutta (a.k.a. MIRK) method, but I don't have all of the bells and whistles. Both of these solvers are in the BoundaryValueDiffEq.jl repository. Instead of trying to jump directly to the end point, and talk about how to do every detail in MIRK, I went to explore how those details naturally arise in second order ODEs.

First, there the idea of symplecticity, because the Labatto MIRK (Lobatto IIIA-IIIB) tableaux are actually symplectic integrators. Symplecticity basically is another way to say energy conservation, so symplectic integrators are specialized for solving second order ODEs that are raise

using OrdinaryDiffEq, Plots
import GR: meshgrid
const N = 64
const xd, yd = linspace(0,1,N), linspace(0,1,N)
function brusselator_loop(du, u, p, t)
@inbounds begin
A, B, α = p
# Interior
using ReverseDiff, ForwardDiff
using Test
vecjac(f, x, v) -> u
function vecjac(f, x, v)
tp = ReverseDiff.InstructionTape()
YingboMa / lurec.jl
Last active February 17, 2019 17:22
Sivan Toledo's recursive LU algorithm
using LinearAlgebra
lurec(A, blocksize=16) = lurec!(copy(A), Vector{LinearAlgebra.BlasInt}(undef, min(size(A)...)), blocksize)
function lurec!(A::AbstractMatrix{T}, ipiv, blocksize) where T
info = Ref(zero(LinearAlgebra.BlasInt))
m, n = size(A)
mnmin = min(m, n)
reckernel!(A, m, mnmin, ipiv, info, blocksize)
LU{T, typeof(A)}(A, ipiv, info[])
using OrdinaryDiffEq, DiffEqDevTools, Plots, ParameterizedFunctions, Sundials, ODEInterfaceDiffEq
using LinearAlgebra
postfix = "PR"
setups = [
import Base.Broadcast: _broadcast_getindex, preprocess, preprocess_args, Broadcasted, broadcast_unalias, combine_axes, broadcast_shape, check_broadcast_axes, check_broadcast_shape
import Base: copyto!, tail, axes
struct DiffEqBC{T}
@inline axes(b::DiffEqBC) = axes(b.x)
Base.@propagate_inbounds _broadcast_getindex(b::DiffEqBC, i) = _broadcast_getindex(b.x, i)
Base.@propagate_inbounds _broadcast_getindex(b::DiffEqBC{<:AbstractArray{<:Any,0}}, i) = b.x[]
Base.@propagate_inbounds _broadcast_getindex(b::DiffEqBC{<:AbstractVector}, i) = b.x[i[1]]
Base.@propagate_inbounds _broadcast_getindex(b::DiffEqBC{<:AbstractArray}, i) = b.x[i]
using OrdinaryDiffEq, LabelledArrays
N = 40 # Number of heated units
Cu = N == 1 ? [2e7] : (ones(N) .+ range(0,1.348,length=N))*1e7 # "Heat capacity of heated units";
Cd = 2e6*N # "Heat capacity of distribution circuit";
Gh = 200 # "Thermal conductance of heating elements";
Gu = 150 # "Thermal conductance of heated units to the atmosphere";
Qmax = N*3000 # "Maximum power output of heat generation unit";
Teps = 0.5 # "Threshold of heated unit temperature controllers";
set-option -g history-limit 65536
set -g -a terminal-overrides ',*:Ss=\E[%p1%d q:Se=\E[2 q'
set -g mouse on
#bind -n C-k clear-history
# default shell
set-option -g default-shell /usr/bin/fish
# clipboard settings
using ModelingToolkit
using ModelingToolkit: Differential, expand_derivatives, Expression, Operation, simplify_constants
function D(f)
(args...) -> begin
syms = map(_->Variable(gensym())(), args)
ex = f(syms...)
ds = map(s->Differential(s), syms)
ops = [expand_derivatives(ds[i](ex)) for i in eachindex(syms)]
rules = Dict( collect(zip(syms, args)) )