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Created January 26, 2022 05:49
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Simple static fileserver
name "serv"
dependency "vibe-core" version="*"
dependency "vibe-d:http" version="~>0.9.4"
versions "VibeDefaultMain"
import core.time: hours;
import std.algorithm: countUntil;
import std.exception: assumeUnique;
import std.functional: toDelegate;
import std.stdio: stderr, writefln;
import vibe.core.args: readOption;
import vibe.core.core: runTask, exitEventLoop;
import vibe.http.fileserver;
import vibe.http.server;
immutable ushort port;
immutable string[string] extraHeaders;
shared static this()
ushort _port = 8123;
readOption("p|port", &_port, "Port to listen on");
port = _port;
bool noDefaultHeaders = false;
readOption("n|no-default-headers", &noDefaultHeaders, "Don't add default headers (enabling cross-origin isolation)");
string[string] headers;
headers = [
"Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy": "require-corp",
"Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy": "same-origin",
string[] headersStrs;
readOption("x|header", &headersStrs, "Add a header to responses");
size_t malformed = -1;
foreach(index, header; headersStrs)
const split = header.countUntil("=");
if(split == -1)
malformed = index;
const name = header[0 .. split];
const value = header[split + 1 .. $];
if(name.length == 0 || value.length == 0)
malformed = index;
headers[name] = value;
if(malformed != -1)
stderr.writefln("Malformed header: `%s`\nExpected `name=value`", headersStrs[malformed]);
runTask({ exitEventLoop(); });
extraHeaders = headers.assumeUnique;
shared static this()
auto sfOpts = new HTTPFileServerSettings;
sfOpts.options = HTTPFileServerOption.serveIndexHTML | HTTPFileServerOption.failIfNotFound;
sfOpts.maxAge = 1.hours;
sfOpts.preWriteCallback = toDelegate(&addHeaders);
auto sfServer = serveStaticFiles(".", sfOpts);
auto httpOpts = new HTTPServerSettings;
httpOpts.bindAddresses = [""];
httpOpts.port = port;
httpOpts.accessLogToConsole = true;
listenHTTP(httpOpts, sfServer);
void addHeaders(scope HTTPServerRequest req, scope HTTPServerResponse res, ref string path) @safe
foreach(header; extraHeaders.byKeyValue)
res.headers[header.key] = header.value;
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