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Minimal async event loop implementation in Python, largely intended for educational purposes
import collections, select, socket, sys, time, types
_transient_callbacks = collections.deque()
_timed_callbacks = []
_blocked_callbacks = []
_now = time.time()
_poll = select.epoll()
class _Sleep:
__slots__ = ["delay"]
def __init__(self, delay):
self.delay = delay
class _Block:
__slots__ = ["fd", "forRead"]
def __init__(self, fd, forRead):
self.fd = fd
self.forRead = forRead
# some small helpers to wrangle epoll state around awaits
def _wait_readable(fd):
_set_poll(fd, True, False)
yield _Block(fd, True)
_set_poll(fd, False, False)
# also, to use bare yields, we must write a plain function and "bless" it with the coroutine decorator
# using a yield within an async function creates an async generator, which *cannot* be used to unwind the nested coroutine stack
# those can only be used with async for statements/expressions
def _wait_writable(fd):
_set_poll(fd, False, True)
yield _Block(fd, False)
_set_poll(fd, False, False)
def _set_poll(fd, read = False, write = False):
_poll.modify(fd, 0 if not (read or write) else select.EPOLLERR | select.EPOLLHUP | (select.EPOLLIN if read else 0) | (select.EPOLLOUT if write else 0))
def run_loop(stopWhenDone = False):
"Run the event loop indefinitely."
while True:
sleepTime, done = step_loop(True)
if stopWhenDone and done:
except KeyboardInterrupt:
def step_loop(blocking = False):
"Run a single iteration of the event loop, putting the program to sleep if blocking is true."
global _now
# iterates backward over the given list, zipped with indices
# we go backward to safely remove elements from the list while iterating (given lesser indices will remain fixed after a pop)
def reverse_iter(what):
return reversed(list(enumerate(what)))
_now = time.time()
## step 1: dispatch timer-based callbacks
for index, (readyTime, cb) in reverse_iter(_timed_callbacks):
if readyTime <= _now:
## step 2: dispatch transient (one-shot) callbacks
for _ in range(len(_transient_callbacks)): # current callbacks may queue subsequent callbacks
## step 3: poll which file descriptors are ready; sleeping if requested, and there are none
_now = time.time() # just in case transients took unusually long (e.g. computation-heavy tasks)
maxSleepTime = ( # the shortest duration the application should sleep for before any timers need to be dispatched
max(0, min(pair[0] for pair in _timed_callbacks) - _now)
if len(_timed_callbacks) > 0 else -1
shouldSleep = blocking and len(_transient_callbacks) == 0 # we should never sleep if there are transients that need to be re-run ASAP
readySet = {pair[0]:pair[1] for pair in _poll.poll(maxSleepTime if shouldSleep else 0)} # map of fd -> epoll flags
## step 4: wake any waiting tasks if their fds are ready
for index, (fd, reading, cb) in reverse_iter(_blocked_callbacks):
readyFlags = readySet.get(fd, None)
called = False
if readyFlags is None:
if (reading and readyFlags & select.EPOLLIN) or (not reading and readyFlags & select.EPOLLOUT):
called = True
elif readyFlags & select.EPOLLHUP:
# for exceptional conditions (hang up in this case, and other errors below) we pass an exception object to the
# resume function (hard coupling to the internals of spawn_task) to be raised in the coroutine as basic cancellation
called = True
elif readyFlags & select.EPOLLERR:
called = True
print(f"Warning: fd {fd} waking us for unknown reason (flags {readyFlags:05X})")
if called:
return (
max(0, (_now + maxSleepTime) - time.time()) # the amount of time calling code should sleep when blocking = False;
if maxSleepTime > 0 else maxSleepTime, # with 0 meaning no sleep at all, and < 0 meaning indeterminate sleep duration (i.e. waiting on fds)
not any(len(v) > 0 for v in [_transient_callbacks, _timed_callbacks, _blocked_callbacks]) # whether any tasks are still scheduled, i.e. if the application is done
def call_soon(fn, *args, **kwargs):
"Schedule the given function to run immediately on the next iteration of the event loop."
_transient_callbacks.append(lambda: fn(*args, **kwargs))
def call_later(delay, fn, *args, **kwargs):
"Schedule the given function to run after a delay."
_timed_callbacks.append((_now + delay, lambda: fn(*args, **kwargs)))
def spawn_task(coro):
"Schedules execution of the given coroutine within the event loop, conceptually spawning a new thread."
assert type(coro) is types.CoroutineType, f"spawn_task got unexpected argument {coro!r}"
def resume(exception = None):
"Helper function to execute & re-schedule the task"
res = None
if exception is not None:
coro.throw(exception) # raises exception in the coroutine, unwinding its stack, and ours with a RuntimeError
res = coro.send(None) # call back into the coroutine, getting whatever was yielded this time
except StopIteration:
return # coroutine exited normally
except (BrokenPipeError, ConnectionError, RuntimeError) as err:
print(f"Warning: task {id(coro)} terminated with {err!r}", file=sys.stderr)
if res is None: # special case for sleep, also handy generally to return to the event loop during expensive computation in a coro (preventing starvation)
elif type(res) is _Sleep: # re-schedule coro after the given delay
call_later(res.delay, resume)
elif type(res) is _Block: # task has registered an fd for polling, the event loop needs to know which fd goes to which task
_blocked_callbacks.append((res.fd, res.forRead, resume))
assert False, f"Don't know what to do with yielded value {res!r}"
def sleep(duration = 0):
"Resume the running task after a delay."
if duration <= 0:
yield _Sleep(duration)
def adopt_socket(sock):
"Register the given socket with the event loop."
_set_poll(sock.fileno(), False, False)
def disown_socket(sock):
"Remove the given socket from the event loop."
async def sock_accept(sock):
"Sleep the calling task until the given socket is ready to accept(), Returns the newly-created socket connected to the peer, adopted into the event loop."
while True: # in a loop in case the task is woken spuriously
client = sock.accept()[0]
return client
except BlockingIOError:
await _wait_readable(sock.fileno())
async def sock_recv(sock, numBytes, flags = 0):
"Attempt to read from the socket, sleeping the calling task if there is no data available. Returns received bytes."
while True:
return sock.recv(numBytes, flags)
except BlockingIOError:
if flags != 0:
await _wait_readable(sock.fileno())
async def sock_send(sock, bytesLike, flags = 0):
"Sends the entire contents of bytesLike, sleeping the calling task if necessary."
view = memoryview(bytesLike)
while True:
bytesWritten = sock.send(view, flags)
# send may not write all the bytes we give it in one call, so we track what hasn't been written
# and submit it in several calls to send (possibly sleeping while waiting for buffers to empty)
view = view[bytesWritten:]
if len(view) > 0: continue
else: return len(bytesLike)
except BlockingIOError:
if flags != 0:
await _wait_writable(sock.fileno())
# ---------------- Example app ----------------
async def acceptor():
sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_UNIX, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
while True:
spawn_task(client_task(await sock_accept(sock)))
async def client_task(sock):
for _ in range(25):
await sock_send(sock, time.ctime().encode())
await sleep(0.25)
await sock_send(sock, b"bye")
def main():
if __name__ == "__main__":
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