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Created June 28, 2012 11:09
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Scala DataType à la carte
object Alacarte {
trait Functor[F[_]]{
def map[A, B](fa: F[A])(f: A => B): F[B]
trait Eval[F[_]] {
def F: Functor[F]
def evalAlgebra(fa: F[Int]): Int
trait coproduct[F[_], G[_]] {
type or[H[_]] = coproduct[F, ({type f[x] = Either[G[x], H[x]]})#f]
type ap[A] = Either[F[A], G[A]]
case class Val[A](v: Int)
case class Add[A](l: A, r: A)
case class Expr[F[_]](in: F[Expr[F]])
implicit val valFunctor = new Functor[Val]{
def map[A, B](fa: Val[A])(f: A => B): Val[B] = Val[B](fa.v)
implicit val addFunctor = new Functor[Add]{
def map[A, B](fa: Add[A])(f: A => B): Add[B] = Add(f(fa.l), f(fa.r))
implicit def coprodFunctor[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G]) = new Functor[coproduct[F, G]#ap]{
def map[A, B](ea: Either[F[A], G[A]])(f: A => B): Either[F[B], G[B]] = ea match {
case Left(fa) => Left(
case Right(ga) => Right(
implicit def coprod3Functor[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G], H: Functor[H]) = new Functor[coproduct[F, G]#or[H]#ap]{
def map[A, B](ea: Either[F[A], Either[G[A], H[A]]])(f: A => B): Either[F[B], Either[G[B], H[B]]] = ea match {
case Left(fa) => Left(
case Right(Left(ga)) => Right(Left(
case Right(Right(ha)) => Right(Right(
implicit val valEval = new Eval[Val]{
def F = valFunctor
def evalAlgebra(fa: Val[Int]) = fa.v
implicit val addEval = new Eval[Add]{
def F = addFunctor
def evalAlgebra(fa: Add[Int]) = fa.l + fa.r
implicit def coprod3Eval[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit F0: Eval[F], G: Eval[G], H: Eval[H]) = new Eval[coproduct[F, G]#or[H]#ap]{
def F = coprod3Functor[F, G, H](F0.F, G.F, H.F)
def evalAlgebra(ea: Either[F[Int], Either[G[Int], H[Int]]]): Int = ea match {
case Left(fa) => F0.evalAlgebra(fa)
case Right(Left(ga)) => G.evalAlgebra(ga)
case Right(Right(ha)) => H.evalAlgebra(ha)
implicit def coprodEval[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Eval[F], G: Eval[G]) = new Eval[coproduct[F, G]#ap]{
def F = coprodFunctor[F, G](F0.F, G.F)
def evalAlgebra(ea: Either[F[Int], G[Int]]): Int = ea match {
case Left(fa) => F0.evalAlgebra(fa)
case Right(ga) => G.evalAlgebra(ga)
def foldExpr[F[_], A](e: Expr[F], f: F[A] => A)(implicit F: Functor[F]): A =
f( => foldExpr(expr, f)))
def eval[F[_]](e: Expr[F])(implicit E: Eval[F]): Int =
foldExpr[F, Int](e, E.evalAlgebra)(E.F)
// --------------------------
trait Inject[F[_], G[_]]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): G[A]
trait InjectInstances2 {
implicit def reflexiveInject[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]): Inject[F, F] = new Inject[F, F]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): F[A] = sub
trait InjectInstances1 extends InjectInstances2 {
implicit def leftKnown3Inject[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G], H: Functor[H]): Inject[F, coproduct[F, G]#or[H]#ap] = new Inject[F, coproduct[F, G]#or[H]#ap]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): Either[F[A], Either[G[A], H[A]]] = Left(sub)
implicit def leftKnownInject[F[_], G[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G]): Inject[F, coproduct[F, G]#ap] = new Inject[F, coproduct[F, G]#ap]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): Either[F[A], G[A]] = Left(sub)
