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Created January 31, 2013 15:29
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Save YohannParis/4683692 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Functions to check the right format for Phone Number, Postal Code and Email for Canada.
/* ====================================== North America Phone validation ==== */
function ValidatePhone($mValue){
$sPattern = '/^[\(]?[0-9]{3}[\)]?[-. ]?[0-9]{3}[-. ]?[0-9]{4}$/';
return preg_match($sPattern, $mValue);
/* ====================================== Canadian Code Postal validation ==== */
function ValidatePostal($mValue, $sRegion = ''){
$mValue = strtolower($mValue);
$sFirst = substr($mValue, 0, 1);
$sRegion = strtolower($sRegion);
$aRegion = array(
'nl' => 'a',
'ns' => 'b',
'pe' => 'c',
'nb' => 'e',
'qc' => array('g', 'h', 'j'),
'on' => array('k', 'l', 'm', 'n', 'p'),
'mb' => 'r',
'sk' => 's',
'ab' => 't',
'bc' => 'v',
'nt' => 'x',
'nu' => 'x',
'yt' => 'y'
if (preg_match('/[abceghjlkmnprstvxy]/', $sFirst) && !preg_match('/[dfioqu]/', $mValue) && preg_match('/^\w\d\w[- ]?\d\w\d$/', $mValue))
if (!empty($sRegion) && array_key_exists($sRegion, $aRegion))
if (is_array($aRegion[$sRegion]) && in_array($sFirst, $aRegion[$sRegion]))
return true;
else if (is_string($aRegion[$sRegion]) && $sFirst == $aRegion[$sRegion])
return true;
else if (empty($sRegion))
return true;
return false;
/* ===================================================== Email validation ==== */
# RFC 822/2822/5322 Email Parser
# By Cal Henderson <>
# This code is dual licensed:
# CC Attribution-ShareAlike 2.5 -
# GPLv3 -
# $Revision$
function is_valid_email_address($email, $options=array()){
$defaults = array(
'allow_comments' => true,
'public_internet' => true,
$opts = array();
foreach ($defaults as $k => $v) $opts[$k] = isset($options[$k]) ? $options[$k] : $v;
$options = $opts;
$no_ws_ctl = "[\\x01-\\x08\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x1f\\x7f]";
$alpha = "[\\x41-\\x5a\\x61-\\x7a]";
$digit = "[\\x30-\\x39]";
$cr = "\\x0d";
$lf = "\\x0a";
$crlf = "(?:$cr$lf)";
$obs_char = "[\\x00-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f]";
$obs_text = "(?:$lf*$cr*(?:$obs_char$lf*$cr*)*)";
$text = "(?:[\\x01-\\x09\\x0b\\x0c\\x0e-\\x7f]|$obs_text)";
$text = "(?:$lf*$cr*$obs_char$lf*$cr*)";
$obs_qp = "(?:\\x5c[\\x00-\\x7f])";
$quoted_pair = "(?:\\x5c$text|$obs_qp)";
$wsp = "[\\x20\\x09]";
$obs_fws = "(?:$wsp+(?:$crlf$wsp+)*)";
$fws = "(?:(?:(?:$wsp*$crlf)?$wsp+)|$obs_fws)";
$ctext = "(?:$no_ws_ctl|[\\x21-\\x27\\x2A-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7e])";
$ccontent = "(?:$ctext|$quoted_pair)";
$comment = "(?:\\x28(?:$fws?$ccontent)*$fws?\\x29)";
$cfws = "(?:(?:$fws?$comment)*(?:$fws?$comment|$fws))";
$outer_ccontent_dull = "(?:$fws?$ctext|$quoted_pair)";
$outer_ccontent_nest = "(?:$fws?$comment)";
$outer_comment = "(?:\\x28$outer_ccontent_dull*(?:$outer_ccontent_nest$outer_ccontent_dull*)+$fws?\\x29)";
$atext = "(?:$alpha|$digit|[\\x21\\x23-\\x27\\x2a\\x2b\\x2d\\x2f\\x3d\\x3f\\x5e\\x5f\\x60\\x7b-\\x7e])";
$atom = "(?:$cfws?(?:$atext)+$cfws?)";
$qtext = "(?:$no_ws_ctl|[\\x21\\x23-\\x5b\\x5d-\\x7e])";
$qcontent = "(?:$qtext|$quoted_pair)";
$quoted_string = "(?:$cfws?\\x22(?:$fws?$qcontent)*$fws?\\x22$cfws?)";
$quoted_string = "(?:$cfws?\\x22(?:$fws?$qcontent)+$fws?\\x22$cfws?)";
$word = "(?:$atom|$quoted_string)";
$obs_local_part = "(?:$word(?:\\x2e$word)*)";
$obs_domain = "(?:$atom(?:\\x2e$atom)*)";
$dot_atom_text = "(?:$atext+(?:\\x2e$atext+)*)";
