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Last active April 18, 2023 13:57
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  • Save YoRyan/e581d5cf81b11e8d411223b917571d42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save YoRyan/e581d5cf81b11e8d411223b917571d42 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Extract the soundtrack from Sid Meier's Civilization VI and its expansions with PowerShell. No piracy - this requires your own copy of the game.
# To run in the PowerShell ISE, first execute:
# > Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted
# on the interactive console.
$OutputPath = "."
# Path to directory containing ww2ogg executable and codebook -
$Ww2OggPath = ".\ww2ogg024\"
# Path to revorb executable -,64328.msg574110.html#msg574110
$RevorbExec = ".\revorb.exe"
# Path to Civ 6 ;)
$Civ6Path = "D:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Sid Meier's Civilization VI"
function Extract-Sound-Bank ($bank_path, $bank_guid, $out_path)
New-Item -ItemType directory -Path $out_path -Force
foreach ($node in (Select-Xml -Path $bank_path -XPath "//SoundBank[@GUID='$bank_guid']/ReferencedStreamedFiles/File").Node) {
$wem_filename = "$($node.Attributes['Id'].Value).wem"
$track_name = $node["ShortName"].InnerText.TrimEnd(".wav")
Extract-Track "$(Split-Path $bank_path)\$wem_filename" "$out_path\$track_name"
function Extract-Track ($input_wem, $output_basename)
$ogg = "$($output_basename).ogg"
& "$Ww2OggPath\ww2ogg.exe" $input_wem -o $ogg --mod-packets --pcb "$Ww2OggPath\packed_codebooks_aoTuV_603.bin"
& $RevorbExec $ogg
Extract-Sound-Bank "$Civ6Path\Base\Platforms\Windows\audio\Music_Bank.xml" `
"{AD4D06FD-95CA-42CD-9536-9ADB0555E7E1}" "$OutputPath\Base Game"
Extract-Sound-Bank "$Civ6Path\DLC\Expansion1\platforms\windows\audio\XP1_Music_Bank.xml" `
"{35A96671-6E7A-47C1-8182-B9C013C814A5}" "$OutputPath\Rise and Fall"
Extract-Sound-Bank "$Civ6Path\DLC\Expansion2\platforms\windows\audio\XP2_Music_Bank.xml" `
"{1CFDCA39-4887-4B25-A73D-83CB57253F42}" "$OutputPath\Gathering Storm"
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