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Created June 29, 2011 16:05
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Save Yonaba/1054179 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Simple Raycasting
-- A simple raycasting engine
-- Uses LuaPlayer as framework
map = {
width = 10,
height = 10,
--mapping decor : 1 = Wall, 0 = No Wall
--Player's Starting Position
posx = 2
posy = 3
--Initial Directior Vector, Plane Setting and Time Settings
dirx = 1
diry = 0
planex = 0
planey = 0.66
move = 1
rotation = math.pi/2
direction = 1
timer = 0
oldtime = 10
--screen Dimensions
screenx = 480
screeny = 272
colorRoof =, 70, 30)
colorSky =, 70, 200)
colorStripes =, 56, 90)
while true do
pad =
for x = 0,screenx do
camx = 2*x/screenx - 1
rayposx = posx
rayposy = posy
raydirx = dirx + planex*camx
raydiry = diry + planey*camx
mapx = rayposx
mapy = rayposy
sidedistx = 0
sidedisty = 0
deltadistx = math.sqrt(1+(raydiry*raydiry)/(raydirx*raydirx))
deltadisty = math.sqrt(1+(raydirx*raydirx)/(raydiry*raydiry))
perp = 0
stepx = 0
stepy = 0
hit = 0
side = 0
if raydirx < 0 then
stepx = -1
sidedistx = (rayposx - mapx)*deltadistx
else stepx = 1
sidedistx = (mapx + 1 - rayposx)*deltadistx end
if raydiry < 0 then
stepy = -1
sidedisty = (rayposy - mapy)*deltadisty
else stepy = 1
sidedisty = (mapy + 1 - rayposy)*deltadisty end
while hit == 0 do
if sidedistx < sidedisty then
sidedistx = sidedistx + deltadistx
mapx = mapx + stepx
side = 0
sidedisty = sidedisty + deltadisty
mapy = mapy + stepy
side = 1
if map[mapx][mapy] > 0 then hit = 1 end
if side == 0 then
perp = math.abs((mapx - rayposx + (1-stepx)/2)/raydirx)
else perp = math.abs((mapy - rayposy + (1-stepy)/2)/raydiry)
lineheight = math.abs(screeny/perp)
draw = -lineheight/2 + screeny/2
if draw < 0 then draw = 0 end
drawE = lineheight/2 + screeny/2
if drawE >= screenx then drawE = screenx - 1 end
a = 65
b = 58
c = 63
if side == 1 then
a = a-30
b = b-30
c = c-30
color =, b, c)
bandUp = screeny/2+drawE
bandDown = screeny/2+draw
screen:fillRect(x, draw, 1, drawE, color);
screen:fillRect(x, drawE, 1, 272, colorRoof);
screen:fillRect(x, 0, 1, draw, colorSky);
screen:fillRect(x, bandUp/2, 1, 1,colorStripes)
screen:fillRect(x, bandDown/2, 1, 1,colorStripes)
screen:fillRect(x, screeny/2, 1, 1,colorStripes)
if pad:up() then
timer = timer+1
if timer >= oldtime then
if map[posx + dirx * move][posy] == 0 then posx = posx + dirx * move end
if map[posx][posy + diry * move] == 0 then posy = posy + diry * move end
timer = 0
if pad:down() then
timer = timer+1
if timer >= oldtime then
if map[posx - dirx * move][posy] == 0 then posx = posx - dirx * move end
if map[posx][posy - diry * move] == 0 then posy = posy - diry * move end
timer = 0
if pad:right() then
timer = timer+1.5
if timer >= oldtime then
--both camera direction and camera plane must be rotated
oldDirX = dirx;
dirx = dirx * math.cos(-rotation) - diry * math.sin(-rotation);
diry = oldDirX * math.sin(-rotation) + diry * math.cos(-rotation);
oldPlaneX = planex;
planex = planex * math.cos(-rotation) - planey * math.sin(-rotation);
planey = oldPlaneX * math.sin(-rotation) + planey * math.cos(-rotation);
direction = direction + 1
timer = 0
if pad:left() then
timer = timer+1.5
if timer >= oldtime then
--both camera direction and camera plane must be rotated
oldDirX = dirx;
dirx = dirx * math.cos(rotation) - diry * math.sin(rotation);
diry = oldDirX * math.sin(rotation) + diry * math.cos(rotation);
oldPlaneX = planex;
planex = planex * math.cos(rotation) - planey * math.sin(rotation);
planey = oldPlaneX * math.sin(rotation) + planey * math.cos(rotation);
direction = direction - 1
timer = 0
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