$dot_atom = "(?:$cfws?$dot_atom_text$cfws?)";
$dtext = "(?:$no_ws_ctl|[\\x21-\\x5a\\x5e-\\x7e])";
$dcontent = "(?:$dtext|$quoted_pair)";
$domain_literal = "(?:$cfws?\\x5b(?:$fws?$dcontent)*$fws?\\x5d$cfws?)";
$local_part = "(($dot_atom)|($quoted_string)|($obs_local_part))";
$domain = "(($dot_atom)|($domain_literal)|($obs_domain))";
$addr_spec = "$local_part\\x40$domain";
if (strlen($email) > 254) return 0;
if ($options['allow_comments']){
$email = email_strip_comments($outer_comment, $email, "(x)");
if (!preg_match("!^$addr_spec$!", $email, $m)){
return 0;
$bits = array(
'local' => isset($m[1]) ? $m[1] : '',
'local-atom' => isset($m[2]) ? $m[2] : '',
'local-quoted' => isset($m[3]) ? $m[3] : '',
'local-obs' => isset($m[4]) ? $m[4] : '',
'domain' => isset($m[5]) ? $m[5] : '',
'domain-atom' => isset($m[6]) ? $m[6] : '',
'domain-literal' => isset($m[7]) ? $m[7] : '',
'domain-obs' => isset($m[8]) ? $m[8] : '',
if ($options['allow_comments']){
$bits['local'] = email_strip_comments($comment, $bits['local']);
$bits['domain'] = email_strip_comments($comment, $bits['domain']);
if (strlen($bits['local']) > 64) return 0;
if (strlen($bits['domain']) > 255) return 0;
if (strlen($bits['domain-literal'])){
$Snum = "(\d{1,3})";
$IPv4_address_literal = "$Snum\.$Snum\.$Snum\.$Snum";
$IPv6_hex = "(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})";
$IPv6_full = "IPv6\:$IPv6_hex(?:\:$IPv6_hex){7}";
$IPv6_comp_part = "(?:$IPv6_hex(?:\:$IPv6_hex){0,7})?";
$IPv6_comp = "IPv6\:($IPv6_comp_part\:\:$IPv6_comp_part)";
$IPv6v4_full = "IPv6\:$IPv6_hex(?:\:$IPv6_hex){5}\:$IPv4_address_literal";
$IPv6v4_comp_part = "$IPv6_hex(?:\:$IPv6_hex){0,5}";
$IPv6v4_comp = "IPv6\:((?:$IPv6v4_comp_part)?\:\:(?:$IPv6v4_comp_part\:)?)$IPv4_address_literal";
if (preg_match("!^\[$IPv4_address_literal\]$!", $bits['domain'], $m)){
if (intval($m[1]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[2]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[3]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[4]) > 255) return 0;
while (1){
if (preg_match("!^\[$IPv6_full\]$!", $bits['domain'])){
if (preg_match("!^\[$IPv6_comp\]$!", $bits['domain'], $m)){
list($a, $b) = explode('::', $m[1]);
$folded = (strlen($a) && strlen($b)) ? "$a:$b" : "$a$b";
$groups = explode(':', $folded);
if (count($groups) > 7) return 0;
if (preg_match("!^\[$IPv6v4_full\]$!", $bits['domain'], $m)){
if (intval($m[1]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[2]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[3]) > 255) return 0;
if (intval($m[4]) > 255) return 0;
if (preg_match("!^\[$IPv6v4_comp\]$!", $bits['domain'], $m)){
list($a, $b) = explode('::', $m[1]);
$b = substr($b, 0, -1); # remove the trailing colon before the IPv4 address
$folded = (strlen($a) && strlen($b)) ? "$a:$b" : "$a$b";
$groups = explode(':', $folded);
if (count($groups) > 5) return 0;
return 0;
$labels = explode('.', $bits['domain']);
if ($options['public_internet']){
if (count($labels) == 1) return 0;
foreach ($labels as $label){
if (strlen($label) > 63) return 0;
if (substr($label, 0, 1) == '-') return 0;
if (substr($label, -1) == '-') return 0;
if ($options['public_internet']){
if (preg_match('!^[0-9]+$!', array_pop($labels))) return 0;
return 1;
function email_strip_comments($comment, $email, $replace=''){
while (1){
$new = preg_replace("!$comment!", $replace, $email);
if (strlen($new) == strlen($email)){return $email;}
$email = $new;
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