trait InjectInstances extends InjectInstances1 {
implicit def larger2Inject[F[_], G[_], H[_], J[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G], J: Functor[J], I: Inject[F, G]): Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#or[J]#ap] = new Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#or[J]#ap]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): Either[H[A], Either[G[A], J[A]]] = Right(Left(I.inj(sub)))
implicit def larger3Inject[F[_], G[_], H[_], J[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G], J: Functor[J], I: Inject[F, J]): Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#or[J]#ap] = new Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#or[J]#ap]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): Either[H[A], Either[G[A], J[A]]] = Right(Right(I.inj(sub)))
implicit def largerInject[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit F: Functor[F], G: Functor[G], I: Inject[F, G]): Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#ap] = new Inject[F, coproduct[H, G]#ap]{
def inj[A](sub: F[A]): Either[H[A], G[A]] = Right(I.inj(sub))
object Inject extends InjectInstances
def inject[G[_], F[_]](ge: G[Expr[F]])(implicit I: Inject[G, F]): Expr[F] = Expr[F](I.inj(ge))
def newVal[F[_]](n: Int)(implicit I: Inject[Val, F]): Expr[F] = inject[Val, F](Val(n))
def plus[F[_]](l: Expr[F], r: Expr[F])(implicit I: Inject[Add, F]) = inject[Add, F](Add(l, r))
// --------
case class Mul[A](l: A, r: A)
implicit val mulFunctor = new Functor[Mul]{
def map[A, B](fa: Mul[A])(f: A => B): Mul[B] = Mul(f(fa.l), f(fa.r))
implicit val mulEval = new Eval[Mul]{
def F = mulFunctor
def evalAlgebra(fa: Mul[Int]) = fa.l * fa.r
def mul[F[_]](l: Expr[F], r: Expr[F])(implicit I: Inject[Mul, F]) = inject[Mul, F](Mul(l, r))
// ------
// Free monad
trait Term[F[_], A] {
def fold[Z](pure: A => Z, impure: F[Term[F, A]] => Z): Z
def map[B](f: A => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): Term[F, B] = flatMap(a => Pure(f(a)))
def flatMap[B](f: A => Term[F, B])(implicit F: Functor[F]): Term[F, B] = this match {
case Pure(a) => f(a)
case Impure(fa) => Impure[F, B]( flatMap f))
object Pure {
def unapply[F[_], A](t: Term[F, A]): Option[A] =
t.fold(Some(_), _ => None)
def apply[F[_], A](v: A): Term[F, A] = new Term[F, A]{
def fold[Z](pure: A => Z, impure: F[Term[F, A]] => Z): Z = pure(v)
object Impure {
def unapply[F[_], A](t: Term[F, A]): Option[F[Term[F, A]]] =
t.fold(_ => None, Some(_))
def apply[F[_], A](fa: F[Term[F, A]]): Term[F, A] = new Term[F, A]{
def fold[Z](pure: A => Z, impure: F[Term[F, A]] => Z): Z = impure(fa)
implicit def termFunctor[F[_]](implicit F: Functor[F]) = new Functor[({type f[x] = Term[F, x]})#f]{
def map[A, B](fa: Term[F, A])(f: A => B): Term[F, B] = fa map f
case class Incr[A](i: Int, v: A)
case class Recall[A](f: Int => A)
implicit val incrFunctor = new Functor[Incr]{
def map[A, B](fa: Incr[A])(f: A => B): Incr[B] = fa.copy(v = f(fa.v))
implicit val recFunctor = new Functor[Recall]{
def map[A, B](fa: Recall[A])(k: A => B): Recall[B] = fa.copy(f = k compose fa.f)
def termInject[G[_], F[_], A](ge: G[Term[F, A]])(implicit I: Inject[G, F]): Term[F, A] =
Impure[F, A](I.inj(ge))
def incr[F[_]](i: Int)(implicit I: Inject[Incr, F]): Term[F, Unit] =
termInject[Incr, F, Unit](Incr(i, Pure[F, Unit]()))
def recall[F[_]](implicit I: Inject[Recall, F]): Term[F, Int] =
