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Last active August 16, 2019 02:28
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Mac users with PySimpleGUI, use the following padding for correct scrollable window
As of August 15, 2019, using Python 3.7.4, PySimpleGUI == 4.1.0, macOS 10.14.6, macOS users will have trouble using scrolling or scrollable windows if you are using the Column layout method. The issue is a large portion of the bottom is unable to be in view, unless the user manually resizes the window by at least a few pixels.
EDIT: The formula works for any layering of elements in a scrollable window! So you can have a row with Text, a row with multiline, a row with buttons. It does not matter. The formula always works!
TL;DR Just add a final element in your layer with top padding like so:
layer += [sg.Text("Whatever you want. Maybe copyright", pad=(0, (22.5 * NUMBER_OF_ROWS - 13.0357, 0)))]
NUMBER_OF_ROWS, not number of elements.
The fix is to add a huge white space with the Text element (i.e. use padding). For example (please don't use this in production):
layer = []
for i, x in enumerate(range(25)):
layer += [
[sg.Text(text=("Row: " + str(i + 1))), sg.Multiline()]
layer += [[sg.Text(text="Copyright 2019 YoomamaFTW", pad=(0, (450, 0))]]
I've found that the compatibility issue with macOS and PySimpleGUI with Python3.7 regarding window sizes and the content being unable to be "snug fit" can be resolved using a simple linear functions.
Yes, the padding is a simple y=mx+b function.
Here is the function you'll need to calculate the padding: y = 22.5 * yourVariable - 13.0357 (you can leave out the decimal points).
Issue is based on:
The following is:
1) The function with the algorithm to identify how much padding is needed
2) The window used for testing
# 1
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def mainload():
number_of_repeats = 25 # Change this number to your liking
layout = []
for x in range(number_of_repeats):
layout += [
[sg.Text("New input", sg.Multiline()] # The below formula is dedicated to multiline only
top_padding = 22.5 * number_of_repeats - 13.0357
layout += [
[sg.Text("Whatever you want", pad=(0, (top_padding, 0))]
win_main = sg.Window("Your title", resizable=True) \
.Layout([[sg.Column(layout-layout, scrollable=True)]])
while True:
event, value = win_main.Read()
if __name__ == '__main__':
# 2
import PySimpleGUI as sg
def mainload():
abc = 'abc'
layout = [
[sg.Text(text="Alrighty, testing")],
for i, x in enumerate(range(49)):
layout += [
[sg.Text("New line: " + str(i + 1)), sg.Multiline()]
layout += [
[sg.Text("White space (can also be made into copyright space :P. Food for thought.)", pad=(0, (1070, 0)))]
win_main = sg.Window("Stay Hydrated | Register", resizable=True) \
.Layout([[sg.Column(layout=layout, scrollable=True)]])
while True:
event, value = win_main.Read()
if __name__ == '__main__':
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EDIT: The formula works for any layering of elements in a scrollable window! So you can have a row with Text, a row with multiline, a row with buttons. It does not matter. The formula always works!
TL;DR Just add a final element in your layer with top padding like so:

layer += [sg.Text("Whatever you want. Maybe copyright", pad=(0, (22.5 * NUMBER_OF_ROWS - 13.0357, 0)))]
NUMBER_OF_ROWS, not number of elements.

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