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Last active September 12, 2023 06:09
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Tauri-demo: the IPC test
it('should set the greeting message inside the message element', async () => {
const greeter = document.createElement('yag-greeter');
const name = 'John Doe';
const greetForm = greeter.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#greet-form') as HTMLFormElement;
const greetInput = greeter.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#greet-input') as HTMLInputElement;
const greetMsgEl = greeter.shadowRoot?.querySelector('#greet-msg') as HTMLElement;
greetInput.value = name;
mockIPC((cmd, args) => {
if(cmd === "greet") {
return `Hello, ${}! You've been greeted from Rust!`;
greetForm.dispatchEvent(new Event("submit"));
await new Promise((resolve) => setTimeout(resolve, 0));
expect(greetMsgEl?.textContent).toBe(`Hello, ${name}! You've been greeted from Rust!`);
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