termInject[Recall, F, Int](Recall(i => Pure[F, Int](i)))
def foldTerm[F[_], A, B](t: Term[F, A], pure: A => B, impure: F[B] => B)(implicit F: Functor[F]): B = t match {
case Pure(a) => pure(a)
case Impure(fb) => impure( => foldTerm(term, pure, impure)))
trait Run[F[_]]{
def F: Functor[F]
def runAlgebra[A](fa: F[(Int => (A, Int))], mem: Int): (A, Int)
implicit val incrRun = new Run[Incr]{
def F = incrFunctor
def runAlgebra[A](fa: Incr[(Int => (A, Int))], mem: Int): (A, Int) = fa match {
case Incr(i, f) => f(i + mem)
implicit val recallRun = new Run[Recall]{
def F = recFunctor
def runAlgebra[A](fa: Recall[(Int => (A, Int))], mem: Int): (A, Int) = fa match {
case Recall(k) => k(mem)(mem)
implicit def coprodRun[F[_], G[_]](implicit F0: Run[F], G: Run[G]) = new Run[coproduct[F, G]#ap]{
def F = coprodFunctor[F, G](F0.F, G.F)
def runAlgebra[A](ea: Either[F[Int => (A, Int)], G[Int => (A, Int)]], mem: Int): (A, Int) = ea match {
case Left(fa) => F0.runAlgebra(fa, mem)
case Right(ga) => G.runAlgebra(ga, mem)
implicit def coprod3Run[F[_], G[_], H[_]](implicit F0: Run[F], G: Run[G], H: Run[H]) = new Run[coproduct[F, G]#or[H]#ap]{
def F = coprod3Functor[F, G, H](F0.F, G.F, H.F)
def runAlgebra[A](ea: Either[F[Int => (A, Int)], Either[G[Int => (A, Int)], H[Int => (A, Int)]]], mem: Int): (A, Int) = ea match {
case Left(fa) => F0.runAlgebra(fa, mem)
case Right(Left(ga)) => G.runAlgebra(ga, mem)
case Right(Right(ha)) => H.runAlgebra(ha, mem)
def run[F[_], A](t: Term[F, A], mem: Int)(implicit F: Run[F]): (A, Int) =
foldTerm[F, A, Int => (A, Int)](t, (a: A) => (b: Int) => (a, b), (fb: F[Int => (A, Int)]) => (i: Int) => F.runAlgebra[A](fb, i))(F.F).apply(mem)
def main(args: Array[String]) = {
val addExample: Expr[coproduct[Val, Add]#ap] =
Expr[coproduct[Val, Add]#ap](Right(Add(Expr[coproduct[Val, Add]#ap](Left(Val(118))), Expr[coproduct[Val, Add]#ap](Left(Val(1219))))))
println(eval[coproduct[Val, Add]#ap](addExample)) // 1337
val magic: Expr[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap] = plus[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](newVal[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](30000), plus[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](newVal[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](1330), newVal[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](7)))
println(eval[coproduct[Add, Val]#ap](magic)) //31337
val anotherMagic: Expr[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap] =
plus[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](mul[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](newVal[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](80), newVal[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](5)), newVal[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](4))
println(eval[coproduct[Val, Add]#or[Mul]#ap](anotherMagic)) // 404
val oneMore: Expr[coproduct[Val, Mul]#ap] =
mul[coproduct[Val, Mul]#ap](newVal[coproduct[Val, Mul]#ap](6), newVal[coproduct[Val, Mul]#ap](7))
println(eval[coproduct[Val, Mul]#ap](oneMore)) // 42
val tick: Term[coproduct[Recall, Incr]#ap, Int] = for {
y <- recall[coproduct[Recall, Incr]#ap]
_ <- incr[coproduct[Recall, Incr]#ap](1)
} yield y
println(run[coproduct[Recall, Incr]#ap, Int](tick, 4)) // (4, 5)
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