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Created April 19, 2019 08:51
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Implementing `machines` using `streaming` library
{-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes #-}
module Play where
import Prelude hiding ((.), id)
import Data.Foldable
import Streaming.Internal
import Control.Category
infixr 9 <~
data Coroutine k o a where
Yield :: o -> a -> Coroutine k o a
Await :: (i -> a) -> k i -> a -> Coroutine k o a
Stop :: Coroutine k o a
instance Functor (Coroutine k o) where
fmap f (Yield o a) = Yield o (f a)
fmap f (Await s k a) = Await (f . s) k (f a)
fmap _ Stop = Stop
data Is a b where
Refl :: Is a a
instance Category Is where
id = Refl
Refl . Refl = Refl
type Machine k o m r = Stream (Coroutine k o) m r
type Process a b m r = Machine (Is a) b m r
type Source m o r = forall k. Machine k o m r
await :: (Monad m, Category k) => Machine (k i) o m i
await = Step (Await return id (Step Stop))
yield :: Monad m => o -> Machine k o m ()
yield o = Step (Yield o (return ()))
(<~) :: Monad m => Process b c m r -> Machine k b m r -> Machine k c m r
mp <~ mb =
case mp of
Return _ -> Step Stop
Effect m -> Effect (fmap (<~ mb) m)
Step consumer ->
case consumer of
Yield c next -> Step $ Yield c (next <~ mb)
Stop -> Step Stop
Await k Refl failed ->
case mb of
Return _ -> failed <~ (Step Stop)
Effect m -> Effect (fmap (Step consumer <~) m)
Step producer ->
case producer of
Yield b next -> k b <~ next
Await kb instr kfailed ->
Step (Await ((Step consumer <~) . kb) instr (Step consumer <~ kfailed))
Stop -> failed <~ Step Stop
repeatedly :: Functor m => Machine k o m x -> Machine k o m r
repeatedly start = go start
go (Return _) = go start
go (Effect m) = Effect (fmap go m)
go (Step step) =
case step of
Yield o next -> Step $ Yield o (go next)
Await k instr failed -> Step $ Await (go . k) instr (go failed)
Stop -> go start
producingInts :: Monad m => Source m Int ()
producingInts = traverse_ yield [0..]
mappingInts :: Monad m => Process Int String m r
mappingInts = repeatedly $ do
i <- await
yield (show i)
producingStrings :: Monad m => Source m String ()
producingStrings = mappingInts <~ producingInts
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