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ReactJS Training Notes - A comprehensive guide - Course Author: Santhosh Vijay

React JS Introduction

#React JS

  • is an Open Source library (BSD License)
  • for 'V' in MVC
  • developed by Facebook
  • uses 'Component-Driven' architecture (Web Components)
  • uses 'Virtual DOM' for Performance
  • uses 'state' and 'props' for data flow
  • uses JSX Syntax

#ReactJS Environment Setup

###Hardware Requirements:

  • Minimum i5 Processor, 4GB RAM, Minimum 50 GB HDD
  • Windows 7 Operating System

###Software Requirements:

Category Package
Browser Google Chrome (
| Mozilla Firefox (

Environment | NodeJS Latest (( Editors | SublimeText Editor ( | WebStrom IDE Free Trail ( Developer Tools | Chrome React Developer Tools ( | React Detector ( Version Control | Git for Windows (

#ReactJS Training Notes

##2-way data binding (vs) 1-way data binding 1way

#ReactJS Lessons

##Lesson 1: ReactJS 'Hello-World' using Plain JS

Lesson Objectives:

  • Including React Support in the HTML
  • Using ReactDOM.reder() method to mount the RAW element in the HTML Mountpoint 'app'
  • Use React.createElement() way of creating simple components/elements
<!DOCTYPE html>
		<meta charset="UTF-8"/>
		<title>React Hello World</title>
		<script src=""></script>
		<script src=""></script>
		<div id="app"></div>
					'h1',	// tag
					null, //attributes passed to tag
					'Hello World!'

##Lesson 2: 'Movie Box' Widget

Lesson Objectives:

  • Creating a 'MoviePoster' Component
  • Use of 'constructor' method to Initialize State
  • ES6 Destructuring of variables
  • Use of Render method and return statement
  • Event Handling in ReactJS
  • Use of 'state' and 'props'
Reference Link
External JS URL in CodePen //
class MoviePoster extends React.Component {

//new to ES6
  super(props);//Inherts the parent Obj Properties
  this.state ={
    rating: 0

render() {
  var {title,lang,tags, pic} = this.props;
  var {rating} = this.state;
  return (<div className="movie-box">
          <h1>{title} | <span className="badge">{rating}</span></h1>
          <img src={pic}/>
          <h4>Tags: {tags}</h4>
          <span className="badge"><h6>{rating}</h6></span>
          <button onClick={this.voteDown.bind(this)}>Vote Down</button>
          <button onClick={this.voteUp.bind(this)}>Vote Up</button>
  this.state.rating ++;
  //or the below style
  //this.setState({rating: this.state.rating ++});

//state - determines the state of component, if this changes, the UI changes
React.render(<MoviePoster title="Captain America: Civil War" lang="English" tags={['Thriller ',' sci-fi ',' action']} pic=""/>, document.getElementById('app'));


  • onClick={voteDown} -> Looks within render method
  • onClick={this.voteDown} -> looks across component
  • onClick={this.voteDown.bind(this)} -> Will Pass the Pros and State to the Function - Extending the Scope

##Lesson 3: React Environment Using GULP Tooling


NPM Installation Commands

npm install --g gulp
npm install --save react react-dom
npm install --save-dev gulp browserify babelify vinyl-source-stream babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react
Reference Link

##Lesson 4: React Environment Using WebPack Tooling


NPM Installation Commands

npm install --save react react-dom
npm install babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react babel-preset-stage-0 webpack webpack-dev-server --save-dev
Reference Link
Webpack Config

##Lesson 5: ReactJS Simple Routing

NPM Installation Commands

npm install --save react react-dom
npm install babel-core babel-loader babel-preset-es2015 babel-preset-react babel-preset-stage-0 webpack webpack-dev-server --save-dev
Reference Link
Webpack Config
Gulp with Webpack
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