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Created January 26, 2022 15:27
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Scrape connection statistics from a Motorola Surfboard cable modem.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import typing as typ
from dataclasses import dataclass
from itertools import islice
from time import sleep, time_ns
import bs4 # type: ignore
import requests
POLL_SEC = 5*60
InfluxSet = typ.Mapping[str, typ.Any]
class InfluxPoint:
measurement: str
tag_set: InfluxSet
field_set: InfluxSet
timestamp: int
def linep(self) -> str:
def strset(s: InfluxSet) -> str:
return ','.join(f'{k}={strval(v)}' for k, v in s.items())
def strval(v: typ.Any) -> str:
if type(v) is str:
s = v.replace('"', '\\"')
s = s.replace('\n', '\\n')
return f'"{s}"'
return str(v)
return (f'{self.measurement},{strset(self.tag_set)} '
+ f'{strset(self.field_set)} {self.timestamp}')
def main() -> None:
while True:
points = list(scrape())
for pt in points:
def scrape() -> typ.Generator[InfluxPoint, None, None]:
ts = time_ns()
with requests.get(STATUS_URL) as req:
bs = bs4.BeautifulSoup(req.text, 'html.parser')
downstream, upstream, downstream_codewords = \
[c.find('table') for c in bs('center')]
yield from downstream_points(ts, downstream, downstream_codewords)
yield from upstream_points(ts, upstream)
last_correct: typ.Dict[int, int] = {}
last_uncorrect: typ.Dict[int, int] = {}
def downstream_points(ts: int, table1: bs4.element.Tag, table2: bs4.element.Tag) \
-> typ.Generator[InfluxPoint, None, None]:
global last_correct, last_uncorrect
# Read upper table with power levels.
_, channel, frequency, snr, modulation, power = \
table1.find('tbody')('tr', recursive=False)
channel_ids = [int(td.text) for td in datacells(channel)]
snrs = [float(td.text.split(' ')[0]) for td in datacells(snr)]
modulations = [td.text.strip() for td in datacells(modulation)]
power_levels = [float(td.text.split(' ')[0]) for td in datacells(power)]
# Read lower table with codeword counts.
_, _, _, correctable, uncorrectable = table2.find('tbody')('tr', recursive=False)
correctables = [int(td.text) for td in datacells(correctable)]
int_correctables = [v - last_correct.get(channel_ids[i], v)
for i, v in enumerate(correctables)]
uncorrectables = [int(td.text) for td in datacells(uncorrectable)]
int_uncorrectables = [v - last_uncorrect.get(channel_ids[i], v)
for i, v in enumerate(uncorrectables)]
last_correct = {channel_ids[i]: v for i, v in enumerate(correctables)}
last_uncorrect = {channel_ids[i]: v for i, v in enumerate(uncorrectables)}
def field_set(i: int) -> InfluxSet:
return { 'snr_db': snrs[i],
'modulation': modulations[i],
'power_dbmv': power_levels[i],
'interval_correctable_codewords': int_correctables[i],
'interval_uncorrectable_codewords': int_uncorrectables[i] }
yield from (InfluxPoint(measurement='downstream',
tag_set={ 'channel_id': cid },
timestamp=ts) for i, cid in enumerate(channel_ids))
def upstream_points(ts: int, table: bs4.element.Tag) \
-> typ.Generator[InfluxPoint, None, None]:
_, channel, frequency, service_id, symbol_rate, power, modulation, ranging = \
table.find('tbody')('tr', recursive=False)
channel_ids = [int(td.text) for td in datacells(channel)]
power_levels = [float(td.text.split(' ')[0]) for td in datacells(power)]
modulations = [td.text.strip() for td in datacells(modulation)]
yield from (InfluxPoint(measurement='upstream',
tag_set={ 'channel_id': cid },
field_set={ 'power_dbmv': power_levels[i],
'modulation': modulations[i] },
timestamp=ts) for i, cid in enumerate(channel_ids))
def datacells(tr: bs4.element.Tag) -> typ.Iterable[bs4.element.Tag]:
return islice(tr('td', recursive=False), 1, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
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